Valheim Wiki

Fists is a weapon class.


When a player attacks without a weapon, tool equipped, or use a dedicated Fist weapon such as the Flesh rippers, they do a Fist strike. The primary attack is a punch, and the secondary attack is a kick that does additional knockback with 6x staggering. The punch has a 2-hit combo where the second punch (left hand) does double damage.

Fists can be useful against the weakest of enemies; especially when you want to avoid the cost of weapon durability. It also costs less stamina than most weapons.

List of Fists[]

Name Icon Damage Knockback Stamina
Bare fists Fists (Skill) blunt: 5 5 4
Flesh Rippers Flesh Rippers slash: 60/72 20 10


  • Fists was previously named Unarmed prior to the Frost Caves update.