Maillard reaction

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Maillard reaction

[mī′yär rē‚ak·shən]
A reaction in which the amino group in an amino acid tends to form condensation products with aldehydes; believed to cause the Browning reaction when an amino acid and a sugar coexist, evolving a characteristic flavor useful in food preparations.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The presence and generation of reducing sugars during storage is indirect support of the hypothesis that loss of seed viability might be linked to the Maillard reaction (Wettlaufer and Leopold, 1991; Sun and Leopold, 1995).
The Maillard reaction in aging, diabetes and nutrition.
Acrylamide occurs naturally as part of the Maillard reaction. Named after French chemist Louis-Camille Maillard, the reaction occurs when sugary and starchy foods are exposed to heat.
The increase of total phenolic content as a result of roasting and frying could be due to the Maillard reaction which results in formation Maillard derivative such as pyrroles and furans that may react with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent [22].
There are two main mechanisms of HMF production during the burning of the wood, either the dehydration of hexoses under mild acidic conditions or formed as an intermediate in the Maillard reaction [10].
Moreover, has two different effects of sugar on muscle protein are to produce a brown color through the Maillard reaction and caramelization and to generate heat denaturation by stabilizing proteins [6].
Much research has focused on the formation of Maillard reaction products, including 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and acrylamide.
Maillard reaction is a nonenzymatic browning leading to formation of numerous compounds when proteins (such as gelatin) are heated in presence of sugar.
The Maillard reaction, a naturally occurring reaction between specific proteins and carbohydrates when heated, gives breads thengolden crusts and potato chips their crispy crunch, but under certain conditions it also gives rise to acrylamide, classified as a "probable carcinogen" by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
More specifically, the program will examine caramelization and how maple sugars participate in the Maillard reaction, the combination of amino acids and reducing agents that yields the desirable flavour of browned foods such as seared meats or pan-fried dumplings.
He begins with an introduction to growing malt and continues all the way through the malting process, covering topics such as the enzymatic conversion of malting, malt selection, and the Maillard reaction. He discusses the historical context as well as modern applications.
The browning process is similar to that known to food scientists as the Maillard reaction. Because the skin is constantly shedding dead cells and renewing itself, a fake tan will only last as long as the layer of skin it is applied to - a few days at most.