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Related to Asmodeus: Azazel, Astaroth


Asmodeus (ăsˌmōdēˈəs), demon of Hebrew story. He plays an important role in the Book of Tobit.
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clever, hell-born hero. [Fr. Lit.: Le Diable Boiîteux, Walsh Modern, 31]
See: Cunning


king of the devils. [Talmudic Legend: Benét, 58]
See: Demon


female spirit of lust. [Jew. Myth.: Jobes, 141]
See: Lust
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
These tales included bizarre accounts of Host desecration, satanic magic, murder, the Antichrist, and the manifestations of Lucifer and Asmodeus. While Taxil was the original inventor of Diana Vaughan, his construction took on a life of its own in a number of discourses outside of his control.
Pre-Enlightenmem portrayals of Jews as physically defective as well as morally bankrupt have their origins partly in associations with the devil in the form of Asmodeus, the prince of demons, who figures in Jewish legends.
She went begging for a season along the highways, but as her story had preceded her the Jews were not inclined to be charitable--though a few generous souls insisted that the rumor of my birth was unfounded, and from the look of me (pink eyes, harelip, jug ears, no chin) I was more likely the child of the demon Asmodeus, who was known to hang around privies.
Using the heart and liver of the fish, Tobias exorcized a demon, Asmodeus, which had possessed Sara.
Juliana of Norwich Marylouise Burke Margery Kempe Sofia Jean Gomez John Kempe Darren Goldstein Nurse Tricia Rodley Asmodeus, Jacob Will Rogers Father Thomas Jeremy Shamos It's quite spooky and a tittle ooky, but "Creature" is no ordinary fright feat.
In 1860 the contemporary commentator the 'English Asmodeus' again despaired of such neglect in his Revelations of Life in Nottingham, a collection of articles on aspects of life in the town, and spelled out its consequences clearly:
His prodigious talent is so great, whispers circle that he might be the one to defeat the malevolent Asmodeus, who threatens the world from his ominous stronghold of Abyollydd!
In Messe solennelle d'une pleine nuit d'ete Tremblay exploits the notion of the Asmodeus complex to depict in section a small Montreal apartment building and, through a contrapuntal interplay of voices, the divers regrets, bitterness, hopes, aspirations, and delights of the inhabitants of its different flats.
33 In which book of the Bible (canonical to Catholics but not Protestants) does the serial husband-slaying demon Asmodeus appear?
The journalist Xavier Marmier, visiting in the mid-1840s, called Algiers the "cite d'Asmodee, que nul toit ne derobe aux regards" [city of Asmodeus, which no roof hides from view], without mentioning what one might actually see (Marmier 44).
Matthias's quest leads him up to the heavens, where he meets a tribe of warlike sparrows; and down to the depths of the earth, where Asmodeus the Snake waits.