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Related to code: Morse code, zip code

blue code of silence

An unspoken policy of concealment by police regarding the wrongdoing or illicit activity of other officers. Primarily heard in US. I respect the need for the police, but it's hard to trust them completely when so many stories of the blue code of silence come to light. The proliferation of smartphones, and their ability to record video, has made the blue code of silence much harder to maintain. Of course the police chief is trying to keep all of this out of the media—he abides by the blue code of silence.
See also: blue, code, of, silence

break a/the code

To determine or decipher a secret code. It is imperative that we break the enemy code and access their plans. She definitely broke the code on my phone—her picture is suddenly my new background! Can't someone from IT break the code and get us into the security system?
See also: break, code

bring (something) up to code

To alter or improve something so that it meets building codes or regulations. Primarily heard in US. The inspector said we need to bring the house up to code by installing railings on the staircases. Are you guys up for a challenge? Because there's a lot of stuff in this old house that you're going to have to bring up to code. And you're also going to have to bring these windows up to code. Are you taking notes?
See also: bring, code, to, up

clean code

Computer programming code that is written concisely, efficiently, and in an organized manner, so as to be easily read and understood by another. We encourage all our programmers to write clean code so that anyone else in the company can easily use and add to their work if necessary. We need to hire someone who can actually write clean code. Do you understand any of the code Ian wrote? Because it was clean code, I was able to update it for our new system without any issues.
See also: clean, code

code brown

slang Accidental defecation somewhere other than a toilet. Can you call the janitor? There's been a code brown in this hospital room. We're potty training, so code browns are just the norm these days. Can't wait till this phase is over! Oh dear, I think someone had a code brown in her crib last night. We've got some wash to do!
See also: brown, code

code decay

The tendency for computer software to become gradually worse in performance or responsiveness over time, eventually leading to it becoming completely faulty, unresponsive, or unusable. This is either due to software failing to remain up to date and compatible with the operating system in which it operates, or because the software's code has been updated or altered in ways that have introduced more bugs and errors over time. (It doesn't refer to actual physical decay.) If you want to develop programs that people continue to use for years to come, you've got to factor in ways to avoid code decay with each new update. Otherwise, the users will eventually move on to something that works better. A lot of people just let programs sit on their hard drives for years at a time without being updated or upgraded at all, and then are totally flabbergasted when code decay renders them totally unusable down the line. A: "Any chance you can get my mom's computer running again?" B: "Geez, when was the last time she updated this thing? Looks like there's been some serious code decay."
See also: code, decay

code of honor

The implicit or systematic regulations and rules governing the honorable conduct of members within a particular group. The samurai of Japan are legendary for their incorruptible code of honor that guided their every action and decision. Movies like to portray thieves and gangsters as having some kind of unspoken code of honor, but anyone who's dealt with such people in the real world knows that's a load of nonsense. Senator, this scandal definitely violates the code of honor that you supposedly adhere to in Washington.
See also: code, honor, of

code of practice

A document that outlines proper behavior for those who work in a certain profession. Primarily heard in UK. His despicable behavior completely violates our code of practice! You can't accept monetary gifts from your clients—that violates our code of practice as clinicians. Yes, our teachers adhere to a code of practice, and most also go above and beyond to aid and support our students.
See also: code, of, practice

code of silence

The practice of not disclosing important or vital information by members of a group, as due to the threat of violence, reprisal, being branded as a traitor, or an inherent sense of honor. There are parts of the city where the code of silence is so strong that police don't even bother questioning the residents there. Non-disclosure agreements are the tools of abusive, powerful men who need to ensure a code of silence among their victims. Dysfunctional family systems are usually maintained by a code of silence where no one talks outside the family about what happens within the family.
See also: code, of, silence

code red

1. The highest possible state of alert to address or prepare for some imminent danger, threat, trouble, or difficulty. The Pentagon issued a nationwide code red following warnings of a foreign invasion. We had no injuries or fatalities because all of the teachers took the proper precautions when they were alerted to a code red—an active shooter on campus. A: "Elisa texted you 'code red.' What's that mean?" B: "It means get back to your desk because the CEO is on his way down!"
2. An alert announced over a hospital's public address system indicating that a fire is occurring in the facility. Attention, attention! This is a code red alert. Please be sure to follow all fire safety procedures while exiting the hospital. A: "Is that the fire alarm?" B: "Must be. They're also announcing a code red." And what exactly am I supposed to do in the event of a code red when I have a patient open on the table?
3. military slang Punishment delivered by one's peers, typically during hazing. Popularized by the 1992 film A Few Good Men. A: "I bet the soldier died at the hands of his fellow men, the result of a code red gone horribly wrong." B: "I'm with you—I think the military is keeping a tight lid on this case for a reason." This guy's the weak link in our unit. I bet a code red would get him up to speed—what do you guys think? A: "We only called a code red on him because he was totally out of line." B: "Well, I hope it was worth it, because all I'm hearing about are serious injuries and a military inquest!"
See also: code, red

code rot

The tendency for computer software to become gradually worse in performance or responsiveness over time, eventually leading to it becoming completely faulty, unresponsive, or unusable. This is either due to software failing to remain up to date and compatible with the operating system in which it operates, or because the software's code has been updated or altered in ways that have introduced more bugs and errors over time. (It doesn't refer to actual physical decay.) If you want to develop programs that people continue to use for years to come, you've got to factor in ways to avoid code rot with each new update. Otherwise, the users will eventually move on to something that works better. A lot of people just let programs sit on their hard drives for years at a time without being updated or upgraded at all, and then are totally flabbergasted when code rot renders them totally unusable down the line. A: "Any chance you can get my mom's computer running again?" B: "Geez, when was the last time she updated this thing? Looks like there's been some serious code rot."
See also: code, rot

code yellow

slang Accidental urination somewhere other than a toilet. Can you call the janitor? There's been a code yellow in this hospital room. We're potty training, so code yellows are just the norm these days. Can't wait till this phase is over! All of this stuff needs to be washed now because someone had a code yellow in her crib last night.
See also: code, yellow


1. To alternate between two or more languages while speaking. My mom grew up in Quebec, and though she speaks English fluently now, she still sometimes code-switches back to French mid-sentence. I don't know how you can just code-switch between English and Spanish. I only know one language, and I struggle getting that out sometimes! Our French teacher is so annoying. She won't let us code-switch at all—we have to speak in French the entire class.
2. To change one's language or manner of speaking or communication to match one's current environment or audience. Many African Americans spend their whole life code-switching. Sorry for the tween slang—I tend to code-switch when I'm around my kids. It's funny to hear my daughter code-switch while talking to her college roommates. It's like they're constantly evoking inside jokes that I'm clueless about.


1. The act or practice of alternating between two or more languages while speaking. My mom grew up in Quebec, and though she speaks English fluently now, she's prone to code-switching back to French mid-sentence. I'm seriously impressed with your code-switching between English and Spanish. I only know one language, and I struggle getting that out sometimes! Our French teacher is so annoying. She won't allow any code-switching at all, we have to speak in French the entire class.
2. The act or practice of changing one's language or manner of speaking or communication to match one's current environment or audience. Code-switching is an inherent part of African-American culture. Code-switching is a big part of communicating with my kids—I try to use the terms they know. I'm used to my daughter code-switching when she talks to her college roommates. It's like they're constantly evoking inside jokes that I'm clueless about.

crack the code

1. To decipher some coded message or information. The secret agent was able to crack the code used by the evil megalomaniac. The mysterious set of hieroglyphics has long been a puzzle to archaeologists, but one researcher claims to have cracked the code. Mom, if your password is "1234," it won't be long before someone cracks the code and hacks into your account.
2. To discover a solution to a particularly difficult or complicated problem. The media company seems to have cracked the code of what consumers want from a streaming service. Problematic students can be especially frustrating for teachers, but if you devote additional time and effort, you should be able to crack the code. A: "Please tell me you've cracked the code on this bizarre issue." B: "Nope, still have no idea why the experiment is producing those results."
See also: code, crack
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

break a code

to figure out a code; to decipher a secret code. The intelligence agents finally broke the enemy's code. When they broke the code, they were able to decipher messages.
See also: break, code
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

bring something up to code

renovate an old building or update its features in line with the latest building regulations. North American
See also: bring, code, something, to, up
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

code brown

n. a fecal accident. (Jocular word play based on a hospital’s PA announcements of various color codes.) Code brown on third floor east.
See also: brown, code

code yellow

a urinary accident. (Jocular word play based on a hospital’s PA announcements of various color codes.) Whoops. Code yellow. Change the sheets and the mattress.
See also: code, yellow
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

crack the code, to

To solve a difficult problem or mystery. The term is derived from deciphering coded intelligence during wartime and became current during World War II, when cryptography, used by armies at least since Napoleon’s day, reached new heights of sophistication. After the war it began to be transferred to other areas, such as solving a difficult scientific problem (cracking the genetic code, for example). See also tough nut to crack.
See also: crack, to
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
The governmental-consensus process helps prevent vested interests from dominating code change decisions.
For instance, the marketing department may be in charge of assigning the family code on the bar code of the coupon, but the fine goes to the finance department.
Finally, time-reporting engineers directly report their time to project codes and thus their costs should be direct labor costs.
The principal trait of an Open-Source (es) project is simply stated in the name, but it involves more than just open-source code. "Open-source" projects are collaborative, rapidly updated and rapidly released, and pushed by highly motivated volunteers working with a diversity of interests, skills, and hardware sets.
AIA Peconic is engaged public service efforts, through its Planning, Historic Preservation, Building Codes, and Scholarship and Education Committees.
Adopting the latest version of the code could be more expensive and difficult for that location, which explains why they would be resistant to the changes, he said.
The area served by the 619 area code, largely made up of the City of San Diego, includes the southern portion of the City of San Diego, and the adjacent cities of Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Santee, and unincorporated areas of San Diego County.
The number of non zero elements in the codeword is called the Hamming weight of the code word.
Though many researchers have defined the code switching (Nilep, 2006; Bullock and Toribio, 2009) yet code switching does not have a specific definition.
The Barcode Nerds blog is the oldest blog in the bar code industry, dating back to early 2005.
BY TEXT Simply text SHOP followed by a space and the two-digit code of your favourite shop followed by your name, address and postcode to 85858 (e.g.
For ages 5+ CINDERELLA Age 5+; Code 065 SLEEPING BEAUTY Age 5+; Code 066 HANSEL AND GRETEL Age 5+; Code 068 PETER AND THE WOLF Age 5+; Code 069 THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA Age 5+; Code 067 SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS Age 5+; Code 070 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Age 5+; Code 060 THE LITTLE RED HEN Age 5+; Code 061 CHICKEN LICKEN Age 5+; Code 062 RUMPELSTILTSKIN Age 5+; Code 063 RAPUNZEL Age 5+; Code 064
For ages 5+ CINDERELLA Age 5+; Code 065 SLEEPING BEAUTY Age 5+; Code 066 THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA Age 5+; Code 067 HANSEL AND GRETEL Age 5+; Code 068 SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS Age 5+; Code 070 PETER AND THE WOLF Age 5+; Code 069 GO ON A TRAIN Age 3-7; Code 055 HAVE ITCHY HEADS Age 3-7; Code 056 GO TO THE DOCTOR Age 3-7; Code 057 GO TO THE DENTIST Age 3-7; Code 058 GO TO THE PARK Age 3-7; Code 059 A bonus token is also available online at
Code development hearings on the Group B codes will be held April 2.1-30 in Dallas.