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Homeworld: The Stranger Things II

HW STRTH2 Header

Though I'd like to, but there is no possibility to include everything in one article as I cannot add a sentence anymore. So I decided to split it to HW1-2-C/E-DOK and HWR-HWM-HW3 dedicated articles.

So, as previously, here I'd like to gather all the mistakes and curious things of Homeworld Universe that I've found. I hope it would be useful the creators of a new HWU content. And I really hope that there would be a proof-reader for the upcoming HW3, because at least the names should be fixed and "canonized" across all the texts.


  1. The Sources
  2. Change Log
    • The Book Cover
    • A Matter of Time
    • The Last Crusade of Gaalsi
    • Planet Killers
    • Star-Metal Scrolls Author
    • Kharakian Artifacts
    • The Return of Gaalsi
    • Rail Paktu
    • United Kiithid of Paktu
    • The S'jet-Sid
    • The Shimmering Path
    • Mevath Sagald's Discovery
    • Who Killed Kiith Ferriil
    • A Question of XenoGenesis
    • Scaffold Once Again
    • The Naabal-Soban Pact
    • The Birthday of Hraal
    • LiirHra The Minor Kiith
    • Swords of Kharak
    • The Core of Youth
    • Uncounted Population
    • Unwelcomed Passenger
    • Indestructible Cores

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts

Change Log

  • 23.10.23 - divided HW: Stranger Things into 2 parts; added info about HWR: The Book Cover, HWR: United Kiithid of Paktu, HWR: Rail Paktu, HWM: Uncounted Population, HWM: Unwelcomed Passenger;
  • 11.01.24 - added chapter about the Eternal Youth Core;


The Book Cover

First of all, the book's cover: while all the story of HWR is covering HW1 events only and a non-essential bit about the future events, the cover has the HW2 sigil on it instead of HW1's one. And from this point of view, I'd love to see that kind of a picture on a book dedicated to HW1 events:

Stoned Homeworld

Instead of this beautiful art of a Kushan-Taiidan space battle, which right half is positioned on the left side, and left - on the right side of the book, I'd love to see Kharak and Galaxy maps, that are more critical for a RPG player (like it was done in Alien RPG book).

homeworld revelations gamemaster screen

Maybe even I'd love to see several books instead of 1, dedicated to and around:

  1. Kharak civilization times, with Northern Coalition sigil on a cover;
  2. Homeworld War times (~AHL 0), with a classic Guidestone sigil on a cover, including HWC times;
  3. Vaygr War times (~AHL 115), with Unified Hiigaran Fleet sigil on a cover;
  4. Nimbus Galaxy life (~AHL 119), with all the new information created for this project;
  5. And probably, HW3 introducing new Era (~AHL 215) with a new galaxy would require this as well;

But probably, I'm just longing for some HWU art/lore combination book, without any other extras. Somewhat of "Horus Heresy: Visions of Heresy". Anyway, HWR is worth buying, if you like HWU.

A Matter of Time

This a table from HWR, p.168, A Matter of Time. If you would look attentively, you will find that there is a dublication error in between The Exile and Age of Reason.

HWR Timeline

But the main problem is with the Exile finish date (GSY 7800) and the Early Settlement. The very next page tells a bit different story:

• ~7500 GSY Exiles Land on Kharak
• 8294 GSY Kiith S'jet Establishes Kharakian Dating System
(c) HWR, p.169, Timeline of the Kushan

So, when did Kushani landed on Kharak? In GSY 7500 or GSY 7800? So how many did they spent on Kharak before the KDS 0? 500 years or 800 years? And what did they do all that time?..

The Last Crusade of Gaalsi

KDS 700 Final Southern Crusade
(c) HWR, p.169, Timeline of the Kushan

A little bit more details can be found here:

There were at least three major attempts to assault the southern lands from 652-700. The last of these was the most successful; the army of Liam Gaalsi actually arrived at the pass of the Hunon mountains almost intact in the spring of 698, ready to subdue the unruly kiithid of the southlands and their kiith-sa.
HW1, Historical Briefing, p.27, Kiith Paktu

So, I read it as a period of KDS 652-700 is just a round-up, and this really has ended with the Final Crusade of KDS 698. And doubtfully that after such a great loss any new expeditions across the Great Banded Desert would be done in 2 years left. And HWDOK strongly states the date of the last one.

KDS 698
Kim Paktu, the grandson of Majiir Paktu and leader of the Paktu kiith'sa, defeats Liam Gaalsien and his men in the Battle of the Majiirian Sea. It was the last crusade ever attempted against the Paktu.
(c) HWDOK, History of Kharak

Planet Killers

Planet killers

Immense, starship-shaped vessels with atmosphere-igniting missiles, these ships were deployed near the end of the Vaygr War in an attempt to do to Hiigara what the Taiidan did to Kharak. Indeed, some similarities between these ships and those that committed the Kharakian Genocide suggest a common designer, or at least common design principles
(c) HWR, p.194, Planet Killers

That's a really strange sentence. If by "by these ships" are meant starship-shaped vessels, then none of them were seen at Kharak, though the "design" idea might point to the return of T-Mat. If it's about the missiles, then it's OK, Taiidani tech taken by Vaygr.

Star-Metal Scrolls Author


Said to have been written by Sajuuk himself in a language no others could read, this set of scrolls is sacred to the Somtaaw.
(c) HWR, p.194, Star-Metal Scrolls

Actually, originally the author was a different guy:

…the famed Star-Metal Scrolls, which were alleged to have been written by the hand of Jakuul Himself, in a language which no living man could read.
(c) HWC, p.9, Historical Brief, Kiith History: Somtaaw

That one guy was one mentioned in a relations to the story of the famous heretical Naabal, the kiith who defeated Sajuuk-praying Gaalsi

The Naabal had been keeping the secrets of explosives, steam and refining for more than a hundred years, and when they rose, they swept out of their hidden city of Tiir like the gleaming servants of Jaakul himself.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.33, Kiith Naabal

Naabal-sa, who defeated religious kiith Gaalsien, was called Ifriit. Just listen to this: Ifrit Baal… I guess, it's the link to the theosophical version of Devil: Luciferus, the Light Bringer, the gleaming servants of Jakuul - jackal, Anubis, the God of Death…. No wonder they were considered heretics! This is the world where Baal prophets were the ones who ignited the fire of Prometheus, leading to the Burning of Kharak and Galaxy in Flames...

And following the reference of Alfred Nobel (will be there any Naabel Prize?), they most probably used a lot of explosions and other chemical fire along machineguns and steam machines. Pure demons! Must have been smoking tobacco from the southern plantations of Paktu, as well!..

Ifriit Naabal loves the smell of Napalm

Kharakian Artifacts

HW STRTH2 HWR Artifacts

Up until the discovery of Khar Toba, most serious Kharakian scholars had assumed that the Somtaaw's Star Metal Scrolls were just a myth, very much like their Chalice of Life or any other mystical refuse from Kharakian legend. Before the discovery of the Guidestone, the Star-Metal Scrolls were put into the same category as Soban's sword Caaliburnos, or the Burning Spear of Gaalsi.
(c) HWC, p.9, Historical Brief, Kiith History: Somtaaw

So, there were Kharakian Legends about Sobani sword Caaliburnos, and the Gaalsi Burning Spear. But instead of sand stories about Soban The Red being given a magic sword by the spirit of Sparkling Desert to revenge, or desperate adventurers expeditions to the lost bunkers of Gaalsien in a search for their ancient Sajuuk magic artifact, we were given some strange stories about pre-Kharak sword, and out-of-Kharak spear.

Initially, it was an actual sword: a relic from the earliest days of Kushan culture on Hiigara.
(c) HWR, p.196, Sword of Caaliburnous

The Burning Spear vanishes entirely from authoritative record-keeping in the years just before Hiigarans discovered the Hyperspace Core. The last vessel to bear a Burning Spear weapon, the Terimah-Datang, exploded losing all hands, during a systems test at the edge of the Hiigara system
(c) HWR, p.196, The Burning Spear

I simply cannot accept those stories as a canon. Well, except maybe for this, looks OK:

In the fifteenth year AHL, a group of engineers from Kiith Naabal forged a new Sword, made of ore from both Hiigara and Kharak, as well as scrap metal taken from the Mothership.
(c) HWR, p.196, Sword of Caaliburnous

The Return of Gaalsi

Gaalsi Attack

The Kiith was thought nearly extinct until they began attacking the northern Kiithid with advanced weaponry salvaged from crashed spaceships in 1075 KDS.
(c) HWR, p.200, Kiith Gaalsien, Gaalsien History

Well, according to HWDOK, Gaalsien attacks began a little bit earlier, there was even a whole The Drifting Seas Campaign in KDS 1081-1083. Strange that this night was not mentioned in Gaalsien history.

KDS 1074
The Night of Fiery Daggers (Siifar Kor'shesh). On the first night of 1074, ten thousand Gaalsien soldiers attack the twin forts along the StormBreaker Wall.
(c) HWDOK, History of Kharak

And those black sado-mazo suits with a superhero capes… Ok, you want them look like Nazi, though it's Siidim thing, but well, the black color is not suitable for the deserts anyhow - nor it's masking, nor it's anti-heat color. Things should be practical - you know, they are living there, not showing off.

Rail Paktu

Desert Train

It wasn’t until Kiith Naabal laid the Great Northern Way, connecting north and south by steam car,
that the Paktu were reintroduced to the rest of Kushan society.
Though they were invited to the Daiamid in 820 KDS, Kiith Paktu only maintained a token presence there until the Great Northern Way was opened up in 912 KDS by Kiith Naabal.
(c) HWR, p.201, C7, Kiith Paktu

Until the Great Northern Way was constructed in 912, passage to the south was perilous for conventional sand-sailers.
Although Kiith Paktu officially accepted the invitation into the Daiamid in 915, the southern Kiith maintained only a token presence in Tiir.
(c) HWR, p.227, Kiith Paktu and the Southern Coalition

Actually, according to HW1 and HWDOK kiith Naabal info it has happened around KDS 830+200:

By the Time of Reason 200 years later, Kiith Naabal had replaced the perilous sand-sail routes to the south with rail-mounted steam cars, and had given Kiith Paktu-Sa of the southern polar region a permanent presence in the Daiamid.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.34, Kiith Naabal // HWDOK, Kharakid Social Systems, Naabal

Of course, we can think of it, like there was a Great Northern Way in KDS 912, and then the railways were added in KDS 1030, but still this vague explanation doesn't solve the issue with kiith Paktu Daiamid token and permanent presence times.

United Kiithid of Paktu

HWR has introduced us the Southern Coalition, lead by kiith Paktu:

Kiith Paktu and the Southern Coalition
(c) HWR, p.226, C7

After the Manaan, Kiith S’jet is one of the few to hold respect from the Kiith who formed the Southern Coalition.
(c) HWR, p.230, C7, Kiith Paktu

But, as we see in HW1, it was not another mirror Coalition - it was the Southern Federation:

Prior to the emergence of the Southern Federation and the Naabel intervention, very few Kharakians had ties outside their own kiith…
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.28, Kiith Soban // HWDOK, Kharakid Social Systems, Soban

As well, Southern Federation is mentioned in HWC Outtakes, so the idea of a Southern pole state was pretty much established:

Emerging from under the wing of Kiith Naabal when the Great Daiamid was established, the Hraal were most notable for their application and improvement on the Naabal's basic steam engine. Hraal owned several steam-powered factories by the year 830, and hand in hand with its sister Kiithid, who collectively became known as the "Naabal Kiithlings," the Hraal eventually built the rail lines which linked the northern hemisphere with the rapidly growing Southern Federation.
(c) HWCO, Kiith LiirHra

Prior to Exodus, members of the Southern Federation had the most experience with life in a water- and oxygen-rich climate.
(c) HWCO, History of the Landfall

And the difference between a Coalition and a Federation is like a difference between NATO (maybe EU) and USA, a decree of independence. So this is a bit more important than it sounds in defining the strength of Paktu.

The S'jet-Sid

Rachel Sjet

Karan Sjet, the only daughter of Huur Sjet-Sa and in direct line for the leadership of all Kiith Sjet
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.32, Kiith Sjet

Gaarket, (he's our S'jet-Sa now, can you believe it?)
(c) HWDOK, Rachel's Personal Journal, The Journey Begins

Rachel S'jet was instrumental in the success of the mission and locating the First City of KharToba. Still later as S'jet-Sa she supported the findings of Mevath Sagald when she presented the Guidestone to the Daiamid in 1155 KDS. More recently Karan S'jet, next in line for the position of Sa with her people, offered herself up for an experimental surgery to solve a critical problem with the Mothership's computer systems.
(c) HWR, p.207, S'jet History

So, it feels like the line of S'jet-Sid is the following: Fliir -> … -> Gaarket -> Rachel -> Huur -> Karan.

Of course, it feels like with the words of "Karan S'jet, next in line for the position of Sa" Homeworld Revelations has forgotten about Huur S'jet-Sa, but we do remember.

The Shimmering Path

Tibet Fortress

The origins of Kiith Somtaaw are lost to time, but it is known they must have found passage through the Khontala Mountain range sometime in the mid 200s. Allegedly receiving visions from Sajuuk, the earliest
Sas of Kiith Somtaaw established the thirty three temples of the Shimmering Path leading up to the summit of Lungma Jiin.
(c) HWR, p.215, Somtaaw History

Well, both HWC and HWDOK, tell it has happened a bit earlier, and it's even know who was that Sa:

Starting in the year 178 KDS, Kharakian artists from various disciplines were gathered under the patronage of Teigor Somtaaw, one of the most enlightened kiithid of his time. Employing hundreds of skilled masons, painters, architects and weavers, Kiith Somtaaw began building a series of temples on the slopes of the mountain called Lungma Jiin, “The Roof of the World”.
(c) HWC, p.9, Historical Brief, Kiith History: Somtaaw

Mevath Sagald's Discovery

Sagald Discovery

…the Kiith was the only one specializing in cultural archaeology when Khar-Toba was uncovered in 1110 KDS.
Kiith Sagald was immediately summoned to oversee the excavation work, and after thirty years they were the only ones to remain on the site as interest wandered away from the past. Mevath Sagald, the last director overseeing the excavation of the ancient city, single-handedly discovered the Guidestone
within the shielded celestial temple.
Electing to analyze the object after recognizing its significance, Mevath spend twenty years on the task before succesfully authenticating it.
(c) HWR, p.222, Kiith Sagald

So, according to this info, the Guidestone discovery has happened in KDS 1140, and the authentication of it - KDS 1160, which confronts the previously known data:

In a decade of analysis, we were ready to take our first steps back out into the galaxy, but it was not
until 1135 that it was revealed just how far we had to go.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.4, The Discovery of Khar-Toba

So, 20 years research of the Guidestone is OK - in HW1 the Guidestone is found in KDS 1135, and the Global Plebiscite happened in KDS 1155; but it's 25 years not 30 since the Operation Khadiim of KDS 1110.

But, in the end, it might be just a miswording, and tried to tell, that 30 years since the Jaraci Object discovery the interest to it has diminished, and the Kiith Sagald was only to remain on site…

Who Killed Kiith Ferriil

White Sun of a Desert

Of the three major religious kiithid, Gaalsien, Ferriil, and Somtaaw, it was Gaalsien that preached the strongest message of punishment.
(c) HW1, Historical Brief, p.22, Kiith Gaalsien

While HW1 backstory stated that kiith Ferriil was still there being a major religious kiith - actually, with that statement their insignia is to be put on Khar-Toba wall, - HWR has decided to get rid of them:

Kiith Ferrill: a lesser religious Kiith destroyed by Kiith Gaalsien during the Heresy wars. While active, they were staunch allies of Kiith Siidim.
(c) HWR, p.174, Gone But Not Forgotten

The last and most enlightened of the religious Kiithid of early Kharak history, Kiith Ferriil enjoyed a period of power between 300 and 530 KDS before the Heresy Wars took hold. To oppose the stronger Gaalsien they allied with the Siidim in the belief that the two major religious Kiithid could crush the one.
By the late 700s, however, it was evident Kiith Ferriil was in decline.
At the infamous battle of Danac in 811 KDS, the greatest army assembled by Kiith Ferriil was poised to assist Kiith Siidim in repulsing the relentless assault of the Naabal. The order to advance never came from Kiith Siidim, and the Ferriil found themselves suddenly attacked by the armies of Naabal. Unable to mount a counter-attack of any kind the entire army was wiped out, and with it the largest demonstration of power the Ferriil had.
Shortly afterwards Kiith Siidim absorbed Kiith Ferriil’s holdings into their ranks, starting a long-lasting accusation that Kiith Siidim arranged the destruction of the Ferriil army in order to gain their assets and wealth. By the end of the Heresy Wars, Kiith Ferriil was no more.
(c) HWR, p.223, Minor and Vassal Kiith, Kiith Ferriil

Well, the first quote marks kiith Ferriil as a victim of kiith Gaalsien, the second quote - the betrayal of Siidim and brute force of Naabal. Well, it looks like another hidden agreement of kiith Naabal, this time with kiith Siidim, with making kiith Gaalsien a scapegoat of this story - well, they are sanctified and cancelled anyway, so who cares? Who cared for the truth of J'raal Hraal? S'jet, maybe?..

The family honor comes a poor second, as always, to survival; surrendering to necessity is an ancient tradition among the Kushan.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.5, History of the Hiigaran Landfall

A Question of XenoGenesis

XenoGenesis Conspiracy

While the issue of our distant past was primarily a religious matter, it wasn't until the dawning of the Time of Reason that advances in the biological and chemical sciences revealed a disturbing lack of commonality between our biochemical makeup and that of most Kharakid life. Ironically, it was the birth of the Daiamid
Movement, with its many scientific breakthroughs, that created a philosophical environment where the
oldest myths and the newest theories could be wedded into what we now have accepted as the XenoGenesis Theory.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.1, A Question of Origins

As the Time of Reason progressed, Kiith Sjet expanded their studies and moved away from the tradition of celestial mechanics and mathematics. Various families began to delve into the nature and origin of life on Kharak. Within a century, Kriil Sjet presented a paper to the Daiamid in Tiir presenting the scientific evidence that we bore little biological similarity to the vast majority of Kharakid life.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.31, Kiith Sjet

Combined with genetic analysis provided by Kriil S'jet in 836, the Guidestone offered the final piece of the puzzle of the Kushan's origins on the planet.
(c) HWR, p.227, Post-Guidestone Discovery

Well, while HW1 source states that the Daiamid movement (KDS 830) has created a philosophical environment to debate over new theories, and within a century (KDS 830-930) a XenoGenesis theory was born. So, from this description I'd say that "within a century" would mean some rough round up, like it has happened in early KDS 900's, over 50% of a century. But not only 6 years after the Time/Age of Reason begins.

As well, imagine, that it's like a Darwin's theory in reverse: Kharakian scientist was proving that Kharakid were siidims, people from stars! The news similar to announcement that Kharak is dying, but this time the gospel not of Gaalsien but Siidim. And it would happen in only several years since the Heresy Wars official ended. And anyway it would have some scientific and political reaction, while people would start to accept it, while it goes from science journals to the Daiamid pop-science lecture. So, I believe the author of this article has a bit rushed with a date.

Scaffold Once Again

Scaffold with Mothership

The plan was adopted into action in the first Triad of 1159. <…>
Over the course of 110 years, the Scaffold, and then the Mothership, were slowly built.
(c) HWR, p.228, Post-Guidestone Discovery

It's a quite strange number of years: if we count plus it's KDS 1269, meaningless date; but if we remember the Mothership was finalized in KDS 1216, so the beginning of a "course" should be at KDS 1106, this date is more known, the Khar-Toba detection year. Though it's vaguely related to the previous text, maybe it was the idea the author tried to tell, but I believe it should be rephrased in HWR's next edition.

The Naabal-Soban Pact

Soban Rituals

This treaty held until the Naabal allowed warriors from Kiith Soban to enter an ambush. This betrayal sundered the trust between the two sides, though a permanent alliance was reforged between them during the construction of the Mothership.
(c) HWR, p.230, Modern Era Alliances, Kiith Soban, Kiith Naabal

Probably, this betrayal is a reference to the Dispute of Hatar - though ambush is hardly called "dispute":

Kiith Soban was not blind to the war destroying their planet, but it was paralyzed over which side to assist to end the war. Secretly Kiith Naabal contacted the Soban-Sa with a proposition. In exchange for advanced technology, no Soban would lift a hand against the Naabal. The agreement lasted for a hundred years after the Heresy Wars, ending with the Dispute at Hatar.
(c) HWR, p.205, The Gilded Night

So, the probable date of this agreement should be around KDS 810, and the Dispute has happened around KDS 910. But this is the Time of Reason already, and what kind of battles there were, not clear. For me it's the Night of Fiery Daggers when the Naabali used other kiiths as a bait for Gaalsien, only at last crying "Bring the Red!" for 2 legions of Sobani mercenaries… Anyway, this story should be clarified much more.

The Birthday of Hraal

Tiir Capitol

So, when did the Kiith Hraal born? In texts we can find only relative links to this date:

Hraal was borne out of the chaos at the end of the Heresy Wars. <…> When the sun came up and the doors of the new Daiamid were opened, a new kiith entered and a new Sa took her place among them, seating herself as an Equal among Equals. <…> Kiith Hraal survived, and was recognized formally as a legitimate Kiith.
(c) HWDOK, Hraal

So, the formation date is related to the end of the Heresy Wars and new Daiamid establishment. And HWR makes it tightly bound to this events:

Days after the formation of the Daiamid, five Kiith that faced absorption from the larger Kiithid met in a tent outside Tiir and discussed the fate that awaited them. <…> Only the amused interjections of Kiith Paktu, Somtaaw, and Soban maintained calm, and allowed the proceedings to continue
(c) HWR, p.219, Kiith Hraal, Hraal History

Homeworld manual has set only 1 hard date about these events: KDS 810, the Intervention. Second date we get from "within 20 years" - around KDS 830, Tiir becomes the Northern Capital.

In 810, with all factions exhausted and falling from internal anarchy, a small clan emerged from hiding from the settlement at Tiir. <…> A few decisive battles showed that none of the theological clans could hope to defeat the Naabel and within 20 years Tiir was the new capital and the Age of Reason had begun.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.2, TOR (Time Of Reason)

And third date arrives from the Heresy Wars official beginning, KDS 520: the Wars period for "almost", "nearly" "300 years of war", which means that the ending is around ~KDS 820.

This came to a head in 520... <…> …lasted almost 300 years
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.1, Heresy Wars

But there is a phrase about Ifriit Naabal-Sa ending all the fights in 3 years - so, it's KDS 813! And after that the Kiith-Sa has established the Daiamid.

And in three short years they had done it. Ifriit Naabal-Sa's last act before stepping down as Sa was to establish the Daiamid in Tiir as a place where all kiith, powerful and weak, could gather to resolves disputes and set policy for all of Kharak.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.34, The Kiith Naabal

HWDOK wasn't discussing these dates, as it was concentrating on retconning of 11th and 12th century of Kharakian history, so it has left this vague "approx. 300 years":

Heresy Wars begin (approx. 520KDS to 820KDS)
(c) HWDOK, History of Kharak

But HWR authors took this "approx. 3 centuries" as hard 300 years:

KDS 820 Heresy Wars End
(c) HWR, p.169, Timeline of the Kushan

Within ten years, they won the Heresy Wars.
(c) HWR, p.210, Kiith Naabel, Naabal History

The Heresy Wars lasted 300 years and ended with the capitulation of Kiith Siidim in the three-day siege of Mataar in 820 KDS
(c) HWR, p.216, Kiith Siidim, The Chosen Ones

Though they were invited to the Daiamid in 820 KDS, Kiith Paktu only maintained a token presence there until the Great Northern Way was opened up in 912 KDS by Kiith Naabal.
(c) HWR, p.201, The Distant Kiithid

But probably somebody has read Kiith Naabal history more attentively and that one realised that here is the date and it needs to be put in.

The Daiamid established by Ifriit Naabal-Sa in 813 KDS did much to shape the current political landscape of the Kiithid, especially in the north.
(c) HWR, p.225, Kiith Politics, Alliances Form, The Daiamid

A harsh task because originally the Heresy Wars must end and then the Daiamid established, but here we have the Daiamid founded in KDS 813, but the Heresy Wars finished in KDS 820... And if we take it as KDS 813, then it ruins Paktu presence in the Daiamid, as they were invited there only in KDS 820!

No matter, what date it is, the sequence must be following:

  • KDS 810
    Kiith Naabal begins the Intervention
  • KDS 8xx
    The Heresy Wars end
  • KDS 8xx
    The Daiamid established by Ifriit Naabal-Sa
    Kiith Paktu is invited to the Daiamid
    Kiith Hraal is formed
  • KDS 830
    Tiir becomes a capitol of the North

And I'm OK for everything to happen in KDS 820, the capitulation of Siidim, the United Kiithid formation and so, especially the Gaalsien dates of Saju-Ka related evens moved 1 century forward… Though it's would a mystery how the Gaalsien were condemned in a non-existent Daiamid… We can imagine that there were 2 Daiamids - one for Naabali, and the other one was planned by Ifriit Naabal-Sa as the Daiamid of Daiamids, the Great Daiamid, uniting all the Kharak, both polar regions, making Kharak great... for the first time?..

Or everything should be assigned to KDS 813 instead. Anyway, no matter how, the events of those 20 years should be corrected to have one truth.

LiirHra The Minor Kiith

LiirHra Aerospace Industries

When this gambit failed, the entire manufacturing branch of Kiith Hraal broke away and joined with a relatively small kiith that specialized in space technologies. The new kiith, LiirHra, has gone on to take the lead in the design and construction of the Mothership.
(c) HW1, Historical Briefing, p.22, the Kharakid Social System

Despite its foundation in adaptability, many engineers and scientists of Hraal broke away to form Kiith LiirHra in 1012 KDS, which shifted their combined holdings from manufacturing assets in terrestrial hardware to aerospace fabrication and orbital deployment. Their argument is that LiirHra will soon be in a position to dominate the next frontier of Kharakian engineering and technology.
(c) HWDOK, Kiith Hraal

By the time of the Exodus, Kiith Somtaaw was nearly 500,000 strong, and had even built new holdings alongside great industrial kiithid like Naabal and LiirHra, to the extent of opening off-planet mines in the Kharakian asteroid belt.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.11, Kiith History: Somtaaw

…the Hraal'sa of the time quickly found himself deposed by his sister. The upstart kiithling LiirHra went on to be a forerunner in Kharak's conquest of space, and they were key contributors to all aspects of manufacture and research of the Mothership. Among the Sleepers, LiirHra had a presence of nearly 50,000 souls…
(c) HWCO, Kiith LiirHra

The Paktu, the Manaan, the Sjet, Naabal, LiirHra, Kaalel and Soban are by far the largest kiith groupings in existence, and their combined numbers come to almost 300,000.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.5, History of Hiigaran Landfall

The result of this phenomenal output has been a new Hiigaran navy, which consists of six great Fleets; the largest of our present-day kiithid have each taken command of an autonomous carrier group. The fleets of Manaan, Soban, Naabal, LiirHra, Paktu and Kaalel take turns patrolling the outer systems, guarding our trade routes, and defending Hiigara itself.
(c) HWC, Historical Brief, p.4, History of Hiigaran Landfall

Well, Kiith LiirHra had been put into the "Minor and Vassal Kiith" chapter (HWR, p.222). Maybe, this kind of situation was on Kharak, but not after Hiigaran Landfall..

And even more, it's strange that there is no LiirHra in expeditions to Nimbus Galaxy (HWM). The reasons for this, I assume, that the LiirHra sigil is still not approved…

Swords of Kharak

This one has a separate article - Homeworld: Swords of Kharak

The Core of Youth

HW KaranSjet Unattached

And as well, in HWR GHC was turned into the Fountain of Eternal Youth trying to explain why Karan S'Jet looks so great:

With her lifespan extended by her cybernetic connection to a ship older than some stars, none can tell how long she will live or what wonders she will witness before her consciousness fades.
(c) HWR, Chapter 6: Historical Briefing, A Brief History of the Kushan, Pre-Exodus, Karan S'jet, p.179

I repeat: the hypermodule is just an engine. It was never meant that there's some alien chamber that this woman is put into for something mysterious to happen. It's a human brain to human-made computer interface, and this computer is sending bytes to operate physical devices that would ignite this oscillation device, which is a complex system of its own. It's a long chain of interaction and there is no particular reason for the writers to make this "magical" shortcut supposing that the Core (be it thousand times Progenitorical) is somehow affecting the Fleet Command.

If there is some kind of "radiation", nanobots like the Dust from the Endless Space (yes-yes, the Dust Wars!) - it should have effected all the crew, but clearly it has not happened. This looks like a comics element brought to a once more or less hard sci-fi universe to justify HW2 мarketer's bite of a girly-looking Karan S'Jet.

HW STRTH2 HWR EternalYouth

I'd better set it as a Bentusi gift to an Unbound person of Karan S'Jet: using their technologies they managed to disconnect her from the Mothership, and to heal the barbaric Kharaki Tech wounds done to her brains, they also made some Bentusi genetical improvements to her body to regenerate (somewhat making her the last Bentusi...). And as these are the brains, still it required a long recovery for her, forcing to live a hermit life. All these factor has affected her significantly (including the voice ;)).

In the end the prolonged life could be a natural Homo Worldicus/Kushanikus trait - Kadeshi lived 13 generations for 2000+ years, meaning there's 150+ years on each generation. Or at least, it could be that every guy of Progenitor seed is genetically enhanced. Or at least, hyperjumps as FTL phenomena are somehow slowing down the aging for everyone involved. At least! But no strange magic in a Sci-Fi world! What next? Dr. Strange with Infinity Stones?

And... Excuse me - "a ship older than some stars"? Sajuuk is billion years old? Who wrote this?..

Homeworld Mobile

Uncounted Population

HWM History Kiithless

HWM has introduced a new Khaaneph - the Kiithless, Hiigaran Taiidans that have not left Hiigara.

31 million people was there initially, and even we count that about 1/3 of it, those who had money to leave - check the wealth pyramid diagrams, has gone in a direction of Taiidan Civil War, still it's around +20 millions to Hiigara population.

But according to HWC, there was a bit different information about it:

Nearly 550,000 of us survived the Exodus from Kharak...

One of the most difficult aspects of the Hiigaran Landfall was the revival of our so-called “Sleeper Kiithid”, the 92% of our current population who traveled from Kharak to Hiigara in cryogenic suspension.

So, with Kiithless retcon, we have a situation of approx. 600k Kushan Hiigarans VS approx. 20 million Taiidan Hiigarans, in AHL 15 no one is writing about, only about the situation with Kiith Somtaaw being wannabe consumed by Kiith Naabal. And that's leading into a very unpleasant situation of Kushans having created a Golden Million system, where the Kiith members are above all the others, thus strengthening the Kiith political system, pushing forward with Siidimism seeds, creating a 2nd sort citizens of Taiidan Hiigarans, leaving them to live in a situation of growing unemployment, poverty, criminality, corruption, marginalization, radicalism, thus creating a prejudice of "What good can come out of Taiidan?"; and finally, the racism is pretty fractal in it's essence, so in the end the Kiithid would fight for power thinking of who's the Kushaniest of the Kushanid and most righteous Kiith to become the Sa-Kiith, a leader kiith, and why can't it consume a bit more kiithid for this goal?

Well, though it contradicts the lore, it's very logical, creates a very interesting drama to solve, flips the table in understanding if we are really heroes, weirdly fits the HWC backstory, and makes a moral dilemma questions of Hiigarans becoming the Sajuuk-Khar through Karan S'jet, and that line is promised to be continued in HWM storyline. Let's follow it. :)

Unwelcomed Passenger

HWM Gates

If you follow the HW3 social medias you'd find an unknown name in one of those lore-cards.

It appeared that this person made it's way to Nimbus galaxy.

And while it's okay in general, in particular it would be nice to understand how did this person make this journey, as it seems from a new lore inputs that only Hiigarans are controlling those Progenitor gates, to access other galaxies. No other fleet but Hiigaran Navy had made expeditions there, no one but the Star People had been let it.

So, it requires explanation how it has happened. Joanna Naabal demands the report.

Maybe HW3 would tell it.


Indestructible Cores

HW3 Cores Explosion

A very nice Hyper-Core destruction effect is shown in this HW3 promo-material. But.

HW2 had declared that The Great Cores are pretty indestructible:

  1. First, it was Sajuuk Wrath that hyperjumped into the Angel's Moon, and the Second Core remained OK:
    Manually disengaging the mass overrides, he plotted a course for the surface of the Hiigaran moon
  2. Second, it was Bentusi Harborship, that self-destructed very loud, and the First Core remained OK.
  3. Third, it was Vaygr Flagship, that was destroyed, and the Third Core remained OK.

So, if we take HW2 as a canon, then we admit that The Great Cores are very damage-proof, and it's not just one dramatic scene, but consequent statement.

Well, of course, the Flagship has been exploding earlier - in a single player campaign, and in a multiplayer, but there were no accent on the Cores and them to explode. But here... OK, the effect is beautiful, but it really goes against the established lore.

By the way, there was a similar tech thing:

These Mothership-class vessels do not resemble any known Vaygr design. However, sensors indicate similarities to Bentusi technology. They are not responding to hails. Stand by for combat!
Scans of the hull indicate it's immune to conventional weapons.
(c) HW2, Mission 15


Anyway, short story about Imogen S'jet premothershipping hours have declared those old GHC's are gone with Karan, and she has invented the new ones. Which is quite doubtfully, as these kind of single-person inventions are usually done in a completely new area, while Progenitorology had been developed at least for a century and building new super-Cores would be a very complex all-industry involving process... We can talk here about her being a lead Oppenheimer of this project - thus the picture of a young girl is switched to 40-50 years old S'Jetti highest rank. But that question was spoken both in Population and Karan S'jet Youth articles.

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Guest - - 700,230 comments

I'd just like to say as a fellow incorrigible proofreader I appreciate all the work you put into these two articles! Fun reading.

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AmDDRed Author
AmDDRed - - 606 comments

Thank you, man!

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