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Related to asp viper: Aspic viper, European viper


asp, popular name for several species of viper, one of which, the European asp (Vipera aspis), is native to S Europe. It is also a name for the Egyptian cobra (Naja haja). It is believed that the asp that tradition says Cleopatra used to commit suicide was either that cobra or the horned viper (Cerastes cornutus) of N Africa.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



African cobra (Naja haje), a poisonous snake of the genus Naja, family Elapidae. Length, up to 2.25 m. Its color varies from bright olive-yellow to completely black. The asp is found in the greater part of Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula, and in Syria. It feeds on rodents, lizards and other small vertebrates. The bite of the asp can be fatal to man.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. the venomous snake, probably Naja haje (Egyptian cobra), that caused the death of Cleopatra and was formerly used by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their power over life and death
2. a viper, Vipera aspis, that occurs in S Europe and is very similar to but smaller than the adder
3. horned asp another name for horned viper
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


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A query language(?).

[Sammet 1969, p.702].


Attached Support Processor.
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(1) (Application Service Provider) An organization that hosts software applications within its own facilities. Known as "cloud computing" and "software as a service" (SaaS), customers rent the use of the application and access it over the Internet or via a private line connection. Also called a "commercial service provider." The Web browser, acting as a universal client interface, has fueled this "on-demand software" market. See cloud computing, SaaS, Web application and service bureau.

(2) (Active Server Page) A Web server technology from Microsoft that allows for the creation of dynamic, interactive sessions with the user. An ASP is a Web page that contains HTML and embedded programming code written in VBScript or Jscript. It was introduced with Version 3.0 of Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). When IIS encounters an ASP page requested by the browser, it executes the embedded program. ASPs are Microsoft's alternative to CGI scripts and JavaServer Pages (JSPs), which allow Web pages to interact with databases and other programs. Third-party products add ASP capability to non-Microsoft Web servers. The Active Server Page technology is an ISAPI program and ASP documents use an .ASP extension.

ASP.NET, also known as ASP+, is an enhanced version of ASP for the .NET platform. It supports executable programs compiled from C#, C++ and other languages and is not backward compatible with regular ASP code. ASP.NET pages are always compiled rather than interpreted as are ASP pages. See CGI script, JSP and ISAPI.

(3) (Association of Shareware Professionals, Muskegon, MI, A trade organization for shareware founded in 1987. Author members submit products to ASP, which are approved, virus checked and distributed monthly via CD to member vendors. CDs are periodically made available to the public.

(4) (Analog Signal Processing) Processing signals completely within the analog domain. Contrast with DSP.

(5) (Average Selling Price) The sum of all the prices of a group of products divided by the number of products used in the list.
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