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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in Soviet criminal law, a type of crime committed for the purpose of evading a regular call to active military service (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 80, part 2). In addition, it may be committed by a person subject to military service in order to evade training courses or military registration (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 198–1, part 2), and it may be committed by a person in military service in order to evade the performance of military duties (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 249).

Mutilation is accomplished by the infliction of bodily injury. The guilty person intentionally damages his own health—either by deliberately causing himself some physical injury (for example, by amputating an extremity or harming the organs of sight or hearing) or by unnaturally complicating an existing condition (for example, by irritating a wound). Another form of the crime is requesting or agreeing to the infliction of an injury by someone else; in such cases, those who inflict the harm are held to be accomplices.

The law equates other methods of evading military service with mutilation. Such methods include malingering, exaggerating the seriousness of a condition, forging documents or using other means of deception, and refusing to bear the obligations of military service.

Evasion of service by military personnel through mutilation or any other means carries the severe penalty of deprivation of freedom for a term of three to seven years. The same act committed in wartime or under combat conditions is punishable by death or deprivation of freedom for five to ten years. Mutilation for the purpose of evading a call to active service carries a sentence of deprivation of freedom for one to five years (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 80, part 2). Mutilation in order to evade military training or registration is punishable by deprivation of freedom for a term of up to three years (Criminal Code of the RSFSR, art. 198–1, part 2).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


See also Brutality, Cruelty.
Mutiny (See REBELLION.)
hacked to death; body pieces strewn about. [Gk. Myth.: Walsh Classical, 3]
Agatha, St.
had breasts cut off. [Christian Hagiog.: Attwater, 34]
female warriors cut or burnt off their right breasts to prevent interference when drawing the bow. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 29]
slew his brother Thyestes’s sons and served them to their father at banquet. [Gk. Myth.: Jobes, 153]
Philistine idol; falls, losing head and hands. [O.T.: I Samuel 5:1–4]
ear and knife
at Christ’s betrayal, Peter cut off soldier’s ear. [Christian Symbolism: N.T.: John 18:10]
Erasmus, St.
disemboweled, windlass used to wind entrails out of his body. [Art: Daniel, 95]
harem, the
besieged, the starving Janissaries cut off and eat a buttock from each woman, including Cunegonde, beloved of Candide. [Fr. Lit.: Voltaire Candide]
Jack the Ripper
(late 19th century) dissected his victims. [Br. Hist.: Brewer Note-Book, 463]
her tongue is cut out to prevent her from testifying to the evil deeds she has witnessed. [Br. Lit.: Shakespeare Titus Andronicus]
Monkey’s Paw, The
short story in which mangled son is brought back to life as is to greedy, foolish old couple with three wishes. [Brit. Lit.: Benét, 511]
violated by Tereus, king of Thrace; he cuts out her tongue to prevent her from revealing his conduct. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 783]
made travelers fit bed by stretching or lopping off their legs. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 221]
split victims by fastening them between two bent pines and then letting the pines spring upright. [Gk. Legend: Brewer Dictionary, 1005]
cuts off Philomela’s tongue to prevent her telling he has raped her. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 995]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The shoot to maim but not kill vector meshes, indeed colludes, with the principle of 'collateral damage', which states that the unintentional killing of civilians, and the killing and injuring of children, if not deliberately targeted, is collateral damage.
Carroll dedicates both Madonnas that Maim and Veiled Threats to the memory of Giordano Bruno, burned alive in Rome in 1600 by the Roman Inquisition as much for his tendentious disrespect for authority as for his actual doubts about madonnas and saints.
"It appears it was designed to kill and maim indiscriminately the largest number of innocent people."
"The defendants also conspired with others to murder, kidnap, maim and
Officers say someone could be maimed by youths taking potshots at people who unwittingly cross their line of fire.
Most discussions of Wolfgang Tillmans' work have been quick to distance it from the context of fashion photography, as if it were something that could maim him--or his career.
"Under the right (or wrong) conditions," he wrote, "everything we need for life can also maim or kill: water can drown, food can poison, air can choke."
It would appear that an individual went with the intent to maim or kill and had brought a knife.
The Government is "prepared to let employers kill and maim with impunity", the authors of the report claim, with "safety crimes" which put employees and members of the public at risk going undetected, under-reported - and uninvestigated.
MEATH has 179 mobile phone masts yet only 55 have planning permission, the Mast Action in Meath (MAIM) campaign group claimed this week.
Cluster bombs are being increasingly used in armed conflicts, as well anti-personnel mines which kill and maim long after the hostilities have ended.
"We've opened up a maim of possibility that the professional pharmaceutical companies can now try to capitalize upon."