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a group of five volcanic cones in Japan on central Kyushu, one of which, Naka-dake, has the largest crater in the world, between 16 km (10 miles) and 24 km (15 miles) in diameter. Highest cone: 1592 m (5223 ft.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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My aso oke fabrics are of high quality and the auto gele are made with good quality aso oke and they are beautifully crafted such that they look like tied gele unlike the horrible auto gele some vendors make.
They said that ASO caught total 64 smuggled vehicles of worth Rs 136.9 million and another 16 cases of smuggling of miscellaneous items of worth Rs 176.612 million during last six months of 2017.
'Bakit hindi ko sila tinuruan na mali ang pagkatay ng aso? Bakit hindi ko sila tinuruan ng animal welfare?
"Philip has done a marvelous job of coming in and creating excitement," said ASO board member T.
The ASO titers obtained were correlated with the major criteria.
Aso, who served as prime minister for a year from September 2008 and doubles as finance minister, said he believes it is now understood internationally that he did not intend to justify the Nazi regime with his comment.
Aso said on Monday Japan could "learn the technique" Nazi Germany used to change the Weimar constitution."I retract my remarks in which I cited the Nazis as an example, as it has ended up leading to misunderstanding," Mr Aso, who is also finance minister and a former prime minister, told reporters on Thursday.
Aso's comments had created misunderstandings and he faced criticism both at home and abroad.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso discussed a number of issues of mutual interest.
Aso will visit Seoul from Sunday to attend a two-day conference of the Japan-Korea Cooperation Committee, which consists of parliamentarians and business leaders of the two countries.
There are two schools of thought on the origins of aso ebi among the Yoruba.