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abbreviation for either an ACT OF THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT in the sense of the devolved body created at the end of the twentieth century, or of the Sovereign parliament prior to 1707.
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ASP.NET is Microsoft's dynamic website technology, enabling developers to create data-driven websites using the .NET platform and the latest version is 5 with lots of awesome features.
Delamater and Boehm present readers with the sixth edition of publisher Mike MurachAEs comprehensive guide to ASP.Net Web Forms programming, including the use of Virtual Studio to design, code, and test multi-page web applications of various types.
Section 1 is a quick-start course in creating your first ASP.NET Web Forms applications using Visual Studio, with coverage of what HTML5/CSS3 and Bootstrap are doing on the client side ...
The fifth updated edition of Murach's ASP.NET 4.5 Web Programming with VB 2012 is a fine training and reference guide to writing serious web applications.
Currently there is need of conversion among HTML, JSP, ASP.NET, PHP etc.
For intermediate level programmers experienced with C#, this guide to ASP.NET 4 provides practical instruction for performing common tasks with this popular web application development and database front end programming framework.
According to the company, the new managed database and application services allow businesses to deploy, manage and scale SQL Server databases and ASP.NET applications using familiar Microsoft tools.
Compared with the Java platform, ASP.NET may not be as efficient as Java in terms of execution performance, but is a top popular server-side language due to the popularity of the Windows platform.
This book is a comprehensive guide to writing Web applications using Microsoft ASP.NET 4, the most recent version of Microsoft's request processing framework.
The company said that ActiveAnalysis is a free-form data analysis component for Windows Forms, ASP.NET and Silverlight that allows developers to rapidly embed out-of-the-box OLAP, data visualisation and ad hoc business intelligence (BI) features into their applications.
We are especially excited by the ground-breaking work that our research teams have done on the Silverlight and ASP.NET MVC platforms.
This release includes a comprehensive OCR (optical character recognition of machine-printed text) solution for .NET software development, and annotation support for ASP.NET development efforts.