main bearing

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main bearing

[¦mān ′ber·iŋ]
(mechanical engineering)
One of the bearings that support the crankshaft in an internal combustion engine.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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After the main bearings became loose, the bearing tangs wore and the main bearing in the #2 position started to come apart, allowing the other half of the bearing to move and ride up into the crankshaft radius, creating a stress riser.
But the longer rotor blades that they require lead to higher loads on the main bearing and the shaft.
In a major engineering feat, the 200 ton, 50 year old, 26m diameter radio telescope at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO) has been recommissioned after replacing the main bearing in its polar shaft that failed in October 2008.
Notable features of the device include Swiss-made main bearing and more than 200 parts that create a seamless opening for the handset.
On the basis of the obtained results of theoretical and experimental research the authors have developed an algorithm of engineering design procedure for spatial-rod large cut shells which allow to estimate geometrical parameters, rigid parameters of the main bearing elements, parameters of the considered object intense-deformed state.
Yet both respond to local resources, need and culture, with the Ethiopian one using growing trees as the main bearing element, and the Japanese house forming a marvellous compressed sequence of internal and external spaces on a very tight site.
An engineer said they were the main bearing bolts, and that the damage was wear and tear.
If not adequately controlled, torsional vibration causes rapid main bearing and main journal wear and possible crankshaft failure.
Its major product is the main bearing cap, used to guide an engine's crankshaft and to transfer motion from the pistons to the vehicle's wheels.