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Homeworld Cartography Cheat Sheet


When I’ve read Homeworld Revelation RPG book, I understood that I was missing some maps: a map of Homeworld Galaxy, where all the fun happening - it’s not that populated, but still, and a map of Kharak, as there is quite tense action happening related to Kushan history. Also, we have information on Kharak and Hiigara systems so why not add them as well? RPG books should ease this kind of things. Instead of HWR's beautiful art of a Kushan-Taiidan space battle, which right half is positioned on the left side, and left - on the right side of the book, I’d love to see Kharak and Galaxy maps, that are more critical for a RPG player (like it was done in Alien RPG book).

So, I decided to gather the info here, especially as I will need a part of it in my next research. I will be talking about Kharak, Hiigara and Galaxy overall.


  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
  3. Kharak
    • Planetary System
    • The Sun
    • The Planet
      • Northern Hemisphere
      • The Great Banded Desert
      • Southern Hemisphere
      • The First Migration
      • The Great Stormbreaker Wall Guardian Forts
      • Cities
      • Tiir
      • 33 Temples of The Shimmering Path
      • Kharak Corporations
      • Khadiim Operation (HWDOK Journey)
      • The End
  4. Hiigara
    • Planetary System
    • The Planet
      • Hiigaran Facilities
      • Hiigaran Corporations
    • The Moon
  5. Homeworld Galaxy
    • Maps
    • Known Actors
    • Inner Rim
    • Galactic Rim
      • Outer Western Rim
      • Outer Eastern Rim
    • Planets
      • Kushan Planets
      • Taiidan Planets
      • Turanic Planets
      • Other
    • Expeditions
      • HW1 Journey
      • HWC Journey
      • HW2 Journey
      • HW3 Journey
  6. Homeworld Mobile "Nimbus" Galaxy
  7. Other Galaxies
  8. Links

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts

Change Log

  • 18.10.23 - added another HW3 galaxy image
  • 29.10.23 - added other galaxies names
  • 07.01.24 - added a possible all-4 galaxies intergalactic image
  • 15.01.24 - added Kesura to HW3 galaxy places
  • 17.01.24 - added galaxy picture from the HW3 map backgrounds
  • 04.02.24 - added Milky Way and M51 Whirlpool galaxies pictures
  • 07.02.24 - updated OG with new data from HW3 demo
  • 22.02.24 - rearranges some galaxy maps, added Wiracoda Gate
  • 04.04.24 - added planetary Chain Reaction videos and HWM Tonaati Temple picture
  • 23.04.24 - added old Angel moon, and HW1 & HW2 journey sketches
  • 07.05.24 - added Hiigaran Corporations and GalGeth Super-Vulcano
  • 14.05.24 - added HW3 Galaxy map with HW3 Journey
  • 30.05.24 - added HW3 planets


Planetary System

According to what we see in the Guidestone, Kharak is positioned in the mixed orbit of Venus, Earth and Mars. And it’s interesting that the first orbit is occupied by a planet with a satellite, like in the old (and not actual now) theory that Mercury was a moon of Venus once. Though it feels like the Guidestone is positioned upside down: it should be turned 180 degrees to have a familiar picture. Does it mean the Kushan are writing from right to left?..

Guidestone Info

According to this map Kharak system should consist of:

  1. KS I: Stone planet with a moon
  2. Kharak: Stone planet
  3. KS III: Asteroid Belt
  4. Haarsuk: Gas planet
  5. KS V: Double stone planet

The Sun

If Kharak age is around 6.7 billion years, then Kharak System sun is around the same age, maybe it's 6.8 billion years old, which means it's older than our Solar System, which leads to interesting conclusions.

There is such a thing as a habitabitable zone:

Habitable Zone

If we take a look at our sun, which might be applied to Hiigara System sun, it's 4.5 billion years old. And in 1 billion years our Earth due to 10% sun brightness increase, will be no more in this habitable zone. It will the time for Mars, and so on.

Solar Red Giant Habitable Zone

So, when we say that Kharak's orbit is the same as Hiigara's orbit, and Kharak System sun is around 2 billion years older, that means it should be a smaller sun than Hiigaran one. And we see it: around 5 planets of Kharak System and around 9 planets of Hiigara System.

It would be cool to get an astronomer to clarify some things.

The Planet

HWU Kharak

Homeworld's epic tale begins in the far reaches of the universe. You were the benign lords of a peaceful society located in the center of a lush spiral galaxy. For as long as anyone could remember, no one challenged your peaceful existence. But then came the conquerors, invading with the sole purpose of overtaking your world. Billions died, and the survivors were relocated to a cold, lifeless planet on the edge of the galaxy.
(c) Homeworld Old Description

I guess, Mars was kind of an inspiration for the Kharak. It's the same deserted planet in the end of its geological life, similar size, the same cold as it was told in the early Homeworld description, only not so far from the Hiigara/Earth. Maybe the war between Mars and Earth was the very early stage of the Homeworld script?.. Or is it just an ecological situation metaphor?

Planets: Kharak & Mars
* according to the calculations from Reddit :)

However, something important happens when planets decrease in size: as they warm, their atmospheres expand outward, becoming larger and larger relative to the size of the planet. These large atmospheres increase both the absorption and radiation of heat, allowing the planet to better maintain a stable temperature. The researchers found that atmospheric expansion prevents low-gravity planets from experiencing a runaway greenhouse effect, allowing them to maintain surface liquid water while orbiting in closer proximity to their stars.
(c) A goldilocks zone for planet size

Habitable planet sizes

Maybe, if Mars and Venus switched places, our Solar System would have had 3 habitable world for now. But no, we have only one homeworld, one hell and one freezer.

But OK, let's return to Kharak. That’s how we saw the planet in Homeworld 1:

Homeworld 1 Classis Kharak

After that fans were imagining how Kharak would look like in better details:

Kharak by fans

That’s what we saw in HW1RM:

Map Kharak HW1RM M01

The same time BBI was working on their new HW IP - “Hardware”, set on a desert planet LV-27

Hardware Concepts

And with Gearbox acquiring the original HW IP - “Homeworld”, BBI decided to return back to Kharak

Kharak Sketch Map

And here is the globe done for HWDoK:

HWDOK Kharak

Being honest, to show Scaffold as large as it's shown in Homeworld Historical Briefing, I believe it should be located on the orbit similar to HW2 Mission 15:

HW1 Manual Scaffold

Kharak Close Orbit

The Expedition Guide globe is not very HD, but it has names on it.

Map Kharak 3D

And there is a map, made most probably by Adam Whitehead, that looks cool and pretty canonical:

Kharak Map

Northern Hemisphere

  • The Great Northern Highlands
    • The Seas of the Three Sisters (HWDOK)
      a.k.a. The Three Northern Seas (HW1)
      known to be dry in 200 years (~KDS 1110) according to HWDOK;
      • The Salt Sea (HW1)
        known to be the homeland of kiith Paktu exiled by kiith Siidim
      • The Second Sea (HW1)
        known to be the homeland of kiith Soban (HW1), thus Lehi and Balel (HWR)
        • Sparkling Desert (HW1)
          • Desert Proving Grounds (HWDOK)
        • Valley of Tiir (HW1)
          the homeland of kiith Naabal (HW1), and kiith Tambuur later (HWR)
          • Tiir (HW1)
            capitol city of kiith Naabal
          • The Shallows
            a natural geographic formation east of Tiir, and home to a Coalition Early Warning Sensors Outpost
        • The Powdered Sands (HWR)
          For generations the Kaalel lived on the shores of the Powdered Sands where they operated the most ornate theatre constructed before the Heresy Wars. Kaalel seems to be situated inbetween Gaalsien, Naabal and S'jet, maybe the opposite shore of The Second Sea
        • Walking Dunes (HWCO)
          known for kiith Kaalel decision to break with kiith S'jet
        • Dassar grasslands (HWR)
          Territories of kiith S'jet
      • The Third Sea - ?
  • Khontala Mountains (HWC)
    known to be origin of kiith Somtaaw
    • Lungma Jiin (HWC)
      "The Roof of the World", the highest mountain of Kharak
    • Red Creek Valley (HWC)
      the location of rich iron ore fateful for kiith Somtaaw
    • The Kasaar Desert (HWC)
      the entrance to Khontala Mountains
      • Kasaar Road (HWC)
        known by the protection agreement between kiith Soban and Somtaaw
    • Hameln, Gydeo (HWC)
      cities of kiith Somtaaw
    • The Shimmering Path (HWC)
      the complex of 33 Somtaaw temples, from Kasaar to Lungma Jiin
  • Great Barrier Mountain Range (HWDOK)
    natural sand baffle of hundreds of kilometers across the surface of Kharak
    • The Great Stormbreaker (HWDOK)
      a wall thousands of kilometers long, designed to save civilization in the North
    • Faaern Gorge (HWDOK)
      a natural geological formation
      • Kriil Firebase (HWDOK)
        it was used for deep desert reconnaissance and supply missions, in KDS 1111, it was overtaken by desert encroachment and abandoned, reopened in KDS 1115
    • Tarsis Line (HWDOK)
      named after the Coalition's Defense Minister Tarsis Naabal, is a line of early warning scanners and sensor outposts constructed and deployed by the Northern Coalition on the edge of the Great Banded Desert east of the capital Tiir. It was built immediately following the Gaalsien attacks on the north in KDS 1110
    • Drifting Seas (HWDOK)
      known for the Drifting Seas Campaign of 81-83, Roman S'jet was there
    • Riikes Dune (HWDOK)
      known for the Battle of Riikes Dune, Roman S'jet was there
  • The White Desert (HW1)
    there were first records about Manaani
  • Shiiaro Mountains (HWM)
    200 miles from the White Desert, a place with labyrinthine mountains, leading to Manaani Ferin Sha
    • Trader’s Bargain (HWM)
      A lone rock concluding confounding rock pillars, behind which was found a secluded desert basin where the 1st Ferin Sha happend, massacred by Siidim forces in KDS 513
  • Plain at Albegiido (HW1)
    the last point before the Great Banded Desert in Paktu Migration to the South
  • The Wastes (HWDOK)
    Khaaneph wandering grounds
  • Wrending Peaks (HWDOK)
  • Cape Wrath (HWDOK)
    A place of death of Naabal heavy carrier Ifriit Naabal
    • Hell's Gate (HWDOK)
  • Searing Flats (HWDOK)
  • Wanderer’s Pass (HWDOK)
  • Beladin Formation (HWDOK)
  • Beladin Dune Sea (HWDOK)
    A place of death of Gaalsien carrier Ashoka with her captain Khagaan

  • Sarathi Basin (HWDOK)
    • Kalash Valley (HWDOK)
      A site of alien ship Kalash
  • Garaaki Highlands (HWDOK)
    A place of Gaalsien carrier Renza death; the location of ancient ship fleet
    • Whispering Gallery (HWDOK)
      the passage to the Dreamlands
    • Khashar Plateau (HWDOK)

The Great Banded Desert

  • The Great Northern Way (HW1)
    railroad built by kiith Naabal to connect Northern Coalition with Southern Federation
  • Glass Basin (HWDOK)
  • Dreamlands / Dhaigren (HWDOK)
    • Torin Crater (HWDOK)
      the location of Taiidan wrecks
    • Khar-Toba site (HW1/HWDOK)
      you know it, it started it all


Southern Hemisphere

  • Hunon Mountains (HW1)
    a place of kiith Gaalsien defeat by kiith Paktu, the end of the Last Crusade
    • Burning red canyons (HW1)
      a place of despair and hope, as well, of Majiir Paktu words "I can smell the sea"
    • Silumiin (HW1)
      rocket launch site
  • Amariid Flats (HWR)
    the 2nd Ferin Sha of Manaan
  • Great Majiirian Ocean / Majiirian Sea (HW1)
    "members of the Southern Federation had the most experience with life in a water - and oxygen-rich climate. Paktu fishing operations have been highly successful, and their orchards and farms have prospered more than those of any other kiith" (HWCO)

The First Migration

  1. The Salt Sea
  2. Plain at Albegiido
  3. The Great Banded Desert
  4. Hunon Mountains, Red Canyons
  5. Majiirian Sea/Ocean

The Great Stormbreaker Wall Guardian Forts

  • Biaan (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet serving place
  • K'thtaal (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet serving place
  • Vriis (HWDOK)
    Jacob S'jet serving place
  • K'karr (HWDOK)
    Roman S'jet commandiring place
  • B’shiir (HWDOK)
    Fallen fortress, where Gaalsien Honorguard "Sajuuk Taa" Cruisers were seen for the first time

Kharak Stormbreaker Wall


  • Tiir (HW1)
    capital of kiith Naabal, capital of the Northern Coalition
  • Saju-Ka (HW1)
    capital of kiith Gaalsien
  • Mataar (HWR)
    capital of Siidim
  • Majiir (HWR)
    capital of kiith Paktu, capital of the Southern Federation
  • Gydeo (HWC)
    capital of kiith Somtaaw, 7th temple of the Shimmering Path
  • Hameln (HWC)
    city of kiith Somtaaw
  • Frein (HWCO)
    city of kiith Hraal

S'jetti Centers (HWR):

  • Abaard
    kiith Gaalsien attacked S'jet in there, thus they were punished for 100 years
  • Sadsaior
  • Khar-Atekh
  • Saju-ka


  • The Great Daiamid (HW1)
  • University of Tiir (HWDOK)
  • Naabal Tech Creche (HWDOK)
  • Sjet Tech Creche (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Barracks Complex (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Primal Tactical School (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Command School (HWDOK)
  • Tiir Officer Training Academy (HWDOK)
  • Academy of Advanced Sciences (HWDOK)
  • Soban Advanced Warfare Academy a.k.a Soban Red Academy (HWDOK)


33 Temples of The Shimmering Path

Norsehound has a theory that the names used in HWC multiplayer as alternatives to Kuun-Lan, might be used as other unknown temple names. I believe, it's a good theory, there's nothing against it, it's even in line with known ship names. Of course, there is only 21 name, but if we take that these are the missing ones - well, among them there is nothing containing "Tala" part for "Oracle of Tala" - then we have 27 unique names, with 6 missing. You just don't know what is what here. Though that "Vhenk-Maan" looks suspicious…

  • 1st: "Oracle of Tala"
  • 7th: "Dome of Heaven"
  • Xth: Faal-Corum "Silent Wayfarer"
  • Xth: Kuun-Lan "Purifying Flame"
  • Xth: Clee-San "Truth Seeker"
  • 33rd: "Temple of the Mysteries"
  • Teer-Gig, Gaal-Ten, Coor-Lan, Naab-Corum, Toet-Coy, Eheb-San, Shuus-Nan, Thuuw-Nan, Morrh-Re, Ruun-Aaid, Shin-Clah, Baar-Ett, Gaar-Balhi, Vhenk-Maan, Maal-Nitz, Feng-Yuun, Thul-Lee, Mholah-Ri, Veer-Kah, Eh-Ghoan, Drun-Kyori

Kharak Corporations

  • NaabalTech
  • Hraal Industrial Works
  • Somtaaw Industries

Plus, as we can see out of Kapisi carrier description, there were S'jet, Paktu and Jaraci companies for sure.

Khadiim Operation (HWDOK Journey)

There is a detailed fan map, that is really worth sharing. Most probably, done by Adam Whitehead.

Operation Khadiim

The End

But, no matter how we develop the depths of Kharak’s history, like in the Star Wars, the end is known.

ADWs (Atmospheric Deprivation Weapons) are some of the most destructive weapons ever used. They are detonated in low orbit and the result is literal deprivation of the planet’s atmosphere. Temperatures
on the surface can reach so high that the air burns. Any living creature is quickly incinerated due to the heat, or choked by the lack of essential gasses, such as oxygen. Even after the atmosphere is destroyed the planet remains uninhabitable by any kind of life, as well as vulnerable to space debris collision and radiation.
(c) HWR, p.96, Other Weapons

Kharak Map HW1 Classic
Kharak Map HW1RM

As well, HW1 could be an exaggerated Cold War metaphor - 2 technologically same factions, both capable of going into the space and destroying worlds.

Though the question about the Southern Federation is still remains open.


Planetary System

There is no direct information about the Hiigara System, but we can find something out of the HW1 loading screens:

Map Hiigara System HW1

And the other half of Guidestone:

Guidestone Info

So, Hiigara System contains:

  • HS I: Stone planet
  • HS II: Stone planet (most likely)
  • Hiigara / Angel Moon: Stone plane with a moon, double planet
  • HS IV: Stone planet (most likely)
  • HS V: Stone planet
  • HS VI: Gas Giant with at least 2 moons
  • HS VII: Gas Giant with at least 3 moons
  • HS VIII: Stone planet with a moon
  • HS IX: Stone planet

Of course, there is a question if any planet was not shown inbetween the Guidestone and the loading screen, and if there is an asteroid belt on orbits with no planets shown, but in general it's so.
Anyway, there is a nice Norsehound’s Hiigara System fanfic map, though it's discussable:

Norsehound Hiigara System Map

The Planet

HWU Hiigara

Hiigara looks very much like Earth, and even without the "Kharak-Mars" theory. it might have been done intentionally: the game credits with that Yes song were aiming to our "Earth is our Home" feelings, with this old "Promised land" concept. And Deserts of Kharak somewhat repeated in a way of "Take care of your home", feel lucky that your world is still hospitable for you - is it? Or you have 2 centuries left to build a Mothership?..

So, it's not surprising that there might been a though that Hiigara was meant to be a future Earth. For example, like in this continent movement simulation video:

Well, the idea is interesting but not exact. But let's see how does Hiigara look in the games.

HW1 Classic Mission 016:

Hiigara Map from HW1 Classic

HW1 Classic Mission 016:

Map Hiigara HW1RM M16

And that's the HWRM story trailer, which shows us a bit different picture:

Map Hiigara HW2RM M16 Story

HW2 Classic Mission 02:

Map Hiigara HW2 Classic

HW2 Remastered Mission 02:

Map Hiigara HW2RM M02

HW2 Classic Mission 15:

HW2 Hiigara Map M15

HW2 Remastered Mission 15:

Map Hiigara HW2RM M16 A

Ah, what a beautiful sight…

There was a HW2 mod "The End of Times" a.k.a. T.E.O.T.. These guys have been modelling HIigara by the HW2 Classic data. Map Hiigara Globe

Map Hiigara Globe Versions

Map Hiigara Map by T.E.O.T

And during the map creation it's been noted that quit a lot of Earth continent data had been used for this map. For sure you'd notice North America, Eurasia etc. Even in HW1RM M16 map, a new research, there are Australia trails and others… So, is Hiigara a future Earth? Well, let's not mix inspiration and plagiarism.

If we take a look at Homeworld Remastered, that, surprisingly, we would find that HW1 Hiigara and H2 Hiigara are quite different. So, this is HW1RM continent:

Hiigara Map HW1RM Supercontinent

But if we compare to HW2RM, then we would find that this big guy is on the globe, but suddenly it has changed its size.

Map Hiigara HW2RM Continent

I believe all these troubles can and should be solved by some official map and globe.

As for the notable locations on Hiigara, there are:

  • Asaam Kiith'sid (HWC)
    a capitol
  • Massalo (HWM)
    the Third Ferin Sha place (probably the similar desert like the one used for Burning Man Fest) - well, according to HWRS, technically it's the Forth, as the Third was organized at some unused Mothership Hangar during the Homeworld War, after the Kadeshi genocide - well, as explained not to celebrate but to release the emotions of that "why the Jakuul" moment.
  • Gal'Geth (HW3)
    Hiigaran Super-Vulcano
  • Gilded Sea (HW3)
    See where the memorial Sailor's Temple located

Hiigaran Facilities

  • The New Daiamid (HWC)
  • Hiigara Star Navy Academy (HWM)
  • S'jet Science Academy (HW3)
  • Great Hall Mera'Kaar (HW3)
  • Sailor's Temple (HW3)

Hiigaran Corporations (HW3)

  • Somtaaw Forges
  • KaalTech
  • NaabalWorks
  • S'jet High Energy Labs (SHEL)
  • Paktu Armory Division (PAD)
  • Manaan Advanced Processing Systems (MAPS)

The Moon

HWU The Angel Moon

Well, the moon is situated quite close to the planet, looks like unlike Earth's Moon, Angel Moon is going to cosplay Moonfall movie in uncertain future. Well, another one Kushani timebomb unless they are building somewhat of "Wandering Earth" engines there.

Tbh, I'm sure that after Kharak's gravity of 1/3 of Hiigaran's one, the Angel Moon was more appropriate for a new-arrived Kushans, thus I believe it somewhat of Elysium situation has happened there: a large number of overprivileged Kushans lived on moon, and having a new generation to get strengthened in a capital under their control, and all Hiigara "belonged" to underprivileged Kiithless Taiidans.
And, btw, Angel Moon could be a good place for the Kadeshi migrants.

Earth Moon

RC angel moon

Map Hiigara HW2RM M16

And here's Hiigara's Moon map by T.E.O.T.'s Hix:
Map Kharak Angel Moon

Homeworld Galaxy

Homeworld Original Galaxy was most probably inspired by our Milky Way:

Milky Way

and M51a "Whirlpool" galaxy:


So, Homeworld Original Galaxy is a spiral type galaxy ("whirlpool" subtype), of approximately 70000+ light years large.

This map is pre-HW3, made by BBI, so it should be fully canonical:
Homeworld Galaxy

This was the map from HW1 Historical Briefing:

HW1 Galaxy Map Color

There are some sketches saved about it:

RC newpathcomp07RC pathcomp02

In HW1, we have a map projection in space by Bentusi, showing us some pre-exile Galaxy. In HW1RM version there are not so much dots, and it feels like that this circle dot is Hiigara, which means the screenshot should be turned 180 degrees. And in old HW1 there were more details:
Map Galaxy PreExileMap Galaxy PreExile HW1 Classic

Norsehound tried to compile another map out of this, though it's still not clear who is who here:
Map Galaxy PreExile Norsehound

HWC has shown us Taiidani Empire fracture in the center of OG, though it's not easy to understand things. Surprisingly, it looks like located in-between Galactic Rims, roughly, Hiigara and Kesura:
Map Taiidani EmpireMap Taiidani Civil War

HW2 had this sketch but who knows how much official it is (well, even things ended up in a release might be retconned!):

HW2 Journey

HW3 has added these things:

HW3 Demo map

HW3 Galaxy Right Half

There are some names like:

  1. Center: Balcora Gate, Tenhauser Gate, Elson Gate, Hiigara, Tanis, Karos, Bentus Graveyard
  2. North: Satori Sequence, Animus Arm, Dakhara Arm
  3. East: Kesura
  4. South: (deeply in the Vaygr Reaches) Noctuua 27
  5. West: Taiidan Research Station, Ghost Ship, Diamon Shoals, Kharak

Looks like Tanis was moved across the galaxy closer to Hiigara. Which is reasonable.

And the Anomaly of the Noctuua-27 Gate.

HW3 Demo map Noctuaa 27

Which looks like situated somewhere around the Vaygr Reaches according to HW2:
Map Vaygr Territories

As well, there is a map with the subgalaxy where Naggarok came from, though the Homeworld galaxy looks a bit strange.

HWC Galaxy

Maybe, all this was drawn in a fast mode, to finish the product in time, but still to give a general idea of what's happening. Well, HWC deserves a proper remaster :)

As well HWM intro cutscene also confirms this "tail" galaxy is actually a part of the original whirlpool:

HW Map Galaxy Original

Same here in HW3 trailer galaxy map:

HW MAP HW3 Galaxy

There are more things from the earlier staff, where Kesura and Noctuua 27 Anomaly are seen on the far edge:

HW3 Map

And to think, HWC also shows in a similar manner where the Naggarok was found, though it hard to understand where everything is, and a meaning of these sector lines, or it's just for fancy look, like using Greek alphabet:
Map Galaxy By Somtaaw

So, it appears we've found out the approximate location of the final mission of HWC: the Naggarok came out of this ponytail galaxy and got stuck in the Vaygr Reaches region. And there is a question if HW3 Anomaly is somehow related to this, and if the Taiidan Republic base was so far away close to the Vaygrs, and close to the Progenitor artifacts - maybe they were also searching for the Core?..

…And here comes the official picture of HW3 journey from Historical and Technical Briefing doc:

HW3 Galaxy Map

Known Actors

  • Progenitors (HW2)
  • Bentusi (HW1)
  • Galactic Council (HW1)
    • 16 empires (pre-Exile) (HW2PR)
  • Taiidan Empire (HW1)
    • Taiidani Republic (HWC)
    • Taiidani Imperialists (HWC)
    • Kalan Raiders (HW3)
  • Old Hiigaran Empire (HW2PR)
    • Kadeshi (HW1)
    • Kharakian Kushans (HW1/DOK)
      • Hiigaran Kushans (HWC/2/3/VR)
  • Turanic Raiders (HW1)
    • Turanic Kingdoms (HWC)
    • Rackam's Raiders (HWM)
  • Frerrn Aggregate (HWC)
  • Vaygr (HW2)
  • Osyrian Alliance (HWM)
    • Valhalla (HWM)
  • Independent Worlds
    • Tarsus (HWM)
    • Ur (HWM)
  • Radaa (HWVR)
  • Incarnates (HW3)

Inner Rim

  • Hiigara System (HW1)
    known as a capitol world of ancient Hiigaran Empire, Taiidan Empire and Kushan Empire
  • Tenhauser Gate (HW1)
    known as a location where Taiidan Empire fleet attacked Bentusi
  • Gorth's Rift (HWWOS)
    known as a location where the original prototype of Kushan "Imperator" carrier was heavily damaged
  • Vorshan's Rift (HWC)
    known for Taiidani Rebels unsuccessful riot, Captain Elson escaping right into the hands of Kushans
  • Karos Graveyard (HW1)
    huge debris field located in an unoccupied system within the Galactic Core, this interstellar junkyard is the final resting place of derelict and abandoned starships by the tens of thousands (HWR)
    • Shining Hinterlands (HW1)
      known as a location where the communication link for Taiidani Rebellion was hidden
    • Progenitor Mothership parts (HW2)
      known as The Second Mothership destinations set by Oracle
    • Karos Canyonlands (HWDST)
  • Bentus Graveyard (HW2)
    a place of The Great Bentus explosion remains
  • Tanis (HW2)
    known as a place where The Second Mothership was constructed
  • Sarum (HW2)
    known for captain Elohim shipyard
  • Tel Sector (HWC)
    known as a sector where Kuun-Lan lost a half of the ship that subverted into the Beast mothership
    • Coruc-Tel System (HWC)
      known as a meeting location of Kuun-Lan, Clee-San and Turanic Raiders
    • Aiowa System (HWC)
      known for Bentusi using self destruction against the Beast, damaging Manaani Caal-Shto
    • Kadiir Nebula (HWC)
      known as a location where Kuun-Lan escorted Caal-Shto,
      known as a location of an Imperial Base
      known for Kuun-Lan saving Taiidan Republican convoy DX-307 from the Beast missiles
      • Zeta Gate (HWC)
      • Epsilon Gate (HWC)
    • Seera Tel System (HWC)
      The Beast Cruise Missile was first seen in Seera Tel system, when a Manaani frigate squadron sent a frantic message that it was under attack by an unknown drone craft
    • Fornax System (HWC)
      known for its star went nova forcing its habitant flee in Taiidan Republican convoys
  • Koreth's Rift (HWC)
    known as a place where Kuun-Lan met Taiidan Republican spy with an important info
    known as a place where Kuun-Lan has found its Siege Cannon and tried it out for the first time
    • Gozan System (HWC)
      known for Gozan IV, Taiidan Imperialist research planet, experimenting with the Beast
    • AZ-23769 System (HWC)
      known as a meeting place of Kuun-Lan, Faal-Corum and The Beast
  • Kyori Sector (HWC)
    known as a 3rd place where Turanic Outpost was found - by Kuun-Lan
    • Sheer-Ka System (HWC)
      Hiigaran Fleet Intelligence suspects that one Turanic Outpost may be located here
      it's not said that Sheer-Ka belongs to Kyori, but it's not said that it's not, and as Somtaaw found this Outpost, why not it be the HFI authorized place?
  • Coruc Farr System (HWC)
    known for a Battle of Coruc Farr, where the captain of Somtaaw Naar-Tel destroyer, applied what will be named Naar Directive, destroying part of the ship to save others from the Beast infection
    it must have been after the research of destroyers (AZ-23769 System), so it could be the event of both Kuun-Lan and Faal-Corum, but yes, it could be a good spin-off about Faal-Corum

Galactic Rims

Well, as the maps in HWC were strangely positioned, there is no confidence were to position the last act of HWC. But for sure we know that Tel Sector neighbors Koreth Sector, and both are full of Taiidan Republic/Imperialist forces. So, these are the remains of Taiidan Empire. Kyori Sector is full of Turanic Raiders, but as we've already met Turanics in the Hiigara Sector and Tel Sector, it means it's very close to each other. It's the Galactic Core.

As for the final missions on the Galactic Rim the latest information from HW3 points at Vaygr Reaches location and HW OG tail subgalaxy.

Outer Western Rim

  • Kharak System (HW1)
    a temporary home for Kushan exiles
  • The Great Nebula (HW1)
    a temporary home for another Kushan exiles
    • The Garden of Kadesh (HW1)
      "There is no withdrawal from the Garden" (c) Kadeshi
    • The Cathedral of Kadesh (HW1)
      known as a sacred location of Kadeshian Khar-Toba
    • The Cloister of Kadesh (HWR)
      The individual from the crew would be chosen personally by the Custodian of the ship, and would often spend months in an area of dense gas known as The Cloister with minimal food and water. Should they survive and get back in contact with their home-ship, they would be celebrated as symbolically surviving on the very essence of the nebula itself, and be chosen to speak for the Kadeshi people to those who breach their borders (HWR)
  • Turan sector (HWC)
    known as a sector where Turanic Raider's were first met

Outer Eastern Rim

  • Gulf Sector (HWC)
    known as a place where Naggarok had drifted away to
    known as a place where Bentusi built their Hypergates, destroyed by Kuun-Lan
  • Dark Matter Cluster Faal-Tel (HWC)
    known as a meeting place of Kuun-Lan and Manaani fleet, to find subverted Clee-San
  • Far Reaches Sector (HWC)
    • Sojent-Ra System (HWC)
      known for positive Siege Cannon test on The Beast mothership and Clee-San
    • Republican Naval Base Alpha (HWC)
      known for Nomad Moon and Naggarok defeat by Kuun-Lan
  • Vaygr Reaches (HW2PR)
    • Gehenna (HW2)
      known as a primary location of mysterious Oracle
    • Thaddis Sabbah (HW2)
      known as a sector where Captain Soban was prepared for interrogation
    • Hethlim Ice-Fields (HW2PR)
      known as a primary location of the Third Great Core, found by Makaan
    • Noctuua 27 (HW3)
      known as an epicenter of the Anomaly
  • Kesura Oasis (HW3)

A bit closer look at Kesura Oasis:

HW3 Kesura Oasis


Kushan Planets

  • Hiigara (HW1)
    the Exile's old planet
  • Kharak (HW1)
    the Exile's new planet
  • Haarsuk (HW1)
    Gas Giant from Kharak System
  • Nisilbis (HWR)
    When the exiles interfaced with the intergalactic community, they inadvertently discovered the truth
    of Kiith Siidim when their sigil was recognized by the Bentusi. Evidence points to the Siidim being the descendants of a lost thirty-five-ship convoy that departed from Nisilbis nearly three thousand years before the exiles returned to Hiigara. (HWR)
  • Karbala-03B (HW3)
    Destroyed by Incarnate hyper-attack industrial planet with 16 mln dead;
  • Jade-04G (HW3)
    Destroyed by Incarnate hyper-attack mining planet with 16,870 dead;
  • Sahel-5 (HW3)
    Destroyed by Incarnate hyper-attack agricultural planet with 190.700 dead;

Taiidan Planets

  • Taiidan (HWWOS)
    the capitol world of Taiidan Republic, contains Taiidan Veteris, the memorial to Taiidan Genocide performed by Hiigarians
  • Gozan IV (HWC)
    Imperial Taiidan outpost planet
  • Ferox (HWR)
    Taiidani Navy planet
  • Resta (HWRS)
    Taiidani border world, where was a small rebellion
  • Triistara (HWR)
    Taiidani city-world (planet??), destroyed for the rebellion by Riestiu IV-2
  • Elaprasa (HWRS)
    Taiidani tourist world, attacked by Turanic Raiders

Turanic Planets

  • Telapé II (HWRS)
    some independent world, ransacked by Turanic Raiders
  • Yggrisix (HWR)
    an agricultural planet, a.k.a. “Breadbasket”, controlled by a Turanic Raiders "entente"


  • Brauntor (HWR)
    The tidally-locked planet of Brauntor shows a unique situation when it comes to planetary makeup. With one side constantly facing its sun, the consistent twilight in a thin ring around the planet allowed for a civilization to spring up.
    – appears that's even possible!..
  • Fortune (HWR)
    less than a hundred years after joining the Galactic Council, corporate greed has strip-mined the planet to the brink of complete ecological collapse
  • Halashen (HWRS)
    some independent world, a corporate controlled world with heavy security
  • Mirballa (HWR)
    a planet that needed evacuating a century ago due to the collapse of its closest star. The Council was in the second year of negotiating the method of evacuation when the star went supernova, bringing an effective end to continued negotiations
  • Stenstorp (HWRS)
    a primitive planet that contains some Progenitor artifacts
  • Tarkos I (HWR)
    was evacuated due to dangerous stellar phenomena, and then purchased and transformed by Galactic Council into the largest sporting and leisure facility in the known galaxy, Eclipse Park
  • Welga VI (HWR)
    a planet with Council University


HW1 Journey

  • Western Outer Rim
    • Kharak System
    • Great Wastelands
    • Diamond Shoals
    • Kadeshi Nebula
    • Sea of Lost Souls
    • Supernova System
  • Kursius Arm
    • Tenhauser Gates
  • Galactic Core
    • Galactic Core
    • Karos Sector
    • Hiigara System

HWC Journey

  • Galactic Core
    • Hiigara System
    • Tel Sector
      • Coruc-Tel System
      • Aiowa System
      • Kadiir Nebula
    • Koreth's Rift
      • Gozan System
      • AZ-23769 System
    • Kyori Sector
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Gulf Sector
    • Dark Matter Cluster Faal-Tel
      might be the same as "Far Reaches Sector" and maybe around "Vaygr Reaches"
    • Far Reaches Sector
      • Sojent-Ra System
      • Taiidani Republic Naval Base Alpha

HW2 Journey

  • Galactic Core
    • Tanis
    • Hiigara System
    • Sarum System
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Gehenna System
  • Galactic Core
    • Karos Sector
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Thaddis Sabbah
  • Galactic Core
    • Balcora Sector
    • Hiigara System

HW3 Journey

  • Galactic Core
    • Hiigara
  • Animius Arm
    • Facility 315 (?)
  • Galactic Eastern Rim
    • Kesura Oasis
    • Kala Terminus
    • Trinity Gate
    • Naraka Gate
    • Citadel
    • Buran Ice Shelf
    • Noctuua-27

The Homeworld Mobile "Nimbus" Galaxy

A new field of mobile exploration with a lot events happening there:

Nimbus Galaxy Map

And thanks to HWM RU fans, here we have a map of Nimbus Galaxy starpoints - not all, but we can see the names, though I'd say there is too much Kushan language influence in them (until we meet Mesoamerican Tanoch Empire):

HWM named map

And the known actors are:

  • Progenitors
  • Hagthar Empire
    • Amassari
  • Yaot Federation
  • Tanoch Empire
    • Tecuban
    • Chicuat
  • Cangacian Pirates
  • Iyatequa Traders
  • Medea, the Hiigaran state
    within the Empty Quarter, with Lazarus Base as a capital
  • Vaygr Opona

HWM Banners

And for Cangacian (pirates?) I have not found a proper size logo.


  • Wiracoda Gates (HWM)
    we've come to Nimbus from Duzumi Gate to Wiracoda Gate, a place with too much hostile Keepers
  • Star Totek (HWM)
    Tanochet holy place
  • Sijin Lighthouse (HWM)
  • Temple Tonaati (HWM)
  • Jolja (HWM)
    Gideon S'jet's (another protégé of Karan S'jet) favorite system.
  • Nightmare Gulf (HWM)

Tonaati TempleHWM - JoljaHWM Sijin Lighthouse

HWM Star TotekHWM - Nightmare GulfHWM Wiracoda Gate

Other Galaxies

Intergalactic gates of HWM have unveiled two more directions:

  • Eros Galaxy - with a a research outpost (HWM)
  • Aurora Galaxy - with the Vinland settlement (HWM)

…contact with these outposts became a classified matter for their protection...
(c) HWM, The Gates

Homeworld Galaxies

Maybe, as these space objects were so clearly shown, it could be that those unknown galaxies on the left and on the right to the original galaxy are the ones?..


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