Valheim Wiki

The silver sword is the third sword.

  • Primary attack is a 3-hit combo with double damage on the last hit. No damage penalty against multiple targets.
  • Secondary attack deals 3x damage with a slightly longer reach.

Upgrade information[]

Quality 1 2 3 4
Slash 75 81 87 93
Spirit 30 35 40 45
Durability 200 250 300 350
Crafting 2 Wood
40 Silver
3 Leather scraps
5 Iron
1 Wood
20 Silver
1 Leather scraps
3 Iron
2 Wood
40 Silver
2 Leather scraps
6 Iron
3 Wood
60 Silver
3 Leather scraps
9 Iron
Forge level 3 4 5 6


  • The spirit damage on the weapon only affects undead enemies. This makes higher physical damage dealing swords such as the Blackmetal sword better for general use.
  • Spirit damage is not instant damage, but a ticking (and stacking) debuff like poison or fire.
  • Silver sword has currently highest spirit damage of any weapon in the game.