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Related to Myliobatidae: family Myliobatidae, eagle ray
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Myliobatidae - eagle rays
fish family - any of various families of fish
Batoidei, order Batoidei, order Rajiformes, Rajiformes - fish with dorsoventrally flattened bodies; includes: rays; skates; guitarfishes; sawfishes
eagle ray - powerful free-swimming tropical ray noted for `soaring' by flapping winglike fins; usually harmless but has venomous tissue near base of the tail as in stingrays
Aetobatus, genus Aetobatus - a genus of Myliobatidae
genus Rhinoptera, Rhinoptera - a genus of Myliobatidae
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Cownose ray Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill, 1815) (Myliobatidae) is an oceanic species found occasionally in sandy bottoms near the coast, feeding a variety number of bivalve mollusks and other benthic prey (Figueiredo, 1977; Froese and Pauly, 2016).
The profiles of 220 stingrays are arranged according to Dasytididae, Gymnuridae, Myliobatidae, Rhoinopteridae, Urolophidae, Hexatrygonidae, Plesiobatidae, and freshwater species.
Family and species TC GD Currais Den Bio Myliobatidae Aetobatus narinari CAR CT (tuphrasen, 1790) Muraenidae Gymnothorax funebris CAR WA 0.60 0.96 (Ranzani, 1839) Gymnothorax moringa CAR WA+CA 0.30 4.20 (Cuvier, 1829) Gymnothorax vicinus CAR TA 0.60 0.74 (Castelnau, 1855) Ophichthidae Myrichthys breviceps MIP WA 0.60 0.74 (Richardson.
Cownose Ray is one of the 42 species in the Myliobatidae family under the Elasmobranchii order and the cartilaginous fish including sharks and skates.
Asi, los Torpediniformes y los Rajiformes tienden a tener el encefalo relativamente pequeno, con el telencefalo reducido, la medula oblonga grande y el cerebelo sin foliacion, mientras que los Myliobatidae tienen el encefalo grande, con el telencefalo voluminoso, el cerebelo notablemente foliado y la medula oblonga reducida.
latifurcatus Wilson, 1921 (Trebiidae Wilson, 1905) parasitic on the Bat Ray, Myliobatis californica Gill, 1865 (Myliobatidae Bonaparte, 1835); on the Curlfin Sole, Pleuronichthys decurrens Jordan & Gilbert, 1881 (Pleuronectidae Rafinesque, 1815); and on the isopod Elthusa vulgaris (Stimpson, 1857) (as Lironeca vulgaris Stimpson, 1857) (Cymothoidae Leach, 1818) parasitic on the Sand Sole, Psettichthys melanostictus Girard, 1854 (Pleuronectidae) (Love and Moser, 1983).
Differences in DW at sexual maturity for species occurring in diverse regions have also been reported for other species of Myliobatidae, and several factors may determine such disparities, such as real variations in populations, sample size, sampling bias, as well as errors in the assignation of maturity stages and the use of different estimation methods (Tagliafico et al., 2012).
Buoyancy and similarity of the swimming of Manta birostris (Elasmobranchii: Myliobatidae) with the flying cycle of Columba livia (Aves: Columbidae)