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subtitled: “The History of a Scoundrel.” [Fr. Lit.: Bel-Ami]
See: Irony
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Which French short story writer and novelist wrote Une Vie and Bel-Ami? A Yves Navarre B Guy de Maupassant C Frederick Tristan D Jean Vautrin 14.
This approach aims to reintegrate literary works into their discursive context and this objective proves highly effective with regard to such texts as Maupassant's Bel-Ami and Zola's L'Argent, novels which explore the connections between high finance, the press, and politics.
This article examines episodes from three novels by Guy de Maupassant, Notre Coeur (1890), Bel-Ami (1885), and Pierre et Jean (1888), and analyses how mantelpieces and ornaments become a privileged topos for the fictional investigation of epistemology and the phenomenon of disavowal.
An excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's novel Bel-Ami (1885) was applied to the wall opposite the drawings: "There'll be millions, billions of individuals born who will all have, within the space of a few centimeters, a nose, eyes, a forehead, cheeks, and a mouth as I have ...
Using Maupassant's Bel-Ami as a reference for cabotinage, Roberts considers how Parisian boulevard culture facilitated the exploration of gender identity.
Where to stay: She stayed at the four star Hotel Bel-Ami, situated in aconverted 18th century print works on Rue St Benoit, in the heart of St Germain des-Pres.
Some of the works chosen belong properly to the premier league of French turn-of-the-century novels (Bel-Ami, A Rebours), others (Zola's Pot-Bouille, Le Docteur Pascal and Paris) to the first division whilst others still (L[acute{e}]on Hennique's Un accident de Monsieur H[acute{e}]bert, Paul Bourget's Un divorce and Armand Charpentier's Une honn[hat{e}]te femme) are resurrected from the lower reaches of the Dr Martens league.
Even more, he proceeds to illustrate how Pidmohyl'nyj closely followed Maupassant's novel Bel-Ami in plot, narrative technique, and philosophical undertones in his own novel, Misto (The City).
In Maupassant's Bel-Ami he then detects a novel which attempts to present situations and events without resorting to traditional story-telling requirements by undermining artificial closure, avoiding repetition, eschewing explanation, maintaining an impassive stance and criticizing the conventional orderings and developments of narrative' (40).
In Bel-Ami, marriage is too conservative an institution to contain the independent Madeleine.