Babye leto

Babye leto (Russian: Бабье лето, meaning 'Indian Summer'), is an album by the Russian band Leningrad, released in 2006.

Track listing

  1. "По пабам" - Po pabam (To pubs) - 2:27
  2. "Любовь" - Lyubov (Love) - 2:32
  3. "Карлсон" - Karlson - 2:18
  4. "Дача" - Dacha (Cottage) - 3:02
  5. "Губошлёп" - Guboshlyop (Bullshitter) - 2:48
  6. "Без мата"- Bez mata (Without swearing) - 2:17
  7. "Высоко и низко" - Vysoko i nizko (High and low) - 2:43
  8. "Никулин" - Nikulin - 2:46
  9. "Лайф из фак" - Layf iz fak (Russian transliteration of "Life is fuck") - 2:25
  10. "Когда есть деньги" - Kogda est dengi (When there's money)- 2:28
  11. "В воду" - V vodu (Into the water) - 2:19
  12. "Пару баб" - Paru bab (Some bitches) - 2:55
  13. "Внедорожник" - Vnedorozhnik (Off-road vehicle) - 3:07
  14. "По-любому" - Po-lyubomu (Definitely) - 2:54
  15. "Женьщины" - Zhenshchiny (Women) - 1:53
  16. "П и Х" - P i H (abbreviation of Пизда и Хуй (Pizda i Huy) - Cunt & Dick) - 3:15

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