neglect patient

A patient with left-sided paralysis caused by damage to the right brain, where sensory signals for touch, joint position, proprioception, visceral sense, and pain are processed; because the damage is unilateral, there is no input from the left brain, and the patient may believe that he can move the left side of body; when accompanied by left-sided brain damage, neglect does not occur
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

neglect patient

Neurology A Pt with left-sided paralysis caused by damage to the right brain, where sensory signals for touch, joint position, proprioception, visceral sense, and pain are processed; because the damage is unilateral, there is no input from the left brain, and the Pt may believe that he can move the left side of body; when accompanied by left-sided brain damage, neglect does not occur
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Therapeutic use of rTMS in neglect patient is based on an influential proposal about the mechanism contributing to neglect, "hemispheric rivary or competition theory."29,30 Left hemisphere structures tend to shift attention and spatial behaviour rightwards, but analogous activation of right hemisphere structures tend to oppose or counterbalance this.
Specifically, excitability-increasing protocols (e.g., high-frequency TMS, anodal tDCS) to the right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) of neglect patients is associated with improved perception in the left visual field [18-20].
And Jones should have got a damn sight more than eight months because until nurses who wilfully neglect patients are made an example of, the frail and the elderly will continue to be in mortal danger.
The second aim was to consider the mechanisms leading to oropharyngeal dysphagia in neglect patients, and the third aim was to determine the electrophysiological parameters of oropharyngeal swallowing affected by neglect in stroke patients.
ERPs thus provide a useful tool in determining the information processing stage and the cognitive components disturbed or preserved in neglect patients. So far neglect and extinction have been studied with visual stimulation [3-9] with results showing that the information flow in neglect patients is interrupted after primary processing.
Groups differed with respect to hemisphere of stroke, U = 853.5, Z = -3.27, P =.001, with more right-sided brain damage for neglect patients, Barthel Index, U = 798.0, Z = -2.55, P =.011, with lower scores for the neglect patients, indicating more dependence in activities in daily living.
NHS staff who seriously neglect patients could face up to five years in jail.
Hospitals are sterile, isolating biomedical facilities that may provide quality patient care but often neglect patients' emotional and spiritual needs.
He set out a series of measures, including criminal sanctions for staff who wilfully neglect patients and adopt a "couldn't care less attitude".
Alisha, who has a miscarriage two months later, added: "I want the NHS to take notice and not neglect patients because they are supposed to be about saving lives.
Summary: A report is recommending tough action against hospitals that neglect patients, after it found evidence patients were left "starving."
TOUGH action is needed against hospitals that neglect patients, the Patients Association has said.