
Extension of Extension:Scribunto's HTML library for building Fandom's PortableInfoboxes.


This module is meant to be used in other modules for constructing wikitext related to infoboxes. A series of chaining functions will mimic the XML-like format of infoboxes:

local Infobox = require('Module:InfoboxBuilder')

local sampleInfobox = Infobox()
			:tag('b'):wikitext('Item Name'):done()
	:tag('image'):attr('source', 'Image')
    	:header('General Information')
			:row('type', 'Type', 'Resource')
			:row('rarity', 'Rarity', 'Rare')

The above prints:
<infobox><title><default><b>Item Name</b></default></title><image source="Image"><default>Panel.png</default></image><group collapse="open"><header>General Information</header><data source="type"><label>Type</label><default>Resource</default></data><data source="rarity"><label>Rarity</label><default>Rare</default></data></group></infobox>

		<default><b>Item Name</b></default>
	<image source="Image">
	<group collapse="open">
		<header>General Information</header>
		<data source="type">
		<data source="rarity">


Package items


Infobox builder class that extends HTMLBuilder (alias mw. html). Takes in one to multiple string arguments, each representing the page where i18n messages are stored.

InfoboxBuilder:group(collapse) (function)
Builds an infobox group.
Parameter: collapse Value of collapse attribute; default is "open" (string; optional)
Returns: InfoboxBuilder object reference (InfoboxBuilder)
InfoboxBuilder:header(header, i18nMsgKey) (function)
Builds an infobox header row.
  • header Wikitext of header label (string)
  • i18nMsgKey I18n key of label message (string; optional)
Returns: InfoboxBuilder object reference (InfoboxBuilder)
InfoboxBuilder:row(source, label, default, i18nMsgKey, category) (function)
Builds an normal infobox row.
  • source Source attribute for infobox row (string)
  • label Infobox row label (string; optional)
  • default Infobox row wikitext content (string)
  • i18nMsgKey I18n key of label message (string; optional)
  • category Wikitext of category link(s) (e.g. "[[Category:Weapons]]") (string; optional)
Returns: InfoboxBuilder object reference (InfoboxBuilder)
InfoboxBuilder:srow(source, label, id, default, i18nMsgKey, category) (function)
Builds an infobox span row with a span element wrapping around content, containing a unique id attribute for targeting.
  • source Source attribute for infobox row (string)
  • label Infobox row label (string)
  • id Id attribute (string)
  • default Infobox row wikitext content (string)
  • i18nMsgKey I18n key of label message (string; optional)
  • category Wikitext of category link (e.g. "[[Category:Weapons]]") (string; optional)
Returns: InfoboxBuilder object reference (InfoboxBuilder)
InfoboxBuilder:caption(source, default, i18nMsgKey) (function)
Builds an infobox caption row with centered content and no label.
  • source Source attribute for infobox row (string)
  • default Infobox row wikitext content (string; optional)
  • i18nMsgKey I18n key of content message (string; optional)
Returns: InfoboxBuilder object reference (InfoboxBuilder)

Created with Docbunto

See Also


---	Extension of Extension:Scribunto's HTML library for building Fandom's PortableInfoboxes.
--	* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#HTML_library
--	* https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Scribunto/blob/master/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.html.lua
--	* https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Infoboxes
--	@classmod		InfoboxBuilder
--	@author			[[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
--	@image		
--	@require	[[Module:Table]]
--	@require	[[Module:String]]
--	@require	[[Module:I18n]]
--	@release	stable
--	<nowiki>

-- TODO: Since some arguments are optional, for extendability we should redefine all
-- function definitions to use named arguments (or at the very least have all the optional
-- arguments be stored in an optional 'options' table)

---	Infobox builder class that extends HTMLBuilder (alias mw.html).
--	Takes in one to multiple string arguments, each representing the page
--	where i18n messages are stored.
--	@type		InfoboxBuilder
--	@usage		require('Module:InfoboxBuilder')('MediaWiki:Custom-General/i18n.json')
local InfoboxBuilder = {}

local Table = require([[Module:Table]])
local newLinesToBreaks = require([[Module:String]]).newLinesToBreaks
-- Will be set to a I18n datastore instance instead once InfoboxBuilder is constructed
local I18n = require([[Module:I18n]])

-- TODO: Allow adding additional functions to imported InfoboxBuilder module. This doesn't work right now:
-- local InfoboxBuilder = require('Module:InfoboxBuilder')
-- InfoboxBuilder.newFunc = function(self, param1) return self end
-- local Infobox = InfoboxBuilder('MediaWiki:Custom-General/i18n.json')
-- Infobox:newFunc() -- Infobox.newFunc is nil

-- Original metatable
local htmlmt = getmetatable(mw.html.create())
local htmlindex = htmlmt.__index

-- Mimicking Object-oriented programming by extending HTMLBuilder 'class'
setmetatable(InfoboxBuilder, {
	-- Constructor for a new InfoboxBuilder object.
	__call = function(self, ...)
		assert(select('#', ...) > 0, 'InfoboxBuilder(...): Must have at least one string argument representing the page name for i18n messages')
		I18n = I18n.loadMessages(...):useUserLang()
		return mw.html.create('infobox')
	__index = htmlindex,	-- Inheriting mw.html functions while also adding new functions below
	__tostring = htmlmt.__tostring

---	Builds an infobox group.
--	@function		InfoboxBuilder:group
--	@param[opt]		{string} collapse Value of collapse attribute; default is "open"
--	@return			{InfoboxBuilder} InfoboxBuilder object reference
htmlindex.group = function(self, collapse)
	return self:tag('group'):attr('collapse', collapse or 'open')

---	Builds an infobox header row.
--	@function		InfoboxBuilder:header
--	@param			{string} header Wikitext of header label
--	@param[opt]		{string} i18nMsgKey I18n key of label message
--	@return			{InfoboxBuilder} InfoboxBuilder object reference
htmlindex.header = function(self, header, i18nMsgKey)
	-- Assume that if i18nMsgKey is not nil, then label must have a "%s" for replacement of i18n message
	header = i18nMsgKey and header:format(I18n:msg( { key = i18nMsgKey } )) or header
	return self:tag('header'):wikitext(header):done()

---	Builds an normal infobox row.
--	@function		InfoboxBuilder:row
--	@param			{string} source Source attribute for infobox row
--	@param[opt]		{string} label Infobox row label
--	@param			{string} default Infobox row wikitext content
--	@param[opt]		{string} i18nMsgKey I18n key of label message
--	@param[opt]		{string} category Wikitext of category link(s) (e.g. `"[[Category:Weapons]]"`)
--	@return			{InfoboxBuilder} InfoboxBuilder object reference
htmlindex.row = function(self, source, label, default, i18nMsgKey, category)
	if (label == nil) then
		return self:tag('data'):attr('source', source)
			:tag('default'):wikitext(default and default..(category or '')):done()
	-- Assume that if i18nMsgKey is not nil, then label must have a "%s" for replacement of i18n message
	label = i18nMsgKey and label:format(I18n:msg( { key = i18nMsgKey } )) or label
	return self:tag('data'):attr('source', source)
		:tag('default'):wikitext(default and default..(category or '')):done()

---	Builds an infobox span row with a span element wrapping around content, containing
--	a unique id attribute for targeting.
--	@function		InfoboxBuilder:srow
--	@param			{string} source Source attribute for infobox row
--	@param			{string} label Infobox row label
--	@param			{string} id Id attribute
--	@param			{string} default Infobox row wikitext content
--	@param[opt]		{string} i18nMsgKey I18n key of label message
--	@param[opt]		{string} category Wikitext of category link (e.g. `"[[Category:Weapons]]"`)
--	@return			{InfoboxBuilder} InfoboxBuilder object reference
htmlindex.srow = function(self, source, label, id, default, append, i18nMsgKey)
	-- Assume that if i18nMsgKey is not nil, then label must have a "%s" for replacement of i18n message
	label = i18nMsgKey and label:format(I18n:msg( { key = i18nMsgKey } )) or label
	return self:tag('data'):attr('source', source)
		-- TODO: Remove format tag with duplicate span id once we figure out why [[MediaWiki:EnemyInfoboxSlider.js]] does not work 
		-- when it is removed when building enemy infoboxes in [[Module:Enemies/infobox]]
			:wikitext((default and default ~= 0) and ('<span id="%s">%s</span>%s'):format(id, default, append or '') or nil)
			:wikitext((default and default ~= 0) and ('<span id="%s">%s</span>%s'):format(id, default, append or '') or nil)

---	Builds an infobox caption row with centered content and no label.
--	@function		InfoboxBuilder:caption
--	@param			{string} source Source attribute for infobox row
--	@param[opt]		{string} default Infobox row wikitext content
--	@param[opt]		{string} i18nMsgKey I18n key of content message
--	@return			{InfoboxBuilder} InfoboxBuilder object reference
htmlindex.caption = function(self, source, default, i18nMsgKey)
	if (default == nil or default == '') then return self end
	-- Assume that if i18nMsgKey is not nil, then label must have a "%s" for replacement of i18n message
	default = i18nMsgKey and default:format(I18n:msg( { key = i18nMsgKey } )) or default
	return self:tag('data'):attr('source', source)
		:tag('default'):wikitext(default and '<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;">'..newLinesToBreaks(default)..'</div>' or nil):done()

return InfoboxBuilder