pay back

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pay 1

v. paid (pād), pay·ing, pays
1. To give money to in return for goods or services rendered: pay the cashier.
2. To give (money) in exchange for goods or services: paid four dollars for a hamburger; paid an hourly wage.
3. To discharge or settle (a debt or obligation): paying taxes; paid the bill.
4. To bear (a cost or penalty, for example) in recompense: She paid the price for her unpopular opinions.
5. To yield as a return: a savings plan that paid six percent interest.
6. To afford an advantage to; profit: It paid us to be generous.
7. To give or bestow: paying compliments; paying attention.
8. To make (a visit or call).
9. Past tense and past participle paid or payed (pād) To let out (a line or cable) by slackening.
1. To give money in exchange for goods or services.
2. To discharge a debt or obligation.
3. To bear a cost or penalty in recompense: You'll pay for this mischief!
4. To be profitable or worthwhile: It doesn't pay to get angry.
1. Of, relating to, giving, or receiving payments.
2. Requiring payment to use or operate: a pay toilet.
3. Yielding valuable metal in mining: a pay streak.
1. The act of paying or state of being paid.
2. Money given in return for work done; salary; wages.
a. Recompense or reward: Your thanks are pay enough.
b. Retribution or punishment.
4. Paid employment: the workers in our pay.
5. A person considered with regard to his or her credit or reliability in discharging debts.
Phrasal Verbs:
pay back
1. To pay or return (what is owed as a debt).
2. To repay (a person who is owed a debt).
3. To give recompense to; reward: How can we ever pay you back for what you've done for us?
4. To reciprocate; return: pay back a kindness.
5. To retaliate against or get revenge upon.
pay down
To reduce (a debt) through payment.
pay off
1. To pay the full amount on (a debt).
2. To result in profit or advantage; succeed: Your efforts will eventually pay off.
3. To pay the wages due to (an employee) upon discharge.
4. To pay (a plaintiff) to settle a lawsuit out of court.
5. To bribe.
6. Nautical To turn or cause to turn (a vessel) to leeward.
pay out
1. To give (money) out; spend.
2. To let out (a line or rope) by slackening.
pay up
To give over the full monetary amount demanded.
pay (one's) dues
To earn a given right or position through hard work, long-term experience, or suffering: She paid her dues in small-town theaters before being cast in a Broadway play.
pay (one's) way
To contribute one's own share; pay for oneself.
pay the piper
To bear the consequences of something.
pay through the nose Informal
To pay excessively.

[Middle English paien, from Old French paiier, from Late Latin pācāre, to appease, from Latin, to pacify, subdue, from pāx, pāc-, peace; see pag- in Indo-European roots.]

pay 2

tr.v. payed or paid (pād), pay·ing, pays
To coat or cover (seams of a ship, for example) with waterproof material such as tar or asphalt.

[Obsolete French peier, from Old French, from Latin picāre, from pix, pic-, pitch.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

pay back

vb (tr, adverb)
1. to retaliate against: to pay someone back for an insult.
2. to give or do (something equivalent) in return for a favour, insult, etc
3. (Banking & Finance) to repay (a loan)
4. (Banking & Finance)
a. the return on an investment
b. Also called: payback period the time taken for a project to cover its outlay
a. something done in order to gain revenge
b. (as modifier): payback killings.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: back - act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions
act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" back - take vengeance on or get even; "We'll get them!"; "That'll fix him good!"; "This time I got him"
get back, get even - take revenge or even out a score; "I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even"
pay - make a compensation for; "a favor that cannot be paid back"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. To give payment to in return for goods or services rendered:
3. To distribute (money) as payment.Also used with out:
Informal: fork out (or over) (or up), shell out.
4. To set right by giving what is due.Off or up:
5. To make as income or profit:
6. To give a satisfactory return to:
phrasal verb
pay back
To exact revenge for or from:
Informal: fix.
Archaic: wreak.
Idioms: even the score, get back at, get even with, pay back in kind, settle accounts, take an eye for an eye.
phrasal verb
pay off
1. To exact revenge for or from:
Informal: fix.
Archaic: wreak.
Idioms: even the score, get back at, get even with, pay back in kind, settle accounts, take an eye for an eye.
2. Informal. To give, offer, or promise a bribe to:
bribe, buy (off).
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يُسَدِّدُيُعاقِب، يَرُدُّ عَلىيُعيد المال، يُسَدِّد
betale tilbagegive igengøre gengæld
maksaa takaisin
vratiti novac
borga til bakaborga til baka, hegna fyrir
betala tillbaka
hoàn trả

w>pay back

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moneyzurückzahlen; when do you want me to pay you back?wann willst du das Geld wiederhaben?; pay me back when you likezahls or gibs mir zurück, wenn du willst
compliment, visiterwidern; insult, tricksich revanchieren für; to pay somebody backes jdm heimzahlen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(pei) past tense, past participle paid verb
1. to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc. He paid $5 for the book.
2. to return (money that is owed). It's time you paid your debts.
3. to suffer punishment (for). You'll pay for that remark!
4. to be useful or profitable (to). Crime doesn't pay.
5. to give (attention, homage, respect etc). Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.
money given or received for work etc; wages. How much pay do you get?
ˈpayable adjective
which may be or must be paid. The account is payable at the end of the month.
payˈee noun
a person to whom money is (to be) paid.
ˈpayment noun
1. money etc paid. The TV can be paid for in ten weekly payments.
2. the act of paying. He gave me a book in payment for my kindness.
ˈpay-packet noun
an envelope containing a person's wages. The manager handed out the pay-packets.
ˈpay-roll noun
1. a list of all the workers in a factory etc. We have 450 people on the pay-roll.
2. the total amount of money to be paid to all the workers. The thieves stole the pay-roll.
pay back
1. to give back (to someone something that one has borrowed). I'll pay you back as soon as I can.
2. to punish. I'll pay you back for that!
pay off
1. to pay in full and discharge (workers) because they are no longer needed. Hundreds of steel-workers have been paid off.
2. to have good results. His hard work paid off.
pay up
to give (money) to someone, eg in order to pay a debt. You have three days to pay up (= You must pay up within three days).
put paid to
to prevent a person from doing (something he planned or wanted to do). The rain put paid to our visit to the zoo.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

pay back

يُسَدِّدُ splatit betale tilbage zurückzahlen ξεπληρώνω reintegrar maksaa takaisin rembourser vratiti novac ripagare 払い戻す 변제하다 terugbetalen betale tilbake spłacić pagar de volta, restituir возвращать деньги betala tillbaka จ่ายคืน geri ödemek hoàn trả 偿还
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Ambrosch be rich, too, after while, and he pay back. He is very smart boy.
Your aunts have done everything in the world for you,--more than I've ever been able to do,--and it is your turn to pay back some o' their kindness and show your gratitude.
After his losses, he had determined to pay back his debt to his parents in five years.
Athelny to pay back part of what he owed her, but she would not take more than half a sovereign.
How will she be able to pay back the money she borrows, or make a living for herself and that big helpless creature if she sells the farm?"
My intentions are perfectly honest; on my conscience he will lose nothing, and I will pay back the money with interest.
That is, besides having to pay back the full sum they had borrowed they had also to pay some extra money in return for the loan.
Crawley might be offended and pay back the money, for which she could get no such good interest anywhere else." Lord Steyne, laughing, promised he never would divulge their conversation, and when he and Miss Briggs parted he laughed still more.
If he catches one of my gals in the same fix, he's welcome to pay back. Somehow I never could see no kind o' critter a strivin' and pantin', and trying to clar theirselves, with the dogs arter 'em and go agin 'em.
Summary: Indore (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Sept 1 (ANI): A businessman in Madhya Pradesh was forcefully evicted from his residence after he failed to pay back bank loan of Rs 50 lakh.
Not only does compounding interest rates make it difficult for borrowers to pay back their loans on time, but several online lending services will also expect you to pay back the amount and interest within a very short time frame after borrowing.
That is to pay back the debt worth LE 642 billion owed by the Treasury Authority to the National Social Insurance Authority.