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ASPApplication Service Provider
ASPActive Server Page (Microsoft script engine)
ASPAfter School Program
ASPAssociation of Surfing Professionals
ASPAssociation of Shareware Professionals
ASPAnswer Set Programming
ASPAverage Selling Price
ASPAccredited Staging Professional
ASPATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Switch Processor
ASPAuthorized Service Provider
ASPAstronomical Society of the Pacific
ASPApplication Server Process (IETF)
ASPAfter Show Party
ASPAdvanced Study Program
ASPAssociation of Support Professionals
ASPApplication Service Provider (web based service)
ASPAustralian Sex Party (political group; Australia)
ASPAkademii Sztuk Pieknych (Polish: Academy of Fine Arts)
ASPAutomatic Savings Plan (banking)
ASPAspartic Acid
ASPAspartate (amino acid)
ASPAssociate Safety Professional (BCSP)
ASPAxel Springer Polska (Polish publishing company)
ASPAmerican Society of Parasitologists
ASPAll Shall Perish (band)
ASPAnalog Signal Processing
ASPAdvanced Sterilization Products (Johnson & Johnson)
ASPAssessment and School Performance (Florida Department of Education)
ASPAppalachia Service Project
ASPAntisocial Personality
ASPAviation Safety Program
ASPAlbus Severus Potter (Harry Potter character)
ASPAvenal State Prison (Avenal, CA)
ASPAcademic Search Premier (database)
ASPAdvanced Simple Profile (MPEG-4 video)
ASPAirspace Systems Program
ASPApplication Software Provider
ASPAutomotive Spare Parts (various locations)
ASPAlpha Sigma Phi (fraternity)
ASPArea Structure Plan (various organizations)
ASPAuxiliary Storage Pool (IBM AS/400 systems)
ASPAdobe Stock Photo
ASPAirport Security Plan (various locations)
ASPApplication Software Platform
ASPAquatic Species Program (US Department of Energy)
ASPAcademic Support Program (various schools)
ASPAccess Service Provider
ASPAcylation Stimulating Protein
ASPAmnesic Shellfish Poisoning
ASPAssociazione Italiana Psicologi (Italian: Italian Association of Psychologists)
ASPAmerican Security Project (Washington, DC)
ASPAlternate Side Parking (New York)
ASPArkansas State Parks
ASPAmerican Solidarity Party (political group)
ASPAmerican State Papers (historical executive and legislative documents)
ASPAlexander Street Press (publisher; US and UK)
ASPAssistant Superintendent of Police
ASPApplication Support Process
ASPAccess Security Program
ASPAssisted Services Program
ASPActive Server Page
ASPAtm Switch Processor
ASPAbstract Service Primitives
ASPApplication Support Program
ASPApple Service Provider
ASPAdvanced Server Program
ASPAutomated Sequence Processor
ASPActive Splitting Point
ASPAudio Serial Port
ASPApplication Service Processor
ASPanti Shock Protection
ASPAuxiliary Storage Pool
ASPApplication Server Portal
ASPAdvanced Services Platform
ASPAutomatic Spooling Priority
ASPAppletalk Session Protocol
ASPApplication Server Platform
ASPAdvanced Simple Profile
ASPAuxiliary Signal Path
ASPAdvanced Server Package
ASPAuthorized Support Provider
ASPAbstract Syntax Processor
ASPAsian System Printer
ASPAssociated Schools Project
ASPApplication Service Provisioning
ASPAgence Science-Presse (Canadian news agency)
ASPAnnual Service Plan (various organizations)
ASPAll Star Performance
ASPActors' Shakespeare Project (Somerville, MA)
ASPAmmunition Supply Point
ASPAfrican Studies Program
ASPAmerican Self-Protection (martial arts)
ASPAdditional Support Programme (UK)
ASPAmerican School of Paris
ASPApple System Profiler
ASPAttestation de Spécialisation Professionnelle (French: Certificate of Professional Specialization)
ASPAmerican Society for Photobiology
ASPApplication Specific Products
ASPApplied Sports Psychology
ASPAmerican Society of Pharmacognosy
ASPAppleTalk Session Protocol (Banyan)
ASPArea Science Park (Italy)
ASPApplication Solution Provider
ASPAssociation of Subspecialty Professors
ASPAmes Straw Poll (politics; Iowa)
ASPAlkaline Surfactant Polymer (flooding)
ASPApplication Specific Processor
ASPAtmospheric Science Program
ASPAmerican Society of Photographers
ASPAcademy of Students of Pharmacy
ASPApproved Service Provider
ASPAgouti-Signaling Protein
ASPAnti-Submarine Patrol
ASPApplied Science Programme (Singapore)
ASPAdvanced Signal Processor
ASPAssociation of Service Providers
ASPAlternative Service Provider
ASPAlternative Sentencing Program
ASPAccounting Service Provider
ASPAnnual Support Plan (various companies)
ASPAnti Skip Protection
ASPAmerican Society of Papyrologists
ASPalt.smokers.pipes (newsgroup)
ASPAgence de Service et de Paiement (French: Service and Payment Agency)
ASPArmy Space Command
ASPArmy Suggestion Program
ASPArc Spraying (welding)
ASPAfter School Prison
ASPAdvanced Stokes Polarimeter
ASPAmerican Selling Price
ASPAlbany Student Press (Albany, NY)
ASPAssociation of Sales Professionals
ASPAsamblea por la Soberanía de los Pueblos (Spanish: Assembly for the Sovereignty of the People; Bolivia)
ASPActuarial Standards of Practice
ASPAudit Service Provider
ASPAircraft Servicing Platform
ASPAdditional Special Pay (US DoD)
ASPAbstract Service Primitive (ATMF)
ASPAmerican Society of Perfumers
ASPAttached Support Processor (IBM)
ASPAutomated System Project
ASPAmerican Society for Plasticulture
ASPSyrian Arab Socialist Party
ASPAircraft Self Protection
ASPAnnual Service Practice
ASPAmsterdam SGML Parser (content presentation tool)
ASPAdvanced Scholars Program (various schools)
ASPAdvisory Services Panel
ASPAccident Sequence Precursor
ASPAuthorized Solutions Provider
ASPAwareness during Sleep Paralysis (sleep disorder)
ASPAustralasian Society for Psychophysiology (est. 1991)
ASPAmerican Scientific Products
ASPAstronaut Support Personnel (NASA)
ASPAviation Screening Program (Australia)
ASPAmerican Soy Products (Saline, MI) (newsgroup)
ASPAlamo Square Press (New Mexico)
ASPApplication Support Provider
ASPAir Systems Program (NAVAIRSYSCOM Reserve Component)
ASPAuto Social Poster (blog plugin)
ASPAssociate Supervisor Program
ASPArray Sonic Processing Report (energy production)
ASPArrival Sequencing Program
ASPAggregated Switch Procurement
ASPAcquisition Systems Protection
ASPAlice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia - Alice Springs (Airport Code)
ASPAdvanced Service Platform (AT&T)
ASPAttitude Sensor Package (space shuttle experiment)
ASPAnnual Education Plan
ASPAssociação Saúde em Português (Portuguese: Portuguese Health Association; Portugal; est. 1993)
ASPAustralian Shooters Party (pro-gun political party)
ASPAdvanced Strip and Passivation (semiconductors)
ASPAdjunct Service Point (Bellcore)
ASPAccredited Service Partner
ASPAddressable Scan Port
ASPAuthor Signing Practices (IETF standardization of DKIM Domain Key Identified Mail)
ASPAuxiliary Signal Path (Cisco)
ASPAlternate Stock(ing) Point
ASPAruba Stacking Protocol (computing)
ASPApplication Service Part (ITI & ANSI)
ASPAll Source Production
ASPAnterior Stromal Puncture (ophthalmologic procedure)
ASPAssignment Source Point (ISDN & ITU-T)
ASPAssociation of Software Professionals
ASPAluminum Steel Polyethylene
ASPAutomatic Snow Pillow
ASPApplication Service Protocols (Sprint)
ASPAdvanced Sensing Products
ASPAsbestos Services Partnership Ltd (UK)
ASPAcquisition Strategy Process
ASPAccreditation Support Package
ASPAdvanced Speech Processor
ASPAeronautical Surveillance Panel (International Civil Aviation Organization; Canada)
ASPAirborne Sensor Platform
ASPAwful Stock Pick
ASPAdvanced System Planning
ASPAir Support Party
ASPAttached Shuttle Payload
ASPAcoustic Surface Plasmon (electron wave present on metal surfaces)
ASPAccident Statistics Program (published by IADC)
ASPArmy Strategic Plan
ASPAutomated Small Purchase
ASPAssociation-Storing Processor
ASPAssigned Speed Potential (sailing)
ASPAnalysis Specification Package
ASPAssociation of Insurance & Reinsurance Service Providers
ASPAuger Sputter Profiling
ASPAperture Stacked Patch (Microstrip Antenna)
ASPArmy Supply Plant
ASPAcute Suppurative Pancreatitis
ASPAlarms and Shutdown Process
ASPAvionics Status Panel
ASPAirmobile Support Party
ASPAccredited Security Parameter
ASPAviation Supply Point
ASPAuto Sequence Program
ASPAircrew Status Program
ASPAvionics Simulation Package
ASPAutonomous Strike Platform
ASPAutomatic Switch to Protection
ASPAustralian Siesta Party
ASPAuto-Speed Port
ASPAnti Syphon Pipe
ASPAuxiliary Storage and Playback
ASPAttestation de Séjour Provisoire
ASPAFSCN Scheduling Program
ASPAir Start Pressure
ASPAutomated Schedule Procedure
ASPAbbreviated System Paper
ASPAccelerated String Processor
ASPAcquisition Strategy Panel/Plan/Paper
ASPAdministrative Site Procedures
ASPAffordable System Performance
ASPAuxiliary Service Processor (Sprint)
ASPArray/Airborne Signal Processor
ASPAdjacent Subcarrier Permutation
ASPAugmented Sensory Perception
ASPAuthorized Staffing Pattern/Plan
ASPÁreas Silvestres Protegida (Portuguese: Protected Wildlife Area)
ASPAvailable Spam Protection (software)
ASPAirborne Signal Processor
ASPAdvanced Strategic Penetrator
ASPAdvanced Strike Plot
ASPAdvertising, Sponsorships, & Promotion
ASPAlan Smithee Project
ASPAmerican Society of Photogrammetry Foundation (Bethesda, MD)
ASPAction Solutions Placements (Vimont, QB, Canada)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Means and standard deviation were used to compare non-ASP versus ASP groups.
Earlier, Commandant Mehr Khaliq Dad Lak said the ASPs were trained under specialized training programme for 18 months. is The Best, Cheap and Recommended ASP.NET & Linux Hosting.
like how to develop secure web pages, authenticate users with ASP.NET Identity, send email, control the use of the Back button, and deploy finished applications
Thanks to the overall industry efforts toward function, fashion, and brand-value upgrading, the export ASP hit a record high in the first five months, despite the downturn, with the overall export value during the period still showing 3.83% YoY increase.
I must point out that the policy chapters remaining to be opened are the most difficult ones, Asp said.
Market research firm Global Industry Analysts, Inc., estimates that the worldwide ASP hosting services market should reach $69.8 billion by 2015, with the United States leading the market.
Simply defined, an ASP exists when the application software resides on the vendor's system and is accessed by carriers through a Web browser.
RMIS application developers have also entered the ASP market.
In 2003, the ASP began using high-tech tools to forecast when and where the best surf would occur.
DevPartner SecurityChecker is a security assessment tool that accelerates the development of secure ASP.NET applications.
View the new AF Milestone Decision approval process and ASP process at <>.