cohabit with (someone or something)

cohabit with (someone or something)

1. Literally, to live with someone or something. This usage is often applied to different species of animals that are living together. It took some time, but our cat and dog are now able to cohabit with each other peacefully. Mittens would not like cohabiting with a dog—or even another cat, for that matter. She really enjoys being the only pet in the house. We have three dogs now, and the middle one is pretty displeased about having to cohabit with her new puppy sister.
2. To live with a romantic partner whom one is not married to. My daughter is already cohabiting with her new boyfriend, and I am not thrilled about it. I want to cohabit with someone before committing to spending my life with them! A: "I didn't cohabit with your father before we got married." B: "Yeah, well, you guys also got married right out of college."
3. euphemism To have sex with someone. I heard a rumor that you've been cohabiting with Steve—is it true? Bill didn't come home from the bar last night? Huh, maybe he cohabited with that cute girl he spent all night talking to. Grandma just warned me about, and I quote, "cohabiting with" boys in high school—how embarrassing!
See also: cohabit
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

cohabit with someone

1. [for an unmarried person] to live with a person of the opposite sex. They were cohabiting with one another for several years.
2. Euph. to copulate with someone. She had been cohabiting with him, and she admitted it in court.
See also: cohabit
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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