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GIPGibraltar Pound (ISO currency code)
GIPGroupement d'Intérêt Public (French)
GIPGlobal Infrastructure Partners (various locations)
GIPGlobal Initiative on Psychiatry (various locations)
GIPGlobal Ip
GIPGraphic Information Processing
GIPGateway Interoperable Protocol
GIPGarp Information Propagation
GIPGsm Interworking Profile
GIPGiudice per le Indagini Preliminari
GIPGirl in Progress (film)
GIPGlucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
GIPGastric Inhibitory Peptide
GIPGeo-Information Processing (University of Twente; Netherlands)
GIPGlobal Internet Project
GIPGas in Place (total volume of natural gas in an underground rock formation)
GIPGovernment Investment Pool
GIPGraduate Institute of Peace Studies (est. 1984; South Korea)
GIPGames I Play (community)
GIPGlobal Inventory Project
GIPGeneral Information Programme (UNESCO)
GIPGood Informatics Practices
GIPGeneral Intelligence Presidency (Saudi Arabia)
GIPGreen Industrial Park
GIPGross Internal Product
GIPGlobal Influenza Program
GIPGirlchan in Paradise (animated Internet series)
GIPGalvanized Iron Pipe
GIPGo in Peace
GIPGovernment Industry Partnership
GIPGratuitous Icon Post
GIPGeneralized Inner Product
GIPGastrointestinal inhibitory peptide
GIPGeneric Implementation Procedure
GIPGridded Installation Photograph
GIPGet in Position (San Anselmo, CA)
GIPGround Impact Point
GIPGestate in Peace
GIPGlazed Imitation Parchment
GIPGeneric Intelligence Plan
GIPGeneric Interface Processor
GIPGeological Investigation Permit
GIPGCCS Implementation Procedures
GIPGeneric Intel Processor
GIPGiant Inflatable Penguin (X-Files)
GIPGlobal Indirect Procurement
GIPGreat Indian Peninsular Railroad
GIPGas Injection Pipeline
GIPGet It Pumped
GIPGaming Input Protocol
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References in periodicals archive ?
SPEND your Gibraltar pounds at the plush Casino, then head for the Underground nightclub or Cool Blues Bar in Main Street.
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