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Report RSS Homeworld: Kadeshi

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  1. The Sources
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  3. Tropes
  4. Culture
  5. Future

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts


Kadeshi Faction

HWU Kadeshi Garden


16. and when we cried out to the LORD, He heard our voice, sent an angel, and brought us out of Egypt. Now look, we are in Kadesh, a city on the edge of your territory.
17.Please let us pass through your land. We will not cut through any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. We will stay on the King’s Highway; we will not turn to the right or to the left until we have passed through your territory.”
18. But Edom answered, “You may not travel through our land, or we will come out and confront you with the sword.”
(c) Bible, Numbers 20:17

Well, we can see that there's very much attention to the Bible in the Homeworld - especially in the campaign part. And it's kind of confronting game manual. I'm very confused with it, really. Authors merged too much senses together, so it's now quite unclear what their position was.


"The Double" movie have reminded me such films as "Brasil" and "The Dark City". And the decorations reminded me of spaceships - System Shock 2, Pandorum, Event Horizon, Fallout Vault (ok, not a spaceship) - dark, gloomy, everything is known for a long time, same persons, same places, restrictions and rules…

Sounds like Kafka's hell - people just doing what they've been told, every day is exactly the same, society grows their children to obey, follow the rules to survive… Something like in "Captive Universe" of Harry Harrison. Or Ursula Le Guin novel, where habitants of colony ship started doubting if there is any world outside the ship.

And if so, then people grown up in claustrophobic space would admire agoraphobic doors of The Great Hangar, separating them for the Great Wastelands of Cosmos (and Chaos same time), Nietzsche's Void that looks into your soul, while you look into the mirror…

Great sacrifices as a Great Goal.


37. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling!
38. Look, your house is left to you desolate.
(с) Bible, Matthew 23:37

While HW3 social media tells us "No Kadeshi survived", HWR states this:

With the Kadeshi leadership in disarray and its people reeling from the revelations of their history, they underwent a drastic change in outlook. Just over half traveled to Hiigara after the war.
(c) HWR, p. 249, The Kadeshi After the Homeworld War

With the Kadeshis' power broken, the rich elemental wealth of the Great Nebula is again open for mining. Hundreds of fleets converge on the vast space to capture the rarest materials, turning the Garden into a hotbed of conflict, piracy, and skirmishes. Amid the chaos, surviving Kadeshi prey upon
those too weak to defend themselves from their continuing holy war.
(c) HWRS, p.189, The Great Nebula

Actually, with that information, they could be the potential HWM Nimbus Galaxy explorers among other kiithid.

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