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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



Bektashija, an order of dervishes and the members of this order; according to legend, they were formed in Asia Minor by the dervish Haji Bektash, who is assumed to have come from Middle Asia. The beliefs of the Bektashi are a mixture of various elements of Muslim (mainly Shiite) and Christian sectarianism. They lived in dervish settlements (takiyah or zawiyah). They owned considerable land. The role of the Bektashi became particularly large in the Ottoman Empire, where they became the protectors of the janissaries. In 1826, after the elimination of the janissary corps, the order of the Bektashi was officially closed, but in fact it existed in Turkey until the liquidation of the dervish orders in 1925, after which the center of the Bektashi moved to Albania.


Gordlevskii, V. A. Izbr. soch., vol. 3. Moscow, 1962. Pages 33–37.
Birge, J. The Bektaschi Order of Dervishes. London, 1937.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Albania is the world center of the Bektashi school (a particularly liberal form of Shi'a Sufism), which moved from Turkey to Albania in 1925 after the revolution of Ataturk.
There is also a note in it that the book is transferred as a waqf (values intended for charity or for religious purposes - ed.) Momin Ded from the Bektashi Order.
In March 2018 when the Bektashi Community of Albania organized a congress for Imam Ali and celebrated the Festival of Nowrooz with its Bektashi community and the Iranian diplomats in Tirana, MEK asked the Albanian authorities to interrupt this religious event and arrest two Iranian journalists -- by falsely claiming that they were terrorists.
The Qalandari dervishes subsequently emerged as the Bektashi order.
They brought this with them to Turkey, where the Naqshbandi became increasingly influential in the nineteenth-century Ottoman bureaucracy, following the suppression of the Bektashi order.
The donation was witnessed by many world leaders, royalty, religious & spiritual leaders, and top businessesmen & CEOs at the G.O.D Awards, including: H.H Hajji Dedebaba Edmond Brahimaj, world leader, Bektashi Community, Albania; H.M.
I went up on the mountain overlooking the town, to visit an interesting mosque, the Bektashi Teqe, which is built inside a cave.
The Janissaries were generally connected to the latter through the Bektashi sufi order, while other branches of the armed forces tended to be closer to Mevlevi and later Naqshbandi tariqas.
Clarke interviewed many Alevi dedes, Bektashi babas, musicians and members of the Alevi community.
Later the Bektashi Sufi order associated with janissaries since the fifteenth century was also officially closed down ( Zurcher , 2004 p 39-40).