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a unit of relative power intensity used for acoustic or electric power; a change of one bel is a tenfold power increase and approximately doubles loudness of most sounds. See also decibel.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Unit expressing the relative intensity of a sound. The intensity in bels is the logarithm (to the base 10) of the ratio of the power of the sound to that of a reference sound. Ordinarily, the reference sound is assumed to be one with a power of 10-16 watts per sq cm, approximately the threshold of a normal human ear at 1000 Hz.
[A.G. Bell, Scottish-U.S. scientist, 1847-1922]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A unit expressing the logarithm of the ratio of power of a sound (P1) to that of a reference sound (P2)—i.e., log10P1/P2; in practice, the unit decibel is used.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Unit expressing the relative intensity of a sound. The intensity in bels is the logarithm (to the base 10) of the ratio of the power of the sound to that of a reference sound. Ordinarily, the reference sound is assumed to be one with a power of 10-16 watts per sq cm, approximately the threshold of a normal human ear at 1000 Hz.
[A.G. Bell, Scottish-U.S. scientist, 1847-1922]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
BEl." While he was with Lisa, Bel claims he started messaging her.
Toppers will also offer Bel Mondo's new eye treatment mask - Fresh Eyes - produced with the same pure bio cellulose fabric as the niche brand's full facial masks.
Bel received financial advice from Needham & Company LLC and and legal counseling from DeCotiis, FitzPatrick & Cole LLP.
SUBS: H Lloris (Fra), P Mertesacker (Ger), G Medel (Chile), K Mirallas (Bel).
We see strong growth prospects in most countries of the region that will help generate demand for wide range of BEL's products," Ramchandani told Khaleej Times in an interview.
Bel Esprit is the leading online showroom for international designers of ecological and ethical fashion, promoting collections that use natural, organic and recycled materials, and production of materials and products following the principles of fair trade.
To(R, Inform(R, P, Bel (R, [logical not] Bel(R, p, [t.sub.p]), t), t, [t.sub.inform]), t, [t.sub.inform], [C.sub.p])--part 1; Bel(R, [there exist]t' < [t.sub.p] Int.Th(P, Int.To(R, p, t', [t.sub.p], [C'.sub.p]), t, t', [C.sub.p]), t) [conjunction] Bel(R, [for all]t" < t [logical not] Int.To(R, p, t", [t.sub.p], [C'.sub.p]), t) [conjunction] Bel(R, AsymInfo(P, R, p, poor, rich, [C.sub.p]), t) [right arrow] Int.To(R, Inform(R, P, [epsilon], Bel(R, [for all]t" < tp [logical not] Int.To (R, p, t", [t.sub.p], [C'.sub.p]), t) t, [t.sub.inform]) t, [t.sub.inform], C')--part 2.
Interestingly, BEL's letter requesting Shinde to " intervene in the matter and direct the ministry to consider the request'' was written on September 17, 2007 -- just three days before his letter to the PM.
Christina Ricci says she had to learn all about Victorian society and manners for her latest role starring alongside Robert Pattinson in Bel Ami.
Betlhem Bel Ayneh won the UAE's first athletics medal with bronze in the women's 1500 metres on the first day of the track and field events at the Arab Games on Thursday.
Table 1 Inhibitory effects of 5-FU, DOX and DMC on the viability of Bel-7402 and Bel-7402/5-FU cells (n=3) Cell line I[C.sub.50] (a) 5-FU ([micro]g/ml) DOX DMC ([micro]g/ml) ([micro]M) Bel-7402 1.84 [+ or -] 0.014 0.81 [+ or -] 34.74 [+ or 0.032 -] 0.26 Bel -7402/5-FU 213.47 [+ or -] 1.22 4.09 [+ or -] 40.64 [+ or 0.13 -] 2.95 RI (b) 115.76 5.05 1.17 (a) I[C.sub.50] values of 5-FU, DOX and DMC were determined using nonlinear regression analysis, and were the mean [+ or -]SD of three independent experiments.