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Related to Mylicon: Gripe water, simethicone

simethicone (simeticone (UK))

Dentinox Colic Drops (UK), Equalizer Gas Relief, GasAid, Gas-X, Gas-X Extra Strength, Genasyme, Infacol (CA) (UK), Infantaire Gas, Maximum Strength Mylanta Gas, Mylanta Gas, Mylicon, Mylicon Infant Drops, Ovol (CA), Phazyme, Wind-Eze (UK)

Pharmacologic class: Methylated linear siloxane mixture

Therapeutic class: Antiflatulent, antifoam agent

Pregnancy risk category NR


Causes gas bubbles to coalesce and allows gas to pass through GI tract via belching or passing of flatus. Silicone antifoam spreads on surface of aqueous liquids, forming a film of low surface tension that causes foam bubbles to collapse.


Capsules: 95 mg, 125 mg

Capsules (liquid-filled): 125 mg, 166 mg

Drops: 40 mg/0.6 ml, 40 mg/1 ml, 95 mg/1.425 ml

Suspension: 40 mg/0.6 ml, 50 mg/5 ml

Tablets: 60 mg, 62.5 mg, 80 mg, 95 mg

Tablets (chewable): 40 mg, 80 mg, 125 mg, 150 mg, 166 mg

Indications and dosages

Excess gas in GI tract after surgery or from air swallowing, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, or diverticulitis

Adults and children older than age 12: 40 to 125 mg P.O. q.i.d. after meals and at bedtime, up to 500 mg/day

Children ages 2 to 12: 40 mg P.O. q.i.d., up to 240 mg/day

Children younger than age 2: 20 mg P.O. q.i.d.


• Hypersensitivity to drug

• Intestinal perforation or obstruction


Use cautiously in:

• abdominal pain of unknown cause (especially when accompanied by fever).


• Give as needed after meals and at bedtime.

Adverse reactions

None significant


None significant

Patient monitoring

• Monitor GI status to assess drug efficacy.

Patient teaching

• Tell patient to take after meals and at bedtime as needed.

• Caution patient not to take dose higher than indicated on package unless prescriber approves.

McGraw-Hill Nurse's Drug Handbook, 7th Ed. Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


A trademark for a preparation of the drug simethicone.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
With the help of the manufacturer, she identified the emulsifier in Mylicon and ordered some.
In the U.S., besides Mylanta and Mylicon, Infirst markets Dr.
Other products from Infirst Healthcare USA include Infants' Mylicon, a remedy for infant gas, and Dr.
Since the crying baby swallows a great deal of air, Mylicon drops have been used by some physicians to help the infant burp up some of the extra stomach gas.
Other products from Infirst Healthcare USA are Infants' Mylicon, a remedy for infant gas, and Dr.
and will continue to market products under the Pepcid, Mylanta and Mylicon brands.
for the exclusive rights to market Mylanta and Mylicon in the United States.
Still, the segment continues to be dominated by such category mainstays as Johnson & Johnson Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals' Mylanta and Mylicon and Novartis' Maalox, products with long histories of helping consumers who suffer from stomach ailments.
year ago Total mass market ([dagger]) 21,593 -9.4% Drug stores 9,641 -8.9% Supermarkets 9,865 -7.6% Best-sellers in drug stores * Dollar Brand Manufacturer market share Mylanta J&J Merck 25.3% Maalox Max Novartis 16.9% Mylicon J&J Merck 16.4% Gaviscon GIaxoSmithKline 6.2% Maalox Novartis 5.6% Mylanta Supreme J&J Merck 5.4% Gerber Bristol-Myers Squibb 2.2% Little Tummys Vetco 2.0% Beano GlaxoSmithKline 1.2% Riopan Plus Wyeth 1.1% Dollar sales Unit sales Brand (add 000) (add 000) Mylanta $15,302 2,613 Maalox Max 10,267 1,595 Mylicon 9,963 928 Gaviscon 3,757 430 Maalox 3,405 671 Mylanta Supreme 3,255 554 Gerber 1,318 116 Little Tummys 1,218 142 Beano 752 85 Riopan Plus 650 101 * Private label brands account for 14.8% of dollar sales and 21.2% of unit sales.
Instead of profiting from fresh products, the category was forced to rely on such longtime staples as J&J Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals' Mylanta and Mylicon, Novartis Consumer Health Inc.'s Maalox and GlaxoSmithKline's Gaviscon.
1999 Dollar sales 2000 1999 1999 Trade class (add 000) share share share Chain drug stores $64,820 35% N/A N/A Discount stores 44,448 24% N/A N/A Food/drug combination stores 42,596 23% N/A N/A Supermarkets 24,076 13% N/A N/A Independent drug stores 9,260 5% N/A N/A Best-sellers by dollar Sales [*] Market Dollar sales Unit sales Brand Manufacturer Share (add 000) add (000) Mylanta J&J-Merck 24.6% $45,592 9,106 Maalox Novartis 21.8% 40,309 7,748 Mylicon J&J-Merck 12.1% 22,441 2,432 Mylanta Supreme J&J-Merck 11.5% 21,337 4,679 Gaviscon SmithKline Beecham 5.8% 10,752 1,383 Beano Black Drug 1.9% 3,556 536 Riopan Plus Whitehall-Robins 1.4% 2,569 413 Tagamet HB 200 SmithKline Beecham 1.2% 2,193 249 Lactaid McNeil 1.0% 1,766 243 (*.)Private label products account for 14.
J&J/Merck acquired Mylanta antacid and Mylicon antigas products from Imperial Chemical Industries in January 1990.