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Now you come to me and you say 'Don Corleone give me justice', but you don't even ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. (c)


  • The Sources
  • A Kiith to Build a Dream On
  • Known Kiithid
    1. S'Jet
    2. Naabal
    3. Soban
    4. Manaan
    5. Somtaaw
    6. Paktu
    7. Kaalel
    8. Hraal
    9. Liir -> LiirHra
    10. Gaalsien
    11. Siidim
    12. Ferriil
    13. Jaraci
    14. Sagald
    15. Tambuur
    16. Doine
    17. Magann
    18. Riif
    19. Baer
    20. Lehi
    21. Balel
    22. Matara
    23. Atarad
    24. Naael
    25. Thassan
    26. Khaaneph
    27. Kiithless

The Sources

  • HW1 - Homeworld 1, manual, game
  • HWC - Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence, manual, game
  • HWCO - Homeworld Cataclysm, outtakes
  • HWWOS - HW and HWC ship descriptions, well of souls
  • HW2 - Homeworld 2, manual, game
  • HW2PR - Homeworld 2, Prima Official eGuide
  • HWDOK - Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Expedition Guide, game
  • HWR - Homeworld: Revelations RPG
  • HWRS - Homeworld: Revelations RPG Story Seeds
  • HWM - Homeworld: Mobile, homeworldsource.net
  • HW3 - Homeworld 3
  • HWDST - Homeworld Dust Wars drafts


  • 03.01.24 - removed Kiith population data, added Vanaar Manaan-Sa;
  • 27.05.24 - added HW3 kiith names;

A Kiith to Build a Dream On

Life on Kharak was dominated by groups of Kiithid: large, powerful factions and clans with influence worldwide, which competed for resources and the domination of their respective ideologies. Hundreds, if not thousands, of clans rose and fell during the Kushans’ time in exile, but some stand out with special significance.

HW Factions Hiigaran Kiithid

I believe that there hundred and thousands of kiith on Kharak, in feudal type of mafia or government family (like Bush/Clinton/Kennedy clans) or corporation - somebody gets upraised, somebody consumed. Something of an estate of a leader not yet evoluted into an abstract state.

Like Kaalel became a vassal of S'jet, but then decided to go on their own. Like Liir, being part of Hraal, became independent and then, after Exodus, consumed Hraal leftovers. Or there were Naabal that wished to consume Somtaaw after Hiigarian Landing, but instead many lesser kiithid joined Somtaaw

Known Kiithid

1. S'JET (HW1)

HWM Kiith S'jet

HWU Kiith S'jet 01

Philosophers and scientists. One of the oldest Kiith, and the first to embrace Xenogenesis.

  • Tiirshak S'jet (HWC)
    scholar who turned his back not only on his Kiith but on his entire race, in order to wander the deserts in search of insight
  • Fliir S'jet-Sa (HW1)
    found that some s'jetti had given an oath to Naabal in times of the Heresy Wars
  • Kriil S'jet (HW1)
    scientist who presented the evidences of Xenogenesis
  • Roman S'jet (KDS 1059-x) (HWDOK)
    captain of "Kapisi" desert carrier (KDS 1110)
  • Jacob S'jet (KDS 1068-1110) (HWDOK)
    science officer of "Ifriit Naabal" heavy carrier (KDS 1106), brother of Rachel S'jet
  • Nathan S'jet (KDS 1068-x) (HWDOK)
    intelligence officer of "Kapisi" desert carrier (KDS 1110),
    deputy director, military intelligence Umbra division (KDS 1115)
  • Rachel S'jet (KDS 1078-x) (HWDOK)
    science officer of "Kapisi" desert carrier (KDS 1110), sister of Jacob S'jet
  • Gaarket S'jet-Sa (HWDOK)
    became kiith-sa in KDS 1110
  • Cambaal S'jet (HWR)
    the father of Ajora S'jet-Sa, he effectively raised Karan S'jet
  • Ajora S'jet-Sa (HWR)
    the mother of Karan S'jet
  • Huur S'jet-Sa (HWR)
    the father of Karan S'jet
  • Karan S'jet-Sa (HW1)
    neuroscientist, Fleet Command (AHL 0), Fleet Command (AHL 115), Fleet Command (AHL 215/235)
  • Cynsk S'jet (HWR)
    Fleet Intelligence Moderator and Voice of Mothership during the Homeworld War
  • Cassandra S'jet (HWRS)
    xeno-archeologist and cryptographer during the Homeworld War
  • Ruel S'jet (HWRS)
    Kushan Navy Judge Advocate General that investigated the death of young Lehi-Sa
  • Enoch S'jet (HWM)
    Admiral (~AHL 130) was a destroyer's captain in Hiigara Siege of Vaygr War
  • Gideon S'jet (HWM)
    Karan's right hand in Progenitor Sciences, part of Caral Expedition to Nimbus (~AHL 125)
  • Joshua S'jet (HWM)
    A young and gifted officer in reactor construction and power manipulation. Though his technical aptitude is indisputed, he has a domineering approach to assignments that many find offputting.
  • Benai S’jet (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet captain of the Recon Squadron 525 (AHL x-215)
  • Imogen S'jet (HW3)
    Fleet Command (AHL 235)


HWM Kiith Naabal

HWU Kiith Naabal

Saviors of the Kushan, their technology ended the Heresy Wars. They focus on research and industry, along with wielding power to ensure peace.

  • Gar Naabal (HW1)
    the engineer who designed the sand protection of city Saju-ka in KDS 700 (800?)
  • Ifriit Naabal-Sa (HW1)
    the kiith-sa who intervened the Heresy Wars and finished them
  • K'zell Naabal (HWDOK)
    a data analyst, who predicted in KDS 1110 deadly desertisation of Kharak in 350 years
  • Deckard Naabal (KDS 1044-1106) (HWDOK)
    served in heavy Wall patrols (KDS 1099-1106), then captain of "Ifriit Naabal" heavy carrier
  • Tarsis Naabal (HWDOK)
    the defense minister that planned to build the Wall on Southern border around KDS 1110
  • Nadaari Naabal-Sa (HWRS)
    the Kushan fleet's Master Engineer (KDS 1216)
  • Sanja Naabal (HWRS)
    the captain of the "Warming Hearth" capital ship (KDS 1216/AHL 0)
  • Ataral Naabal-Sa (HWR)
    the kiith-Sa who tried to absorb lesser kiithid but had no so much success (AHL 7)
  • Suo Naabal (fanfic hero from HWWOS)
    the notable Homeworld War ace who preferred scout over interceptor
  • Ahab Naabal (HWM)
    the Hiigaran fleet admiral and proponent for Hiigaran unified expeditions, Joanna's father
  • Joanna Naabal (HWM)
    the Hiigaran Fleet Intelligence Moderator of the last Nimbus expedition (AHL 99-x)
  • Toreth Naabal (HW3)
    The leader of The Battle of Jessel's Star (AHL 203) and Fleet Admiral (~AHL 235)

3. SOBAN (HW1)

HWM Kiith Soban

HWU Kiith Soban

Joined only by the free choice of adults, this band of mercenaries is populated by survivors of raids and war. They are expensive and follow the flow of payment.

  • Soban The Red (HW1)
    the founder of Kiith Soban (KDS 416)
  • Miirhan Soban (HWDOK)
    a great commander who's quotes are studied in Soban Academy
  • Clea Soban (KDS 1069-x) (HWDOK)
    captain of "Kapisi" desert carrier (KDS 1110)
  • Hail & Pyke Soban (HWDOK)
    inventors of the new maneuver using 3 Base Runners (KDS 1113)
  • Sorjan Soban-Sa (HWR)
    Kiith-Sa that waged a personal war with the Mothership Program committee to outfit a full military command hierarchy for the journey.
  • Akarda Soban (KDS x-1216) (HWRS)
    Commander Akarda Soban, the Kiith-Sa candidate, died under mysterious circumstances during a boarding action on the Taiidan Frigate
  • Johnas Soban (HWRS)
    Fleet Commander who investigates Akarda Soban death and Taaran Soban involvement
  • Taaran Soban-Sa (HWRS)
    Kiith-Sa around AHL 0
  • Cpt. Soban (HW2)
    nameless leader of special frigate group, helping Hiigaran Fleet (AHL 115)
  • T'saan Soban (HW3)
    a hero of the Vaygr War, Admiral, in his name a carrier class is called
  • Vashti Soban (HWM)
    She left Kiith S’jet because she disagreed with her Kiith’s disposition after the war. She believes Karan should have done more to unite their people.
  • Jassiah Soban (HWM)
    Between the two Shades, she is the more administrative and diplomatic. She finds the targets and is a relentless tracker.
  • Thaed Soban (HWM)
    Between the Shades, Thaed has no sense of mercy. He will allow his target to run his mouth but never changes his judgment - death.
  • Darrian Soban (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet admiral of carrier "Deskar Fal" (AHL x-215)
  • Ba'al Soban (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet admiral of carrier "Khar Toran" (AHL x-215)
  • Taraa Soban (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet patrol commander of the "Faal Lan" frigate (AHL x-215)
  • Jartel Soban (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet commander of the "Scal" frigate (AHL x-215)
  • Raal Soban (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet captain of the Recon Squadron 13 (AHL x-215)
  • T'sari Soban (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet captain of the Interceptor Wings 33 (AHL x-215)
  • Vaal Soban (HW3)
    Senior Admiral (~AHL 235)


HWM Kiith Manaan

HWU Kiith Manaan

Traders and explorers, this Kiith was entirely nomadic until the Age of Reason. They still produce the best scouts and diplomats.

  • Jora Manaan-Sa (HW1)
    Kiith-Sa that stopped the vengeance on kiith Siidim and established new Ferin-Sha (KDS 656)
  • Siima Manaan-Sa (HWCO)
    Kiith-Sa that helped to buy out the freedom of Arban Hraal, future LiirHra-Sa (KDS 1012)
  • Naju Manaan (HWR)
    built his own rocket and tempted to reach orbit, didn't survive
  • Masaar Manaan (HWDOK)
    a cryptograher that discovered kiith Khaaneph (KDS 1024)
  • Jeremiah Manaan-Sa (HWR)
    Fleet Ambassador (KDS 1216 / AHL 0)
  • Vanaar Manaan-Sa (HWM) (AHL 21)
    Kiith-Sa, who's ship color scheme is used as a mark of opposition 2 decades later after GSY 9531
  • Sirocco Manaan (HWM)
    Admiral, the commanding officer of the Lazarus expedition in Nimbus Galaxy (AHL 121)
  • Agnes "The Hammer" Manaan (HWM)
    Heiress to a Manaani fortune. A formidable woman with a commanding presence.
  • Mahel Manaan (HWM)
    Mahel Manaan is known as one of Kiith Manaan’s more capable sons. One of the many who grew up in the deep space trade caravans, Mahel’s early life as a second son in these caravans gave him considerable experience in bookkeeping, etiquette, and communication. During the war with the Vaygr, he was stranded at the breakwaters of Tarsus and Ur, becoming a staff officer and quartermaster for both embattled regions.
    At the war’s end, Kiith Manaan arranged for him to receive the Alpha Cross for his service and have a command of his own. In 9635 GSY he was attached to the Leviathan expedition as supply officer, commanding the Palatine Light. Two years later in Nimbus, Mahel elected to embark on a mission to travel with the Iyatequa and learn more about them and Nimbus as a whole. In exchange for the utility of his carrier, he became the travel companion to the Iyatequa Trader Kaulu and ventured into the galaxy. Lazarus Base considers Mahel the leading expert on Iyatequa knowledge among the Hiigarans and have recalled him twice before to gather his insight on security matters.
    Mahel has used a complicated system of code transmissions and signals in order to keep Lazarus Base appraised of his position and movements. However, no transmissions have been received from him in the last three months.
  • Jerek Manaan (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Strike Commander of the "Fadak" Destroyer (AHL x-215)
  • Fel Manaan (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Patrol Commander of the "Haal'Ta" frigate (AHL x-215)
  • Cl’rth Manaan (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Captain of the Recon Squadron 123 (AHL x-215)
  • Klee Manaan (HW3)
    A host from "Facets of Hiigara" media program (AHL x-215)
  • Baalor Manaan (HW3)
    An author of ‘Daiamid vs Military vs Karan S’jet: An unplanned third pillar of Hiigaran Politics’
  • K'la Manaan (HW3)
    Operations Admiral (~AHL 235)


HWM Kiith Somtaaw

HWU Kiith Somtaaw

A mining clan with a nearly fanatical belief. Tolerated largely because of the resources they supply.
The Siidim ally during the Age of Reason.

  • Teigor Somtaaw-Sa (HWC)
    the initiator of building "The Shimmering Path" (KDS 178)
  • Kuura Somtaaw-Sa (HWC)
    kiith-sa who's prophetic dream made Somtaaw a miner kiith (KDS 789)
  • Emilia Somtaaw (HWR)
    Fleet Intelligence Officer
    One of the many Fleet Intelligence forum operatives, Emilia was originally appointed to serve in minerals analysis composition once the Mothership was underway. During the hyperspace test she was onboard to calibrate the system, and following the destruction of Kharak she was assigned on a permanent basis to Fleet Intelligence. She is known for being stubborn: once dedicated to an idea she has to see it through to completion. She is not afraid to go out into the field to prove or disprove a point. In the Great Nebula she petitioned Fleet Command to board the derelict sister ship of the Khar-Toba, and in the Sea of Lost Souls she personally investigated the Ghost Ship.
  • Aart ne Somtaaw (HWC)
    the technician that saved Sentinel project (AHL 15)
  • Makhaab Somtaaw (HWM)
    An expert on captured Vaygr technology. Makhaab's improvisation skills are a thing of legend. His biggest boast is claiming to send interstellar signals with a plasma bomb launcher and a coat rack.
  • Hyeaa Somtaaw (HWM)
    Hyeaa Somtaaw was an expert in Progenitor Materials sciences. He has established an independent lab at Nokuuna. According to Gideon, he has data that can help us with our own research into the Progenitors.
  • Ezeera Somtaaw (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Commander of the "Boreaal" Frigate (AHL x-215)
  • Lazlo Somtaaw (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Commander of the "Chuldah's Hope" Resource Controller (AHL x-215)
  • K’nath Somtaaw (HW3)
    Logistics Admiral (~AHL 235)

6. PAKTU (HW1)

HWM Kiith Paktu

A martial Kiith, these warrior-philosophers are known to aid weaker Kiith fighting a losing but righteous cause.

  • Majiir Paktu-Sa (KDS x-493) (HW1)
    First Migration leader, that settled kiith Paktu on the South (KDS 490)
  • Kim Paktu-Sa (HW1)
    Majiir Paktu's grandson; defeated Liam Gaalsien in the Battle of the Majiirian Sea (KDS 698)
  • K'nsaal ne Paktu (HWDOK)
    Daiamid Intelligence Arm Officer (KDS 1110)
  • Chiisur Paktu (HW1)
    Fleet Admiral (KDS 1302 / AHL 86)
  • Pash Paktu (HWRS)
    Admiral, assigned to the carrier "Breath of Fire"
  • Jerrisiah Paktu (HWM)
    Vaygr War commander that used Tarsus faction colors to goad Vaygr forces, was killed (AHL 115)
  • Isaac Paktu (HW3)
    Intel Officer of the mothership "Khar-Kushan" (AHL x-215)
  • Iiian Paktu (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Strike Commander of the "Der'ak Nor" Destroyer (AHL x-215)
  • Challa Paktu (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Patrol Commander of the "Habeladin" Frigate (AHL x-215)
  • Glorith Paktu (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Commander of the "Vinn Cal" Frigate (AHL x-215)
  • Regina Paktu (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Captain of the Interceptor Wings 35 (AHL x-215)
  • Dala Paktu (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Captain of the Interceptor Wings 92 (AHL x-215)
  • T’saan Paktu (HW3)
    Admiral, a hero of the Vaygr War, and a class of Hiigaran carrier (~AHL 215)


HWM Kiith Kaalel

Spooks, handlers, fixers, and media jockeys. This Kiith has cornered the market on information and black markets.

  • Jun Kaalel-sa (KDS x-337) (HWCO)
    Mother of Liir Kaalel, first generation of S'jet vassals (KDS 313)
  • Liir Kaalel-sa (KDS x-~387) (HWCO)
    Kiith-Sa that broke ties with S'jet (KDS 339)
  • Ran Kaalel (HWCO)
    The most popular commentator of the time of first public radio broadcasts (KDS 998)
  • Baran Kaalel (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Strike Commander of the "Galtos" Destroyer (AHL x-215)
  • Gar Kaalel (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Patrol Commander of the "Krak'or" Frigate (AHL x-215)

8. HRAAL (HW1)

A younger Kiith, formed at the beginning of the Age of Reason. Engineers and industrialists.
Hraal leftovers joined Kiith LiirHra after Hiigaran Landfall.

  • Maora Hraal-Sa (HWR)
    She stopped the quarrel between Naabal and Siidim, redefining the goals of the Daiamid;
  • Stell Hraal-Sa (HWDOK)
    introduced a conveyor for fast car assembly
  • J’dones Hraal-Sa (HWDOK)
    Kiith-Sa that refused to invest in aerospace lead, thus created kiith LiirHra (KDS 1012)
  • Arban Hraal (HWCO)
    leader of separatist kiithid that formed LiirHra (KDS 1012)
  • Kona Hraal (HWCO)
    he helped Arban Hraal to recover after Hraali security men left him in a desert
  • J’raal Hraal (HWDOK)
    a scientist who was ostracized for an alarm of climate change (KDS 1097)
  • Jean Hraal (HWDOK)
    a journalist of Tiir (KDS 1115)
  • Nissa Hraal (HWRS)
    an administration officer overseeing the fleet's social behavior and well-being (KDS 1216)
  • Mytar Hraal (HWRS)
    a production consultant, optimized the production train of a multi-gun corvette (KDS 1216)
  • L’kov H’raal (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Commander of the "Forenthsla" Frigate (AHL x-215)
  • D’katar H’raal (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Captain of the Interceptor Wings 81 (AHL x-215)
  • Gaalan H'raal (HW3)
    Fifth Fleet Bomber of the Flight 51 (AHL x-215)


A splinter from Kiith Manaan. Kiith Liir’s primary focus in ancient days was perfecting sand-sailers. During the Heresy Wars they had the interesting distinction of being a willing vassal clan to Kiith Siidim, manufacturing high-quality sand-sailers and pleasure craft for Siidimi tastes. Only when they expressed an interest in space travel did the fortunes change for the Kiith, merging with interested scientists and engineers from Kiith Hraal, forming a new Kiith, LiirHra.


The most recently formed Kiith, born of an alliance between Kiith Liir and Kiith Hraal. They are pilots, engineers, and shipbuilders. The combined engineering genius of both Kiith began to create formidable and impressive air-space vehicles.

  • Malketh LiirHra (HW2)
    an ancient hiigarian???
  • Arban LiirHra-Sa (HWCO)
    first LiirHra-Sa, known before as Arban Hraal (KDS 1012)


Now outlawed for their religious fanaticism, which nearly destroyed life on Kharak. They live on underground, carrying on a clan old enough to be mentioned in even the oldest texts.
Considered to be destroyed in the Kharakian Genocide.
-- these guys look like priests of captive universe

  • Liam Gaalsien (KDS x-698) (HW1)
    leader of the last crusade to conquer the South (KDS 698)
  • Miirpat Gaalsien-Sa (HW1)
    kiith-sa that ordered to destroy Saju-ka sand protection in KDS 717 (817?)
  • Khagaan Gaalsien (KDS x-1110) (HWDOK)
    captain of Gaalsien carrier Ashoka, destroyed by Northern Coalition Kapisi carrier (KDS 1110)
  • K'Had Sajuuk (KDS x-1110) (HWDOK)
    Gaalsien-sa who tried to stop Kapisi from reaching Khar-Toba on command ship Hand of Sajuuk (KDS 1110)

11. SIIDIM (HW1)

HWU Kiith Siidim

Conservative, but no longer religious, they remain faith-based. They have a long history of betraying the other Kiith on moralistic grounds.

Siidim leftovers out of Sleepers joined Kiith Somtaaw.

  • Sasaraad Siidim-Sa (HWR)
    Kiith-Sa who introduced a new doctrine of Siidimi coming from the stars (KDS 462)
  • Mashad Siidim (KDS x - 1110) (HWDOK)
    captain of "Sakala" heavy carrier (KDS 1110)
  • Kassalid Siidim (HWRS)
    Commanding officer, one of the most aggressive boarding team leaders (KDS 1216)
  • Marala Siidim (HWRS)
    Sleeper, accomplished drill instructor and mentor, daughter of Kiith-Sa (AHL 0)


Once a major religious Kiith. Made an alliance with Kiith Siidim during the Heresy Wars. In a battle of Danac their greatest army was betrayed by Siidim and destroyed by Naabal. Ferriil leftovers were consumed by Siidim and considered to be vanished.

13. JARACI (HW1)

A clan of technicians specializing in sensor technology and astronomy, a vassal to Kiith S’jet.
Kiith Jaraci was absorbed into Kiith S'jet to split again in 75 years.

  • Leykab Jaraci (HW1)
    young technician that found Khar-Toba (KDS 1106)

14. SAGALD (HW1)

Devotees of Mevath Sagald, who found the Guidestone. They are highly technical, specializing in vehicle research, development, and manufacture.
They were vassals of kiith S'jet and after Hiigaran Landfall became S'jet vassals again.

  • Mevath Sagald (HW1)
    She found the Guidestone (KDS 1135) and that led to Global Plebiscite (KDS 1155)


this clan of medical experts was all but destroyed during the Kharakian Genocide. Since landfall, the last living member has begun reviving the clan with new goals.

  • Ifriit Tambuur-Sa (HWC)
    The only survivor of kiith Tambuur, he who declared Paaura on Taiidani criminals (AHL 0)
  • Dava Tambuur (HWC)
    a wife of Ifriit, her cryopod was irrepairably damaged by Taiidani attack (KDS 1216)

16.DOINE (HW1)

The fanatical kiith Doine rose to prominence during the Mission Silumiin riots (KDS 1024), they were being secretly funded by an arm of Siidim Intel (HWR). Most probably, this kiith is destroyed after the Kharakian Genocide.

  • Per Doine (KDS x-1024) (HW1)
    a theologist, the leader of Silumiin Riots, vaporized under the rocket's engines (KDS 1024)

17. MAGANN (HW1)

  • Rei Magann (HW1)
    cryogenic pod test pilot and a poet (KDS 1185)
  • Esentra Magann (AHL 99-x) (HWM)
    Hiigaran Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expedition
    A formidable commander and a significant figure in Kiith politics. Searches Nimbus for her sister, Amaala.
    Esentra is the more devious and intelligent of the sisters. Esentra is tactful and strategic about her decisions and upsets. Compared to her sister, many consider this more dangerous of a disposition.She especially draws ire for her sharp criticisms of Karan S'jet's inaction in preventing many of the problems Hiigara now faces.Esentra believes the Kiith-sa should assume leadership of the Hiigarans and use her reputation for good.Though Esentra suspected Amaala was sent to Nimbus in order to draw her away from where she could influence Hiigaran politics, Esentra went AWOL from her command anyway to find her sister, since the love between them was stronger than her respect for the Hiigaran navy. (c)
  • Amaala Magann (AHL 102-x) (HWM)
    Hiigaran Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expedition
    A capable strike officer and leader. Veteran of several conflicts, banished to Nimbus to draw her sister Esentra into exile.
    Amaala is themore outspoken of the sisters, and the more physical of the two. It is said when she is challenged she does not back down. She is described among the fleet as being as beautiful as she is headstrong.Amaala has significant scarring from her chest to just under her chin fron an ancident at harbor that nearly destroyed her ship.Amaala will not speak of it. The myster adds to her reputation.It is commonly assumed by the Nimbus Hiigarans that Amaala was duped into a Nimbus expedition as bait to draw her sister, Esentra, out of the Hiigaran universe. (c)

18. RIIF (HW1)

  • Admiral Riif-Sa (HW1)
    participated in Fleet Debates with Fleet Admiral Chiisur Paktu (KDS 1302 / AHL 86)


  • Jonas Baer (HWDOK)
    a writer, an academic and adventurer, wrote a diary about Khaaneph (KDS 1115)

20. LEHI (HWR)

The Kiith-Sa who declined the cry for the retribution to kiith Balel, and thus kiith Soban was born;

  • Soban Lehi (HWR)
    the future first Soban-Sa


They attacked kiith Lehi (KDS 416), thus kiith Soban was born;
The Siidim ally during the Age of Reason.


The ally of kiith Siidim during the Age of Reason.

  • Pagraan Matara (AHL 92-x) (HWM)
    Hiigaran Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expedition, brother of Mehemit Matara.
    Brave and headstrong hero of the front lines. Noted contempt for aloof flag officers.
    Decorated three times for daring bravery under fire and assisting in repelling boarding actions, Pagraan Matara is the youngest to a pair of veteran brothers.Though he has little respect for those without frontline combat experience, his dossier proves he's worth the headache.During the war with the Vaygr, he was a 23-year old Corvette Captain and battle group commander. Decorated three times for daring bravery under fire and assisting in repelling boarding actions. Served on the front line of the war.Pagraan is brave and direct, a leader of men on the front lines. He is well remembered by his battle mates for leading from the front. He never asks his crew and officers to do anything he wouldn't do himself.Very driven and unstoppable. Direct and unhesitating. Capable of impressive feats of battlefield heroism, but has a tendency to defy orders and take matters into this own hands.
  • Mehemit Matara (HWM)
    Hiigaran Fleet Officer of the last Nimbus expedition, brother of Pagraan Matara.
    Stately authoritarian commander with little patience for fools. Low opinion of other Kiithid.
    Strict and patriarchal Mehemit is the oldest of the Matara brothers. He is most noted for his no nonsense attitude, keen memory and near perfect recall.
    A former teacher at Hiigaran Navy Academy, he is also a decorated veteran and a memoirist with a most impressive dossier.
    Pagraan and Mehemit Matara of Kiith Matara are two proud and ambitious brothers who have a long-lasting feud between them over Agnes Manaan since they were young men. they were both in love with the same woman, and thought she loves them both evenly she refused to choose, sundering their once-close connection.
    They have not spoken directly to one another in five years, their feud is this strong. Whenever they meet in person sniping is very likely to happen.
    During the War with the Vaygr he was a 27-year old destroyer captain in the mothership fleet Wrote a Memoir of his experiences. Also taught at the Hiigaran Star Navy Academy for two years.
    A stately, organized officer. Has a desire to command from the top-down and hold strict hierarchies. Very orderly, disapproves of chaos and spontaneity. Uses authority to enforce order, will eject troublemakers.


Large southern kiith.


Large southern kiith.


A minor kiith formed AHL. They quickly gained a notorious reputation on the Outer Rim trade routes being accused of witchcraft and sorcery. While it is not certain now they are able to accomplish some of their feats, they are sought out in the far reaches for their particular talents.

  • Marie Thassan-Sa (HWM)


Kushans who are desperate and cannot return to their past lives end up in the desert, usually becoming victims of the Gaalsien or Khaaneph.

To be Khaaneph was to have no goal except for survival, no belief past the need to remain alive and no loyalty but to oneself. Khaanephi would spare one another only to the degree that a rival group as stronger than other available targets. (c)

Most probably, this "kiith" is destroyed in the Kharakian Genocide.

26. Kiithless (HWM)

HWM History Kiithless

Initially, the reconstituted Kushan Daiamid crafted laws to discriminate against the now-native peoples on Hiigara Out of fear and the need for self-defense. Although these laws were reformed over time, the damage was done, and a degree of animosity exists between the two groups of Hiigarans. The only threat of planetary destruction by the Vaygr united the two sides, with many Kiithless swelling the ranks of the Hiigaran navy to defend their nascent empire.
However, with the war’s end, the Kiithless rallied their political power to become finally recognized in the Daiamid and influence how they were ruled. Using the Daiamid’s own procedure rules against it, the Kiithless gained majority rule in the Daiamid and now command the government. Laws were swiftly passed to push the Kiith-clans out of power on their own Homeworld. The Kiithid, after a hundred years, are now second-class citizens in the world they sacrificed nearly everything to reclaim. For the Kiithless, this is only the first step to recovering their rightful rule of the universe they once enjoyed under the Taiidan banner.
(с) HWM

  • Kidara Sasan (HWM)

    Kidara Sasan is a commander of the "Night Shade" operation within Amassari space (~GSY 9641)

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