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(as) cocky as the king of spades

Conceited or haughty. Don't invite Joe to lunch unless you want to hear him brag about all the important things he's doing in his new job. He's just as cocky as the king of spades lately. No one in the neighborhood cares for the Smiths. They're always as cocky as the king of spades whenever they're socializing with us. You're not going to make many friends at your new school if you act as cocky as the king of spades just because they don't like the same things as you.
See also: cocky, king, of, spade
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*cocky as the king of spades

boastful; overly proud. (*Also: as ~.) He'd challenge anyone to a fight. He's as cocky as the king of spades. She strutted in, cocky as the king of spades.
See also: cocky, king, of, spade

smart ass

someone who makes wisecracks and acts cocky. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.) Some smart ass came in here and asked for a sky hook. Don't be such a smart ass!
See also: ass, smart
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

smart ass

n. someone who makes wisecracks and acts cocky. (Usually objectionable.) Don’t be such a smart ass!
See also: ass, smart
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
"Whether they're being cocky or not, that's maybe a confidence thing with them.
"We have eliminated them, because Western media are dishonest, cocky cheats and see themselves as the invincible sultans of the world," he said, adding that "there are rare exceptions" without elaborating.
Charming and self-assured but not too cocky, Kevin is the guy you can't help falling for
(Hint: It doesn't mean giving a Jersey or Guernsey cow 50 cents extra for that delicious glass of milk!) In the new animated comedy, Barnyard, a cocky cow named Otis grows tired of being tipped over in the night by local teenagers and decides to organize all the barnyard animals to turn the tables and play a few fun pranks on the humans, for a change.
Set in Khayelitsha, a shanty town outside Cape Town, cocky, captivating Carmen (Pauline Malefane) works in a cigarette factory.
Can cocky, wise-cracking Juvenile Probation Officer Jack Johnson keep Pat and his buddies from self-destruction?
Fuller, cocky, self-assured designer-architect-engineer-poet-philosopher-anticipator, who promoted his synergetic view of the world with his technological developments and vision of global unity, is certainly brought down to earth with a bump in this absorbing book.
COCKY Californian speedway star Eric Carrillo will tonight bid to shrug off jet lag and help Glasgow dump high-flying Stoke Potters.
US OPEN champion Andy Roddick, who got to know Ian Flanagan when the two were competing regularly on the junior circuit, said his former room-mate was ``just cocky enough'' to believe his win over Mark Philippoussis was no fluke.
Ian Flanagan is 'just cocky enough' to believe his win over Mark Philippoussis was no fluke - according to his friend and US Open champion Andy Roddick.
Not necessarily the composer, whom Merrill cites as a musical and conceptual influence--but Merritt's cocky and fiercely loyal white Chihuahua.
It was dotted with marks of "very good." He added, "You will do us proud." Then he warned me affectionately: "Just so you do not get too cocky, let me tell you that we figure that you will never become a soccer player or star in any other sport." Education never stopped at Ben Shemen.
Powell jammed the change through the commission on a party-line vote with the same cocky assurance that characterizes so many pro-industry Bush initiatives.
THIS cocky, young American has made an inauspicious start to his pro career and the pressure of playing for cash appears to have had a negative effect on him.