
Babyfingers was a release by the avant garde/experimental rock band The Residents, containing music written for their 1977 album, Fingerprince. As Fingerprince was originally meant to be a three-sided album (a concept abandoned due to expense and Monty Python's Matching Tie and Handkerchief beating them to the punch), much of the material was abandoned and the third side remained unfinished until November 1977 although most tracks from the EP was shown at the Residents Radio Special in September 1977. Thus, the group reduced the third side to an extended play record entitled Babyfingers, and released it in 1979 to people who had been waiting for their copy of The Third Reich and Roll box sets. A second printing was made for members of the W.E.I.R.D. fan club in 1981, and a last pressing, on pink vinyl, in 1985. It has been incorporated into most CD versions of Fingerprince, beginning in 1988.

Track listing

  1. "Monstrous Intro" (included in all editions, although not listed on the 1979 and 1985 pressings)
  2. "Death in Barstow"
  3. "Melon Collie Lassie"
  4. "Flight of the Bumble Roach"
  5. "Walter Westinghouse"


Various Instruments: The Residents

Drums: D. Jackovich, T. Logan

Violin: A. Dekbar

Guitar: Snakefinger

Vocals: Zeibak


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