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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



Bektashija, an order of dervishes and the members of this order; according to legend, they were formed in Asia Minor by the dervish Haji Bektash, who is assumed to have come from Middle Asia. The beliefs of the Bektashi are a mixture of various elements of Muslim (mainly Shiite) and Christian sectarianism. They lived in dervish settlements (takiyah or zawiyah). They owned considerable land. The role of the Bektashi became particularly large in the Ottoman Empire, where they became the protectors of the janissaries. In 1826, after the elimination of the janissary corps, the order of the Bektashi was officially closed, but in fact it existed in Turkey until the liquidation of the dervish orders in 1925, after which the center of the Bektashi moved to Albania.


Gordlevskii, V. A. Izbr. soch., vol. 3. Moscow, 1962. Pages 33–37.
Birge, J. The Bektaschi Order of Dervishes. London, 1937.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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There is also a note in it that the book is transferred as a waqf (values intended for charity or for religious purposes - ed.) Momin Ded from the Bektashi Order.
The manuscript demonstrates that Nasimi was respected by representatives of the Bektashi order, his poems were read with love in this environment.
As part of the most recent Alevi initiative, the name of NevE-ehir University was changed to Hacy BektaE- Veli -- a beloved figure for Alevis who established the Bektashi order of dervishes, which is central to the Alevi faith and practices -- and Tunceli University will be given the name of Pir Sultan Abdal, a legendary Turkish Alevi folk poet who lived in the 16th century.
(1937) The Bektashi Order of Dervishes (Hartford: Hartford Deminary Press).
The origin of the Bektashi order of dervishes belongs to the many Sufi movements of Islam that developed in the Middle East from the eleventh and twelfth centuries onwards.
The considerable number of doctrines and practices supposed to lay at the heterogeneous origins of Bektashism has lead to heated disputes between specialists over the prevalence of one or another influence and finally to claim that the Bektashi Order did not have a well defined theology, that it could accommodate much local influence, and that its fundamental character is an all-encompassing syncretism.
Once again according to the legend, in the early sixteenth century, Sultan Bayezid II (1481-1512) invited Balim Sultan, the Bektashi leader at the time, to be his guest, and the Sultan himself with high officials of the court joined the Bektashi order. (41)
(27) Belief in the transmigration of souls is firmly rooted among the Alevis and the Sufis from the Bektashi order. The former, for example, maintain that after they die individuals will take on a human form if they have done good during their lives; if the opposite is true, they will be reincarnated as animals.
Birge, The Bektashi Order of Dervishes, Luzac's Oriental Religions Series, vol.
That unusual combination of meditation and dynamism persisted into the early 20th century, when Albania unexpectedly became the world headquarters of the Bektashi order.
Sultan yshak, the leading figure of the Kakai tradition, was the predecessor of Hacy Bektash Veli, founder of the Bektashi order. However, the Iraqi and Iranian Bektashi tradition began to decline after the establishment of the republican regime in Turkey in 1923 because of the country's deteriorating relations with the Middle East.
In line with the newly passed legislation the name of NevE-ehir University has been changed to Hacy BektaE- Veli -- a beloved figure for Alevis who established the Bektashi order of dervishes, central to Alevi faith and practices -- and the name of Siirt's Aydynlar district has now become the Kurdish word "Tillo."