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Report RSS Homeworld: The Sajuuk-Khars

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I was thinking about how can actually Makaan cult save itself?

I believe, quite easily: a new paradigm would be accepted that Makaan, the Sajuuk-Khar, forced the events triggering Bentusi to reveal the Khar-Sajuuk. Thus Makaan was the actor of Sajuuk, somewhat of Islam's Mahdi or Buddhism's Bodhisattva, who’s actions cannot be judged by usual people. Especially, as we don't know how Makaan was accepted by people: he might have been very popular among his people, like Alexander The Great or some of the god-like Roman Emperors. Who knows? - we've seen only Hiigaran side of the story…

Makaan The Vaygr

Karan and Makaan could be accepted as Ying-Yang thing: Shiva, The Destroyer, The Great Beginning, He, Makaan,- and Vishnu, The Savior, The Great Continua, She, Karan. Maybe, in the HW Universe these might be Qwaar-Jet & Koshiir-Ra avatars, like seraphim of Sajuuk or His qualities personifications, the Sajuuk-Khars.

Karan S'jet


And Bentusi is Brahma of this Trimurti: drifting in the world of hyperspace songs, half-cyberpunk dream,

The Bentusi

until it is awaken by Makaan to find out that everything was just a dream of Zhuangzi.

- Eh, Petka, Petka - said Chapaev - I knew a Chinese communist named Jie Chuang. He often had one dream - that he was a red butterfly flying among the grass. And when he woke up, he often could not understand whether the butterfly dreamed that she was engaged in revolutionary work, or whether it was an underground worker who had a dream in which he fluttered among the flowers. So, when this Jie Zhuang was arrested in Mongolia for sabotage, he said during interrogation that he was actually a butterfly dreaming of all this. Since he was interrogated by Baron Jungern himself, and he is a man with great understanding, the next question was why this butterfly is for the Communists. And he said that she was not at all for the communists. Then he was asked why, in this case, the butterfly is engaged in subversive activities. And he replied that everything that people do is so ugly that it makes no difference which side you are on.
- And what happened to him?
- Nothing. They put him against the wall and woke him up.
- And he?
Chapaev shrugged his shoulders.
- Then he flew, I suppose.

(c) "Chapaev and the Void" by Viktor Pelevin


As well I'd add the Beast the Unifier to the cult divinities list...

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