Main Canal

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Main Canal


(or arterial canal), in irrigation, the main distribution canal of an irrigation system; it supplies water from a river, reservoir, or canal to irrigated lands by gravity flow. In drainage, the main canal is the principal canal of the drainage system; it collects water from the drainage canals and conducts it to the water intake.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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During the above period there would be no flow of water in any of the off-taking canals of Sukkur Barrage i.e N.W Canal (Khirthar Canal), Dadu canal, Khairpur Feeder East Canal/ Khairpur Feedar West Canal, Rohri Main canal and Nara canal and their allied Channels respectively, he said.
A handout issued in this respect informed growers and peasants that no water would be released into NW canal, Khairpur Feeder east and west canals, Rohri main canal, Nara canal and other channels fed through these canals during the period.
He claimed that he was building a main canal that would ease the flow of water from the natural lake to the rice fields and crops belonging to 200 families in Prey Khla commune as the families usually faced water shortages during the dry season.
Prior to the construction phase of the dam, five packages were made for its north main canal, south main canal, construction of access road and lateral B, south main canal and lateral A and south main canal and lateral C.
The discharge capacity of the main canal is 6,000 cusecs and 914 structures have been constructed.
Canal, Dadu Canal, Khairpur Feeder East Canal, Khairpur Feeder West Canal, Rohri Main Canal and Nara Canal will remain closed during the period.
According to WAPDA press release, following completion of theproject, WAPDA Thursday has started filling water in the 363-kilometerlong main canal from the head regulator located at Taunsa Barrage to test the main canal and various structures including head regulator and cross regulators.To mark the event, WAPDA Chairman Lt Gen Muzammil Hussain (Retd)
The 363-kilometre long main canal (out of which 351-kilometre is lined canal) takes off from Taunsa Barrage in Muzaffargarh district of Punjab province and ends at Dera Bugti district in Balochistan province.
Following completion of the project, WAPDA on Thursday started filling water in the 363-kilometer long main canal from the head regulator located at Taunsa Barrage to test the main canal and various structures including head regulator and cross regulators.
He said that the outlets of main Gajrah Wah including Dhoro Naro Minor and Khayaroon Minor would remain closed from June 15 to 22 due to acute shortage of water In main canal.