coffee and

coffee and

A non-specific request for coffee and something else, usually a pastry. Take these croissants out to the guests who want coffee and. If you want to hold an early morning staff meeting, you better lure people with coffee and. There's coffee and set up in the back if you want to get something before the lecture starts.
See also: and, coffee
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

coffee and

coffee and a doughnut or a pastry. I'll have coffee and. We stopped at a little shop for coffee and.
See also: and, coffee
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

coffee and

n. coffee and a doughnut or a pastry. We stopped at a little shop for coffee and.
See also: and, coffee
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
The breakfast was a success, and we sat about the fire much longer than enterprising explorers should have done, sipping the hot black coffee and talking over our situation.
The coffee and the biscuit accompanying it proved very acceptable to Edna, who had declined refreshment at Madame Lebrun's and was now beginning to feel hungry.
Having finished the paper, a second cup of coffee and a roll and butter, he got up, shaking the crumbs of the roll off his waistcoat; and, squaring his broad chest, he smiled joyously: not because there was anything particularly agreeable in his mind--the joyous smile was evoked by a good digestion.
To particularize: the average American's simplest and commonest form of breakfast consists of coffee and beefsteak; well, in Europe, coffee is an unknown beverage.
Continue the boiling and evaporation until the intensity of the flavor and aroma of the coffee and chicory has been diminished to a proper degree; then set aside to cool.
At ten minutes to three he was down in the coffee-room in his stockings, carrying his hat-box, coat, and comforter in his hand; and there he found his father nursing a bright fire, and a cup of hot coffee and a hard biscuit on the table.
And here comes in the stout head waiter, puffing under a tray of hot viands--kidneys and a steak, transparent rashers and poached eggs, buttered toast and muffins, coffee and tea, all smoking hot.
"Coffee and scientific researches," said Travers, grimly.
The little party trooped out of the restaurant and made their way to a corner of the lounge, where tables had already been prepared with coffee and liqueurs.
A waiter paused before their table and offered a salver on which were several cups of coffee and liqueur glasses.