
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an urban-type settlement in Srednechirchikskii raion of Tashkent Oblast, Uzbek SSR, on the Tashkent-Kokand highway, 6 km from Tashkent. Population, 6,500 (1968). Local industry includes the manufacture of irrigation instruments, reinforced-concrete enterprises, and an experimental cotton factory.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
European lightheavyweight champion Ward overcame the bullish Bektemir Melikuziev of Uzbekistan in their last-four clash, with the Moate man claiming a 3-2 splitdecision victory.
On Monday night, Uzbekistan's Bektemir Melikuziev played Rocky as he hammered Vikas Krishan with a unanimous 3- 0 verdict in the men's 75 kg quarter- finals.
He is rated as third favourite to take top spot in Rio at 7-1 behind Cuba's Arlen Lopez (3-1) and Bektemir Melikuziev of Uzbekistan (6-1).
There was no stopping Cuban top seed Arlen Lopez in his 75kg middle weight title bout against Bektemir Melikuziev of Uzbekistan.
The event was attended by Assembly's Chairman Bektemir Murzubraimov, Chief of the President's Administration Daniyar Narymbayev and representatives of the Assembly itself.
Ward fights Olympic middleweight silver medallist Bektemir Melikuziev of Uzbekistan this evening in the 81kg division in Hamburg.
Vikas, next faces strong Bektemir Melikuziev from Uzbekistan.
There were no such shocks in the two 75kg middleweight semi-finals, where the two pre-match favourites, top-seeded Cuban Arlen Lopez and powerful Uzbek Bektemir made it to the title round with unanimous 3-0 wins over Egypt's Hosam Abdin and Ireland's Michael O'Reilly, respectively.
Bobirmirzo Tolipov (60 kg), Bektemir Melikuziyev (75 kg), Obidjon Tokhirov (81 kg) and Rakhmatilla Gofurov (91 kg) have become bronze medalists.
The 23-year-old will face a major test in his last-four clash on Friday as he will meet world and Olympic middleweight silver medallist Bektemir Melikuziev of Uzbekistan.