code red

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code red

1. The highest possible state of alert to address or prepare for some imminent danger, threat, trouble, or difficulty. The Pentagon issued a nationwide code red following warnings of a foreign invasion. We had no injuries or fatalities because all of the teachers took the proper precautions when they were alerted to a code red—an active shooter on campus. A: "Elisa texted you 'code red.' What's that mean?" B: "It means get back to your desk because the CEO is on his way down!"
2. An alert announced over a hospital's public address system indicating that a fire is occurring in the facility. Attention, attention! This is a code red alert. Please be sure to follow all fire safety procedures while exiting the hospital. A: "Is that the fire alarm?" B: "Must be. They're also announcing a code red." And what exactly am I supposed to do in the event of a code red when I have a patient open on the table?
3. military slang Punishment delivered by one's peers, typically during hazing. Popularized by the 1992 film A Few Good Men. A: "I bet the soldier died at the hands of his fellow men, the result of a code red gone horribly wrong." B: "I'm with you—I think the military is keeping a tight lid on this case for a reason." This guy's the weak link in our unit. I bet a code red would get him up to speed—what do you guys think? A: "We only called a code red on him because he was totally out of line." B: "Well, I hope it was worth it, because all I'm hearing about are serious injuries and a military inquest!"
See also: code, red
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