
(redirected from Bektasi)
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



Bektashija, an order of dervishes and the members of this order; according to legend, they were formed in Asia Minor by the dervish Haji Bektash, who is assumed to have come from Middle Asia. The beliefs of the Bektashi are a mixture of various elements of Muslim (mainly Shiite) and Christian sectarianism. They lived in dervish settlements (takiyah or zawiyah). They owned considerable land. The role of the Bektashi became particularly large in the Ottoman Empire, where they became the protectors of the janissaries. In 1826, after the elimination of the janissary corps, the order of the Bektashi was officially closed, but in fact it existed in Turkey until the liquidation of the dervish orders in 1925, after which the center of the Bektashi moved to Albania.


Gordlevskii, V. A. Izbr. soch., vol. 3. Moscow, 1962. Pages 33–37.
Birge, J. The Bektaschi Order of Dervishes. London, 1937.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Popular legend assigns Yunus Emre to the Bektasi order of dervishes, which was established in the thirteenth century (a few years before his birth), under the leadership of Haci Bekta?
(2) Department of Nursing, Nevsehir Haci Bektasi Veli University School of Health, Nevsehir, Turkey
The liberal Bektasi sect (or more specifically, sufi taruq), an urban edition of Alevism, had also appealed to much of the local Christian population on account of its syncretism.
Atribuirles a los mandstas leninistas turcos un origen bektasi (12) y a esta orden a su vez una procedencia hurufi parece responder al mismo patron que Borges utuiza en el cuento que acabamos de mencionar.
For example, the Alevite traditions and the Bektasi culture have been tolerated since they have been seen as forces preserving Turkish language and culture from demise and stressing equal status of women in the society (7) and exclusion of religion from the state rule.
For example, the Alevi Bektasi Federation (the ABF) is against the very existence of the Diyanet, various religious courses, and salaries for the Alevi dedes, (20) whereas the CEM (Cumhuriyetci Egitim ve Kultur Merkezi Vakft, or the Republican Education and Culture Center) and the Ehl-i Beyt Foundation want a special directorate for Alevis, similar to the Diyanet, or representation of Alevis within the Diyanet.
Katilimcilarin sadece % 56,9'u kendilerine Alevi derken geri kalan kisim kendilerini AleviBektasi, Kizilbas, Caferi, Bektasi ve Sii diye tanimlamistir (Massicard, 2007: 120).
The history of the Bektasi order can also be integrated into this historical path.
Bektasi Menakibnamelerinde islam Oncesi inanc Motifleri, istanbul.
(2.) Ahmet Yasar Ocak, Alevi ve Bektasi tnanclarinin Islam Oncesi Temelleri (Istanbul: Iletisim, 2000).
Summary: IZMIR/ISTANBUL(Cihan/TZ)- In a demonstration organized by the Alevi Bektasi Federation (ABF), the Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association and the Alevi Cultural Association in western Turkish city of Izmir on Sunday, thousands of Alevis came together to repeat their demands for the same rights as the Sunni majority.