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(Advanced Storage Magneto-Optic) An earlier, enhanced magneto-optic, rewritable disk that held 6GB. Using 120mm, CD-sized disks, ASMO evolved from a 7GB MO7 specification. Its major supporter was Fujitsu, which discontinued development of the product in 2004.
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By combining Asmo's small-motor strengths with Denso's expertise in large, high-power motors, Denso said it will accelerate its development of motor technologies and innovations for North American customers.
Denso, a mobility supplier, has completely merged its consolidated subsidiary ASMO companies in the United States into its North American operations.
'To succeed the program, Asmo as a manufacturer of Honda motorcycles frequently run a CSR Safety Riding program and Asmo has well experienced trainers.
ASMO is one of DENSO's consolidated subsidiaries in which DENSO and DENSO International America, DENSO's wholly owned subsidiary in North America, have a combined stake of 92.38%.
(23) The extant letters of Luisa Donati Strozzi are also to be found in the BCV; Archivio di Stato, Mantua, Archivio Gonzaga (hereafter ASMn, AG); BCA; ASMo; Archivio della Fondazione Horne, Florence (hereafter AH), though this collection is unfoliated; and the Biblioteca Nazionale, Rome.
Japanese auto parts maker ASMO sets up Myanmar unit
ASMO Myanmar Co., based in Yangon, will start producing hoses used in windshield wiper systems in January 2014.
A core 13 member team, from the JDPAC and J8 organizations, was recently recognized by the American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMO at the national level with the 2012 Large Team Distinguished Achievement Award.
Marchal, Proceedings of 1st ASMO UK/ISSMO Conference on Engineering Design Optimization, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, UK, 337 (1999).
ISO/IEC 8859-6, in turn, is based on ECMA-114, which was based on ASMO 449.
In a letter to all 120 members of AMICE, the Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe, the association's President Asmo Kalpala emphasised the importance for all insurers to participate in the current Quantitative Impact Study (QIS5).