ASOWAmerican School of Warsaw (band)
ASOWAngular Spectrum of Waves (diffraction analysis)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Mueller von Asow, Richard Strauss: Thematisches Verzeichnis, Volume II (Vienna and Munich: Doblinger, 1974), 725.
ASOW spring cabbages now to provide a non-stop supply of tender greens from March through to June.
Mueller yon Asow in 1962, though a biographer would need to cast his net more widely.
A Acow B Asow C Aewe D Amare A Harp B Flute C Kettledrum D Violin A Parma B Padua C Modena D Pescara All puzzles in this supplement are supplied by Sirius Media Services.
Mueller von Asow's thematic catalog, reprinted in James L.