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Report RSS The Pitch. Homeworld2: The Beast Mod

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HW BEAST MOD Header v2


  1. Intro
  2. Fleet
    • Fighters
    • Corvettes
    • Frigates
    • Capitals
    • Utility
    • Microships | Platforms
  3. Research


I've recalled HWC and its multiplayer: actually, it was most original among all HW games and even HW:DoK has taken few bytes out of it, but not enough. There was even a site with a lot of weird and cool tactics described for HWC. So, I thought about The Beast realization for it to be different from the other races - like Orkz or Eldar after SM/CSM races in W40K: Dawn of War. And I believe it has lot of potential.

In short, The Beast is a something of a neural net, that uses crew brains to operate salvaged ships and mimic some kind of a reasonable behavior. The Beast is not a genius, so it simply using only salvaged technologies. In general, The Beast is like a pirate, like Turans or Kadeshi. Or it _is_ Turan and Kadeshi if their ships are salvaged.


If we check HWC, the Beast fleet consists of the ships taken from different races. So, actually, Beast should capture all these ones, to use them. But at the beginning of the game, the Beast should have some fleet, the pirate one to begin with, to get their salvages. So, we need some unused one. And this would be Somtaaw one. This way we would "kill" two ducks with one shot: we will have Beast functionality and Somtaaw fleet.

Somtaaw are the good ones, but they don't have enough power to fight again H/V/T fleets, also they are part of Hiigara Coalition. So I believe, joining Somtaaw with Beast will be perfect solution to retrieve good ol' martyrs.

Support Units investigation was done in a different article - anyway, if SU's are implemented, then it's required to have SU's set for all ships.

No Beast signs ("meat") will be onboard, so that we could use original models of the game w/o unnecessary increasing mod's size.


  1. Recon - scout and anti-stealth (available from the very beginning);
  2. Acolyte - main fighter;
  3. Mimic - stealth-spy;

Interesting, that while discussing the Russian translation of Acolyte based on its role, happening on homeworld3.ru, I've came to conclusion that it's not a pure anti-fighter interceptor, and not a bomber, but a heavy fighter, somewhat of IL-2 Shturmovik. And, interesting fact, that in NATO classification IL-2 is "Bark", and IL-10 is "Beast", the plane's modification with a backseat shooter. Sounds pretty close to the names of ex-"Barking Dog Studios", the developer of HWC, and it's arch-nemesis, isn't it? What a fine coincidence!


  1. ACV - very heavy anti-fighter (guess, need to triple health, double the damage and leave the speed the same);
  2. Cruiser missile - anti-capital kamikaze;


  1. Heavy Tug - salvage frigate (available as a basic frigate chassis example);
  2. Hive Frigate - originally, anti-fighter, this frigate will be anti-capital now: first, because of missing drone logic in HW2, second, because of swarmers are too small to have brains. Now hive frigate will deploy mines. With frontal double plasma it would make it interesting anti-capital ship. Or... It can salvage in a Vaygr Infiltrator Frigate way, but I like the 1st option more, as there is a salvage frigate already;
  3. MBF - anti-capital frigate or, as there will be Hive as anti-capital, it can be pulsar frigate;


  1. Carrier - classic;
  2. Destroyer - HW1 style Semi-Destroyer;
  3. Dreadnought - HW1 style Heavy Cruiser with features;


  1. Worker - resource collector and salvager (available from the very beginning);
  2. Processor - resource controller (available from the very beginning);
  3. Probe - there is a model of bot, that was used for Taiidani start mission in HW1, and as it was decided that this is Kushani guys who suffered, then this bot was used in Cataclysm opening scene. Probably, it could be used as probe, as well, or some kind of a sensor.

Microships | Platforms

  1. Leech - salvage machine;
  2. Sentinel - guardian;

Salvagers are big part of the Beast fleet :)


Research is very straight: you build factory (analogue of it), get access to researches of ships (each research makes one ship) in price of it's original - in HWC you had to retire ship to get to production of it. When you salvage ship, you get research of it. When you capture carrier, you get access to the fighter/corvettes researches. Probably, nothing more the frigate can't be researched.

There is description on the Beast ships that they are tougher but slower. I think, at first ships will be usual ones, but the Beast will have upgrade on whole ship section that would increase class health and restoration rate, but decrease it speed (like the Beast mass is feeding from reactor energy). So user will have to think if he wants speed or toughness.

And if we believe in a Human_Brain_Centric_Theory, all the autobots - leech, sentinel, probe - are kinda out of usage: but this could be the highest rank researches, like the Beast started to split itself into small selfies in a size of mice brains.

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