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cohabit with (someone or something)

1. Literally, to live with someone or something. This usage is often applied to different species of animals that are living together. It took some time, but our cat and dog are now able to cohabit with each other peacefully. Mittens would not like cohabiting with a dog—or even another cat, for that matter. She really enjoys being the only pet in the house. We have three dogs now, and the middle one is pretty displeased about having to cohabit with her new puppy sister.
2. To live with a romantic partner whom one is not married to. My daughter is already cohabiting with her new boyfriend, and I am not thrilled about it. I want to cohabit with someone before committing to spending my life with them! A: "I didn't cohabit with your father before we got married." B: "Yeah, well, you guys also got married right out of college."
3. euphemism To have sex with someone. I heard a rumor that you've been cohabiting with Steve—is it true? Bill didn't come home from the bar last night? Huh, maybe he cohabited with that cute girl he spent all night talking to. Grandma just warned me about, and I quote, "cohabiting with" boys in high school—how embarrassing!
See also: cohabit
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

cohabit with someone

1. [for an unmarried person] to live with a person of the opposite sex. They were cohabiting with one another for several years.
2. Euph. to copulate with someone. She had been cohabiting with him, and she admitted it in court.
See also: cohabit
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
foliata cohabit with females for longer than required for a single copulation, in the present study we aim to assess the impact of males cohabiting with females by (1) comparing positions of male and female spiders on their webs when alone and when cohabiting, and (2) comparing responses of males and females to simulated prey.
On one hand, the number of cohabitors who live in a serious long-term relationship may increase because some couples, who would marry in a more traditional context, now cohabit. On the other hand, as cohabitation becomes more "normal" and less stigmatized, it may become a substitute for dating relationships, as some couples move in without intending to create a life-long relationship or raise a family.
(6) Between 1987 and 1995, there was an equally striking increase for the number of women reporting that they had cohabited at least once.
However, a much larger percentage cohabit at some point in their life.
Catherine Wannamaker, the author of Suddenly Alone (1998), sees frequent media reports of senior citizens, abandoned and homeless, who cohabited in order to retain a deceased spouse's health insurance or preserve eligibility for Medicaid.
Surely among America's eleven million cohabs there are thousands who cohabit because they consider marriage and the family obsolete.
One is either currently cohabiting, has cohabited in the past, or has never cohabited.
In a random sample of 947 individuals, 60 percent of couples who had been married five years or less reported that they had cohabited before marriage (Stanley and Markman, 1997).
These latter, on the whole, argue a close convergence of national family-formation trends inasmuch as the rise of women's education has brought about women's consequent greater inclination to work gainfully rather than exclusively within the family at childbearing and -rearing, and offer predictions about the propensity of women (of different educational levels, and hence potential earnings), over their life-courses, to cohabit, marry, and give birth.
The Qur'an describes them as "purified wives" and "spotless virgins." Tradition elaborated on the sensual image of the houri and defined some of her functions; on entering paradise, for example, the believer is presented with a large number of houri, with each of whom he may cohabit once for each day he has fasted in Ramadan and once for each good work he has performed.
Some 48% of people who cohabit mistakenly think they have a common law marriage, the British Social Attitudes Survey of people in England and Wales discovered.
China's largely rubber stamp parliament on Sunday passed the country's first law against domestic violence, which covers unmarried people who cohabit but does not protect gay couples, a senior lawmaker said.
The 2011 census highlighted a big increase in the number of people who choose to cohabit rather than enter into marriage or a civil partnership.
Mothers may have lower expectations for men who cohabit with them.
But Raj Arnand, the lawyer who represented the four, cautioned that single women may still lose their benefits within three months of living with someone else because when the Court of Appeal struck down the ruling, the province responded by introducing a new rule, which allowed welfare recipients to cohabit with someone for three months before having their benefits reassessed.