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Related to coexistence: Peaceful coexistence

coexist with (someone or something)

To occupy the same space as someone or something, often peacefully. Can you please stop fighting and just coexist with your sister for a few hours? It took some time, but our cat and dog are now able to coexist with each other. A: "How much longer are we going to have to coexist with these obnoxious neighbors?" B: "Their house is on the market, so hopefully not too much longer."
See also: coexist
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

coexist with someone or something

to exist agreeably or tolerably with or at the same time as someone or something. I decided that I would have to coexist with your policies, despite my objections. It is hard for cats to coexist with dogs.
See also: coexist
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
According to WAM, the Center's participation in the summit aimed to highlight the vision and mission of Shaikh Zayed who wanted the mosque to be one of the most prominent bridges of cultural rapprochement and a leading forum advocating tolerance and coexistence between cultures and religions worldwide.
During the meeting, they discussed ways of joint cooperation in promoting and spreading the values of dialogue, tolerance and coexistence among nations and peoples, as well as discussing projects and programs of mutual interest between the two sides.
The decision of constructing an Abrahamic House in Abu Dhabi will send a strong message to the world about the UAE's tolerant culture, coexistence and religious freedom for all faiths who reside in the UAE."
The post reads: "From the UAE, the land founded in the spirit of tolerance, love and coexistence, we congratulate Christians across the world and wish them peace and happiness in celebrating Christmas."
disseminating moderate values and calling for peace and coexistence
"After years of tribulations, we have succeeded in overcoming [divisions] and embracing coexistence," he added.
A coexistence manager, which utilizes the information from the coexistence server to enhance the coexistence of the wireless networks
Although it has been reported that there was no significant difference with HBeAg positivity rate and HBV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) concentration between the two groups (anti-HBs negative or positive) in the article, both of them have been reported to be significantly higher in patients with coexistence of HBsAg and anti-HBs in another recent study.
In a speech, delivered on his behalf by Father Issa Musleh, the Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem stressed that the custodianship of His Majesty the King of the holy sites is a continuation of the trusteeship, coexistence and protection of the Treaty of Umar, and a renewal of the pledge of Jerusalem and Palestine's notables, scholars and Rabbis to Al-Sharif Hussein Bin Ali.
Al Nahla, the minister for Agriculture and Forests and the acting governor for the state, reviewed during an expanded meeting at the headquarters of the government with the commissioners of Kutum and al Waha, how a tribal reconciliation recommendations would be implemented and how to see to the peaceful coexistence among the tribal groups and citizens of the two areas and Dar Bairi area.
Sweida, SANA -- The spiritual leadership of the Druze in Syria said that it's impermissible to transgress upon or commit offenses against national standards, which are the homeland, its leader, its unity, the state and its establishments, the Syrian Arab Army, coexistence, and civil peace.
The Ecology of Coexistence and Conflict in Cyprus: Exploring the Religion, Nature, and Culture of a Mediterranean Island
On Saturday night, Jerusalem's Hand-in-Hand school–a bilingual Jewish-Arab institution designed to foster coexistence among Israel's youth–was torched by vandals in a racist attack.
The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network and the National Farmers Union have released a technical paper in response to industry's coexistence plan for genetically modified alfalfa.