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Myles (or Miles). ?1584--1656, English military leader of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, New England
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The film is a road trip through the majestic, rough-hewn landscape separating Texas towns, Marfa and Alpine, with acclaimed poet Myles as a guide.
I just love watching Eve Myles strutting her stuff.
Miner dad Thomas Myles admitted: "I wouldn't have it spoken in our house.
In the magazine Golwg, Mr Onllywn wrote: "There's no doubt that Eve Myles has lovely legs - which look even better in a pair of high-heels."
Friends of Myles, who is a manager at McDonald's in the Merseyway shopping centre in Stockport, have rallied round to give what they can, but the family are still short of the funds they need to fly him home.
Myles, 40, starred as Emily in the programme - which recounts the real-life story of a woman who has an abortion at five months.
Assistant State's Attorney Nick Catizone said Myles pulled his 1999 Buick onto Route 83 from Mockingbird Lane at 11:42 p.m.
"Myles is someone we've been looking at for a few weeks now and he's the type of character that we want to bring in to the club.
Myles, 21, held a knife to a man's throat as he stole his car in Yew Tree Road, Aston, in February 2014.
Myles was jailed in August 2014 for aknifepoint robberyin Yew Tree Road, Aston, on February 21 that year when he held a knife against the driver's throat.
Myles Oakley was born on May 7 2015 at Russells Hall Hospital with irreversible brain damage, after his brain was starved with oxygen during his birth.