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coke dick

vulgar slang A penis incapable of achieving or maintaining an erection due to having too much cocaine in the bloodstream. I always used to get really horny when I did coke, but then I usually ended up succumbing to coke dick as a result.
See also: coke, dick


One who is addicted to cocaine. Ralph used to be a cokeaholic, that's why he went to rehab. He used to be a real upright guy with a bright future ahead of him. Now he's just a cokeaholic who spends each day looking for his next hit. Addiction is a powerful thing. Today's cokeaholics were yesterday's recreational drug users.


One who is addicted to cocaine. Ralph used to be a cokehead, that's why he went to rehab. He used to be a real upright guy with a bright future ahead of him. Now he's just a cokehead who spends each day looking for his next hit. Addiction is a powerful thing. Today's cokeheads were yesterday's recreational drug users.


A spoon used in the snorting of cocaine. Is it true that he put down the cokespoon and is finally getting some help? Last I heard, Ralph was in rehab. I sure hope he hasn't picked up the cokespoon again! Listen, you won't get far in life if you continue this close relationship with the cokespoon.

go and eat coke

dated slang A disrespectful expression of scorn or disdain; get lost. "Coke" in this usage refers to carbon fuel produced through the destructive distillation of coal or oil. The phrase was popularized by the novels and stories of Charles Hamilton (under the pseudonym Frank Richards). Primarily heard in UK. A: "You never do any chores around the house, you just leave them for the rest of us!" B: "Oh, go and eat coke, Charles! I don't have to listen to your crap." Then she told the boss to go and eat coke. Can you believe that! Would you go and eat coke already? You're just annoying all of us.
See also: and, coke, eat, go

Jinx, buy me a Coke!

informal Said after two people unintentionally say the same thing at the same time. A and B: "Where's Mom?" A: "Jinx, buy me a Coke!"
See also: buy

Jinx, you owe me a Coke!

informal Said after two people unintentionally say the same thing at the same time. A and B: "Where's Mom?" A: "Jinx, you owe me a Coke!"
See also: owe
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. a cocaine addict. (Drugs.) When I realized I was a cokeaholic, I decided to stop, but I couldn’t.


n. a heavy cocaine user; a cocaine addict. (Drugs.) We get a few depressed cokeheads in the emergency room who have tried suicide.


and (flake) spoon
n. a small spoon used to carry powdered cocaine to a nostril. (Drugs.) The principal wrote a letter to Mrs. Simpson telling her that Jimmy had brought a cokespoon to school. She used an old-fashioned flake spoon right until she died.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
The produced coke should exhibit namely high mechanical strength characterized by CSR and low reactivity characterized by CRI index (Koszorek et al., 2009; Sakurovs et al., 2007).
Speaking about Coke Studio's landmark feat, the General Manager of Coca-Cola Pakistan, Rizwan U.
The young AimaBaig, a fresh voice on Coke Studio brings to the table her strong, sultry and versatile vocals.'Baazi' is a Siraiki classic, with Sahir Ali Bagga adding his own poetry to the original lyrics.
"Global Pet Coke Market By Type, By End Use, By Region Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2011-2025'' has evaluated the future growth potential of global pet coke market and provides statistics and information on market size, structure and future growth potential.
The final chapters of the book delve into the details of jurisdictional battles, procedural developments, and Coke s wider reforming agenda.
"We've seen the excitement Share a Coke has elicited around the world, so we're ecstatic to bring it to life here in the U.S.
So don't miss out, enjoy a can of refreshing Coke or Diet Coke completely free today and toast the summer sunshine!
This year, Coke Studio@MTV will showcase a whole new lineup of artists.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-July 18, 2011--CARE rates bank lines of Bhatia Coke & Energy at BBB/A3(C)2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
Japanese Marubeni Corporation with the mainland's biggest coal importer cooperation Winsway Coking Coal Holding Limited imports of iron and steel output in Australia and Canada to the mainland with a coke.
International Resource News-21 July 2010-NWR increases price of coke and coking coal in Q3(C)2010 ENPublishing -
EIGHTYEAR-OLD BOY Monday Breakfast: Two chocolate rice crispy bars Lunch: Pasta and Coke Evening meal: Pizza, chips, Coke Extras: Biscuits and cheese Tuesday Breakfast: Two chocolate rice crispy bars Lunch: Pasta, chips, cake, Coke Evening meal: Curry and chips Extras: Sweets Wednesday: Breakfast: Two chocolate rice crispy bars Lunch: White bread ham sandwich, crisps, cheese, Coke Evening meal: Sausage, egg and chips Extras: doughnut Thursday Breakfast: Two chocolate rice crispy bars Lunch: White bread ham sandwich, crisps, chocolate biscuit, Coke.
Christopher "Dudus" Coke, 42, "arrived this evening to face charges of conspiracy to distribute marijuana and cocaine and conspiracy to illegally traffic in firearms," the US justice department said in a statement on Thursday.