mynah bird

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.mynah bird - tropical Asian starlingsmynah bird - tropical Asian starlings    
starling - gregarious birds native to the Old World
Acridotheres tristis, crested myna - dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia
grackle, Gracula religiosa, hill myna, Indian grackle - glossy black Asiatic starling often taught to mimic speech
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Rosko was often joined during his programme by a mynah bird called Alfie, but said his feathered sidekick had to be gagged after he went away on holiday and left Alfie with fellow DJ Tony Prince.
Summary: Singapore [Singapore], Jan 13 (ANI): A mynah bird was found aboard a Singapore Airlines (SIA) flight while on its way to London recently.
She was best remembered for her pet Mynah bird, Dinah the Mynah, and famously barred Norris Cole and Rita Sullivan from the boozer on her first day.
She was best remembered for her Mynah bird, Dinah the Mynah, and famously barred Norris Cole and Rita Sullivan from the boozer on her first day.
Heartless thieves made life a misery for scores of patients at Dykebar Hospital in Paisley - because they stole a talking mynah bird called Bobby.
It is not uncommon for new species of creatures to be discovered in the UAE, over the years there have been red back spiders spotted in residential areas of Dubai, the Mynah bird - now a common bird throughout the country is originally from Asia, and Indian house crows have been spotted in Abu Dhabi.
McDonald not only showed them one in the flesh, she capped that by getting a mynah bird to talk on cue.
ani mina--tropical cuckoo, mynah bird auk skua--polar opposite birds (N.
music clubs, go-go girls at the Mynah Bird, Gordon Lightfoot at the Riverboat, Carly Simon and Buffy Sainte-Marie at the Purple Onion.
In the even more distant past was his brief career as an aspiring taxidermist during which he learned by stuffing a road kill mynah bird into an apoplectic pose that there is more to taxidermy than he ever had imagined.
One woman told us that when she was young her first boyfriend and his mynah bird moved into her bedsit.