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Don't wed Aussie Tinder love.. he's just a lying cheat; Exes' warning to long-distance Brit lover.


A LOVESTRUCK British Tinder user mistakenly matched to a man 11,000 miles away has been warned off marrying him.

As Jess Maverick prepares to move to Australia to wed 29-year-old DJ Steve Collins, two women have accused him of three-timing them all.

And one, Bel Marsden, 30, says she had his baby in April Bel said: "Steve has put me through hell in the past few months. No doubt he has spun Jess a story too. It makes me feel sick to think she is planning to move her entire life for him."

And the other woman, dental nurse Lisa Davis, added: "Everything Steve said to me was a lie. He is a cheat. I don't want any more girls to get hurt."

Insurance investigator Jess, 29, of Cardiff, was hooked up with Collins in January through a glitch in the Tinder app. She wanted a match within 100 miles, but it paired her with him even though the Swansea he lives in is in New South Wales.

Despite being at opposite ends of the world, the two hit it off via Skype and WhatsApp and their romance hit the headlines. They met in Dubai for a date in March. Now smitten Jess is moving to Australia in October and the couple plan to tie the knot at the end of the year.

But Bel and Lisa, 28, discovered they were both dating Collins on Facebook and have teamed up to tell Jess all about her dream man.

Bel, a photographer who gave birth to son Hunter in April, said: "Steve has a really good way of making you feel like you are the most amazing person in the world. But it's the same old c**p."

MEAN From Wyoming, New South Wales, Bel met Collins through a friend in June 2014. They spent two years together before she fell pregnant last August.

Bel said: "We were totally in love. We were talking about getting married and buying a house. Then I fell pregnant and it all changed. He'd start disappearing. He was mean and cold. He never came to scans. I was hurt, but I still loved him."

The relationship went downhill and Bel threw Collins out of her house last October after he missed her 11-week check-up.

Around the same time, the expectant dad met Lisa, of Forster, New South Wales, on Tinder and they started dating.

Lisa said: "He would say things that made me feel special. I believed he loved me. He told me he wanted to marry me several times. He didn't tell me about Bel or the pregnancy at all."

BEl." While he was with Lisa, Bel claims he started messaging her. She says he took her on dates in January. Bel, then heavily pregnant, said: "We were cuddly, I still loved him. We had a long talk. I hoped we could make something happen. I had no idea he was seeing Lisa."

The rekindled relationship was torn apart when Bel's sister spotted snaps of Collins and Lisa on Facebook. Bel says he lied at first and said the mystery blonde was a "psycho stalker".

At the end of January, he broke things off with Lisa and went back to couple's counselling with Bel, even spending Valentine's Day with her.

But in March, worried Bel messaged Lisa on Facebook. She said: "We spoke for hours on the phone. I found Steve had started seeing her near the end of our relationship. He was on Tinder while he was with me.

"He and Lisa had a very intimate relationship while he made me feel I was the love of his life. I was totally disgusted."

What neither of them knew was Steve was also wooing Jess. In a newspaper interview about the romance last month, Jess gushed: "I was attracted to his dark brown eyes. It was only once I saw we'd matched I looked at his profile and saw he lived 10,655 miles away."

Jess said she and Collins - who told her he had been single six months - started chatting on WhatsApp and talked on Skype for up to six hours at a time. She said: "Our chemistry was amazing. We both admitted we loved each other." In March, Jess forked out PS500 for a week of passion in Dubai, even getting matching mandala tattoos.

seeing Lisa time as Bel TEARS But when Collins got home, Bel says he continued to text her, asking her to meet up. She ignored him - then read about him and Jess. Bel said: "I was in tears. Hearing about him going from woman to woman was awful. I want Jess to know what kind of person he is."

Lisa added: "Steve lied to me the whole three months we dated. He led me on." The two women arranged to meet at one of his DJ gigs. Bel said: "We hugged each other then walked to his booth. He ignored us. But for the first time I felt he had no control over me. Having Lisa by my side I felt free of him."

Lisa added: "I was hurting, but Bel and I have supported each other. We've become really close friends."

On Friday Jess said: "He can do what he likes while I'm here. I'm not really too bothered to be honest. I have known some of the stuff you have told me. I'm not completely blind to this."

Asked whether it will change things with Collins, she said: "We'll see."

Collins said last night: "Bel and I were together about three years and we separated three times. During our separation, I was seeing Lisa and Bel was seeing a New Zealand man. Bel and I started talking again so I decided to end it with Lisa, but the problems between Bel and I were insurmountable and we separated. Jess and I are happily committed and looking forward to our future together."

[email protected]


She had DJ Collins' baby two months ago BEL

He was seeing Lisa at same time as Bel LISA

Smitten Jess flew to Dubai to meet Tinder date Collins BRIT LOVE
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Publication:Sunday Mirror (London, England)
Geographic Code:8AUST
Date:Jun 11, 2017
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