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A speech sound produced by partial or complete obstruction to the flow of air at any point in the vocal apparatus.
[L. consono, to sound together]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A speech sound produced by partial or complete obstruction to the flow of air at any point in the vocal apparatus.
[L. consono, to sound together]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The word kdimon 'promo' is linked to the root [square root]kdm which in turn is related to many words: kodem 'before, early', hikdim 'preceded', hitkadem 'advanced', hitkadmut 'progress', kidem 'promoted, welcomed', kidum 'promotion', hakdama 'introduction', etc., all of which were formed by combining consonantal roots with existing templates.
These features are either well-known areal features (definite article), examples of retention (causative h- and consonantal inventory), or loss (verbal stems).
In this case, the relative stability of consonantal information, as well as most suprasegmental information, could have made up for the deficiencies in vowel cues.
De acordo com a literatura as caracteristicas apresentadas por S1 expressam um atraso na aquisicao fonologica verificado pela presenca de processos supridos na aquisicao fonologica tipica entre quatro e cinco anos de idade, ou seja, quadro final de aquisicao da liquida /r/, omissao de /s/ e /r/ em coda, reducao de encontro consonantal e anteriorizacao de fricativas palatais.
After these suffixes attach to singular forms, a number of phonological alternations affecting the vowels, syllabic structure or consonantal quality of the singular forms occur.
W Like J, the letter W is a relatively recent addition to the English alphabet, originating as a consonantal variant of the double U; U in turn was originally a variant form of the letter V.
Among specific topics are consonantal variation in the English of a Spanish-substrate community, evidence from a Portuguese dialect corpus on the areal dimension of non-standard syntax, a variety of Acadian French spoken in Canada's northeastern New Brunswick, interpreting Ngwi variation in China's Red River valley, and three regional variants in Briancon as a case study on whether the scope of regionalisms affect their retention.
The plosive contexts also enabled us to investigate vowel articulation as a function of the preceding consonantal context (/p/ and /b/ for labial context, /t/ and /d/ for alveolar context, and /k/ and /g/ for velar context), which represents a measure of coarticulation.
Campbell Weak declension Nouns of Dental relationship stems Hogg Consonantal stems (r-stems) (p-stems) fin-stems: on-stems, Fn- stems all the equivalents of Campbell's minor declensions) Campbell Stems in Indo-European nd-stems Athematic nouns -es-, -os- Hogg s-stems nd-stems Root-stems Table 4.
The analysis begins with the words which have no consonantal cluster at word medial position.