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Disfigurement or injury by removal or destruction of any conspicuous or essential part of the body.
[L. mutilatio, fr. mutilo, pp. -atus, to maim]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Disfigurement; a major reduction or alteration of a limb or tissue, which may be intentional or accidental. See Genital mutilation, Self-mutilation.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Disfigurement or injury by removal or destruction of any conspicuous or essential part of the body.
[L. mutilatio, fr. mutilo, pp. -atus, to maim]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Maiming as intentional practice expands biopolitics beyond simply the question of 'right of death and power over life'; maiming becomes a primary vector through which biopolitical control is deployed in colonized space and hence not easily demarcated 'necro' as it is mapped in Mbembe's reworking of biopolitics.
A new party appearing on the Secretary-General's list of perpetrators is the extremist group Boko Haram, responsible in Nigeria for "increased attacks on schools, killing, maiming dozens of children as well as other grave violations as you all know this continues unfortunately in 2014."
The worst of it is that many bomblets remain unexploded until the civilian population returns to the area only to be confronted by innumerable small explosions, maiming or killing individuals, often children.
Those caught running initiation schools without authority can be imprisoned and potentially suffer severe sentences in the event of death or maiming. Nonetheless, in a context of extreme poverty, high unemployment and hunger, some are tempted to risk such penalties to earn money.
Coming so soon after the anniversary of 7/7 these images of death and maiming of the innocent are an all too familiar sight in our lives.
'We want to prevent more serious injuries which could be blinding, maiming or even worse,' he added.
The reason for the wall (which your article is completely silent on) is the terrorist killing and maiming of men, women and children.
``It is an unusual weapon and a particularly wicked weapon, the only purpose of which is to kill or maim and in this case the person who was to own this grenade brought about the terrible maiming of an innocent woman.''
Unexploded cluster bombs, which resemble soft drink cans, remain on the ground as antipersonnel mines, maiming children who inadvertently play in areas littered with the weapons long after armed conflicts have ended.
In the latest challenge to the developing knowledge of the organism, two teams of researchers, with four overlapping members, say that one species of Pfiesteria does not kill by emitting a toxin, but by maiming and killing through other methods, possibly in conjunction with other organisms.
Vast tracts of top quality farmland lie fallow because of the threat of death and maiming. The placement of these landmines delays or even cancels life-saving relief supplies.
And because of a giant loophole in federal law that immunizes them from lawsuits, HMOs get away with killing and maiming people.