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(Geological Science) relating to or resembling mylonite
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Mylonitic rocks formed as a result of heterogeneous shear strain in the ductile shear zone, and their fabric directly related to the strain rate, finite strain ellipsoid shape and orientation (Watts and Williams, 1983; Zhang et al., 2010; Mulchrone and Talbot, 2014; Fossen and Cavalcante, 2017).
The boundary between these two terranes is marked by a several-meters-wide NE-trending mylonitic zone referred to hereafter as Betare-Oya Shear Zone (BOSZ).
Deformation structures in the mylonitic rocks from the staurolite zone is very interesting as it reveals that these rocks have undergone two major phases of ductile deformation showing opposite sense of shear.
This study suggests that the lake's origins are natural, generated by strong tectonic activity that is characteristic of the Cuicateco lands and the mylonitic complex of Guelatao de Juarez, defined by lateral and frontal faults from the Eocene-Miocene era (Perez-Gutierrez et al., 2009).
The sole rocks consist of mylonitic peridotite and sub-ophiolitic metamorphic rock series grading from (garnet-bearing) amphibolite facies to greenschist facies.
However, the weak ductile deformed coal (Figure 1(c)) has a wrinkled or mylonitic structure, the maceral of coal not easily discriminated by the naked eye; the coal was soft and could be easily pinched into fragments.
The [D.sub.2] deformation is associated with overthrusting of the old units (e.g., the Chah Pazhan ultramafic-mafic rocks) onto the Qatruyeh metacarbonate unit and the development of a mylonitic foliation in the various rocks units.