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Synonyms for e-mail

(computer science) a system of world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that can be regenerated at the recipient's terminal when the recipient logs in

communicate electronically on the computer

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Feel free to contact Danielle at mailto:dcarter@nln.orggabout your membership questions.
Angus Sutherland, 75 Grand Ave.N., Cambridge, ON N1S2L1; 519-748-4540 (office); "mailto:ajmacbagpipe@yahoo.com" ajmacbagpipe@yahoo.com.
All you have to do is answer the simple question below and send your answer and postal address to mailto:competition@worldgamerlive.com before Wednesday, November 5, 2009.
To learn about the activities in Palestine and to get involved, please contact lubna@holylandtrust.org (mailto:lubna@holylandtrust.org), ranaj@holylandtrust.org (mailto:ranaj@holylandtrust.org).
embanet.com/ or email mailto:makingdiversityeount@adl.org.
For information about other workshops telephone Mr Hunt on 01827 52470, email mailto:barry@barry hunt.co.uk or visit www.barryhunt.co.uk.
A recently published book entitled, Doing Business in Nigeria, has a healthy section on mining information, but to obtain more information on the new EDC lines of credit in Nigeria contact Rizwan Haider at HYPERLINK mailto:rhaider@edc.ca or by phoning (613) 598-3234.
Please email your comments to mailto: %20oiicontacts@ed.gov.
The email address for RTE's Correspondent in the NORTH EAST is, wait for it, "mailto: northwest@rte.ie"
Call Rim a on 0208 222 4649 or em ail mailto:rima.rouf@endemoluk.com
Following the upgrade it will now reportedly prevent any virus from entering a network or home PC and taking advantage of the MS04-009 vulnerability which is related to the way mailto URLs are handled.
For more information, call 845-639-3154, or send e-mail to mailto: Sgold@murrayschicken.com.
Supported interactivity Among other advantages of the website technology is that it can incorporate 'interactive' features, such as "mailto" forms, web boards and guestbooks that support two-way family-school connections.
Contact: Donna Price 828-771-3066 mailto:mdprice@warren-wilson.edu
Details: Jeremy Taylor (jt@ttemail.com) or CAPNET's President Ian Randle in Jamaica ( HYPERLINK mailto:irpl@colis.com) irpl@colis.com).