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Report RSS The Pitch. Homeworld2: Taiidani Mod

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HW TDN Headers


  1. Intro
  2. Strike Craft
    1. Fighters
    2. Corvettes
  3. Capital Ships
    1. Frigates
    2. Super-Capitals
  4. Platforms
    1. Defenders
    2. Generators
  5. Utility Ships
    1. Research Ships
    2. Resources
    3. Support Corvettes
    4. Reconnaissance
  6. Research
  7. Emergency Pilots
  8. Conclusions
  9. Links


  • 10.03.24 - minor fixes


This idea was born a long time ago, when there was original HW2 with no Taiidans present and nobody knew how to correctly insert this HW1 race into a new game design system. So, due to HW2 better mod support, mod fever has begun, but still there were no worthy candidate for Taiidan Fleet recreation, in my eyes. Probably, FX: Galaxy or A Homeworld Universe Mod have done the most successful attempts, but still something essential was wrong there. So, I wanted to create this, and even started a mod development which has died fast due to my incompetence.

In years, HWRM has completed this task of bringing together HW1 and HW2 races. But still, despite the talks of required source code to recreate stuff as it was - HW1 campaign felt like HW2 mod or DLC. So I never stop wondering what were the real political issues behind abandoning the remaster of "Homeworld Cataclysm" a.k.a. "Emergence". Though it would be nice to have a remaster of the game with the game design that has influenced all the next installments in HW series.

As well, HWRM multiplayer has simply mashed-up HW1 races and HW2 races, that were built on a different game design ideas thus creating a Frankenstein. Of course, there is possibility to have only HW2 and HW1 races battle, but there is no big balance in mashup. And in my humble opinion, races are comparable, but there 2 major problems: the first is about the strike craft and their squads, and the second is about the capital ships, with incorrect comparison by names not by stats.

Basically, the first problem could have been solved by defining 2 states of squadron building: HW1 - units one-by-one, and HW2 - units in squads, which would led to defining squad numbers, limits and prices for all the races 2 times, which I believe would be a small price for a better game balance. And the second problem, as it was told already is about the correct comparison, and might be solved by disabling shipyards in HW1-style game, while having nothing to offer for HW1 races in HW2-style game.... But all this will be discussed a bit later.

So in this pitch I will introduce my ideas how the Taiidan Fleet could look like within the HW2 game design. But as HW1 factions were almost the same by stats, as well I will discuss all the spaceships and their possible transitions on the HW2 game design rails.

Actually, it was written long time ago in this article, but here it's a little bit more structured and w/o salvage and fire control frigates and Super Nova research station as a shipyard replacement to call for Taiidan Republic Nomad Moon :)

Strike Craft

Before going into the rush with making squads of Taiidan fighters and corvettes, we need to check what HW2 originally had, so we could compare, so we could have "golden" example. Like in Blizzard's WarCraft3 it was Human faction that was used to check the overall balance.

So, here will be the list with HW2 strike craft costs with additional division to see how much each unit might cost.


  • Scouts: 350 / 3 = 115
  • Interceptors: 500 / 5 = 100
  • Bombers: 550 / 5 = 110
  • Gunships: 625 / 3 = 210
  • Minelayers: 800


  • Survey Scout: 350/3 = 115
  • Assault Craft: 500 / 7 = 70
  • Lance Fighter: 500 / 5 = 100
  • Bombers: 550 / 6 = 90
  • Missile Corvettes: 625 / 4 = 155
  • Laser Corvettes: 650 / 4 = 160
  • Minelayers: 800
  • Command Corvette: 400

So, we can see, that HW2 game designer(s) were aiming for the following prices:

  • Scouts: 350, small squad;
  • Interceptors (anti-strike craft): 500;
  • Bombers (anti-capital craft): 550;
  • Corvettes: 625/650;
  • Minelayers: 800;
  • Special Corvettes: 400

Strike Craft: Fighters

So, now let's think about Taiidan conversion to HW2 system.

Before we go on, there are things that makes different. In HW1, as in usual RTS, there were general unit limit for each class, and balancing happened counting overall value of each unit. In HW2 we have quite the same system, but now it includes squads. And as the counting is now in squads, it brings new scale for balancing - unit number in squad. Unit itself might be powerful, but if they have some disadvantages, would you spend low number of squads for the squad that is not that useful? So it may effect cost of the unit.

For example, scouts have EMP after upgrade, so that in numbers they can disable even frigate (or destroyer, if taken everything); they are speedy and farseeing. But, as they have only 3 units with low damage, they cost 350 and are used in support role positions. If we count in separate units, they cost more, but in squads they cost less as they are specific units.

Also different number for units in class can be counted as another one balance fine tuning (Vaygr vs. Hiigaran strike craft number).

Also talking about fighters, I wish to make HWC reference in researches for fighters: Fighter Drive research leads to Advanced Fighter Drive; Fighter Chassis leads to Advanced Fighter Chassis. But as the speed is now not affecting battle directly(dices, chances to hit... or I'm not right?) in HW2, having more of a strategical logistics value, I'm afraid that fighter armor upgrade would overpower TDN_fighters.

On the other hand, it can raise Taiidan Light Interceptors on the level of Vaygr Assault Craft; and for Taiidan Heavy Interceptors - they would start from Hiigaran Interceptor level to become superior, though not so fast. And planned upgrade is x1.3, not x1.5 of HWR (or even 2.5 for defender). Well, it have to be tested.

Light Interceptor (Scout)

HW1: 35; HWRM: 70;

Kushan Light InterceptorTaiidan Light Interceptor

In HWRM Scout was introduced in a same role of regular Hiigaran/Vaygr reconnaissance units, the idea of which was taken from HWC Somtaaw Recon. But original HW1 Scout (defined in source files and sketches as Light Interceptor) wasn't intended to act this way. There was nothing to search, as everything was shown on the radars (especially with Sensors Array), and gamers went on using scouts as resource war fighter: fast, cheap and quickly running away. Like zerling of StarCraft. So if we think in squads, then closest analogue will be Vaygr Assault Craft - cheap and high numbered.

So I think of returning Scouts their original name - Light Interceptor, it will be first battle craft of Taiidan Fleet after Fighter Engine research (well, we need to give time to H&V to build their factories). To follow canon, it will have faster engines then regular interceptors, and to compensate it will do less damage then Vaygr Assault Craft. Somewhat of Hit&Run fighters. Of course, it appears that with the same price they are weaker then VAC (that are weaker then Hiigarian Interceptors...), but they will have chance to run away with their special ability.

  • Price: 450/7
  • Role: enemy fighter blocker, resource war fighter

Heavy Interceptor (Interceptor)

HW1: 55; HWRM: 100;

Kushan Heavy InterceptorTaiidan Heavy Interceptor

In HW1 Interceptor was all-purpose fighter: you need to eliminate fighters? Done! Corvettes? Done! Frigates? Done! Destroyers? Well, umm, okey, done... In HWC with all-purpose Somtaaw Acolytes, that were mixture of an Interceptor and a Defender, in the very first mission you had a chance of exterminating a Carrier with a Heavy Cruiser. That's all because of HW1 "fair bullet system", where ships weren't playing dices: fighters were fast and maneuverable enough to get out of cannon sight, so they lived a lot longer then in HWRM.

In HW1R I refused to build anything but bombers for the Ghostship, as everything but the Heavy & Multigun Corvettes died in a blink of an eye (in previous missions). Probably, squad system was introduced as a possibility to make fighters live longer (also, to make control easier). Also, again it proves the concept of Hiigara presenting "the Civilization", as they have great number of frigates against the strike craft; and Vaygr presenting "the Barbarians" or pirate descendants over using strike craft. But let's get back to Taiidans.

If Taiidan Light Interceptor is to be lighter then Vaygr Assault Craft, then I want to make Taiidan Heavy Interceptor heavier then Hiigaran Interceptor. First of all, it's in its name - "Heavy Interceptor". Second, it's fucking Triikor, one of the most famous HW ship designs. And third, it should follow HW1 path. So, I'd him better attack against corvettes, so it would not beat them like Vaygr Lance Fighter, but it could hold enough, so the player is not shitting his pants seeing antifighter corvettes. But everything has its price...

  • Price: 550/5
  • Role: anti strike craft, fighter humiliator

Attack Bomber

HW1: 85; HWRM: 120;

Kushan Attack BomberTaiidan Attack Bomber

Well, this is one of the most standard units to recreate. Two options: Vaygr path or Hiigaran one, 6 vs. 5 squad system. I'd vote for 5, as Kushans (Hiigarans afterwards) copypasted Taiidans in Homeworld War. But this "Attack" thing make me think about some tactical advantages - not sure which ones, and do Taiidan need this anti-modular bombs research (is it required at all in the end)?

  • Price: 550/5
  • Role: anti capital fighter

Defense Fighter

HW1: 85; HWRM: 130;

Taiidan Defense Fighter SchemeTaiidan Defense Fighter

In HW1 Defense Fighter was eliminating projectiles - now only missiles. But we must admit that number of missiles in HW2 was increased significantly. Vaygrs use them very much - and Hiigarans have some torpedoes too. Taiidan/Kushan Missile Destroyer is also dangerous thing.

Taiidan Fleet suffer from reconnaissance unit absence. Well, as it's used purely for no attack, the same as scout, I would add him speed and sensor range: after all it looks like Soviet Sputnik. But it will be late game "Scout", as its research can be put only after Fighter Drive Research. By canon - it could be researched only after Fighter Chassis. At least, Enhanced Sensors could be added to him as a separate research, if possible, to have a better battlefield visibility.

And as well, as Taiidan Minelayer Corvette doesn't clean up mine fields, I believe this function should be added to the Taiidan Defence Fighter - a mine is a type of a missile after all...

  • Price: 350/3
  • Role: anti-missile support, recon

Kushan Cloaked Fighter

HW1: 85; HWRM: 130;

Kushan Cloaked Fighter SchemeKushan Cloaked Fighter

Of course, it's not a Taiidan ship, but I'd talk about it. Just got it in HWRM campaign and thought what shit it has become. In HW1 it was quite useless ship, as everything was done by more simple and cheap ships: Scouts did resource war, Interceptor did dogfighting, so initial role of a Kushan Cloaked Fighter was actually taken. It's advantage - permanent stealth (well, fuel was the reason to come back to base) wasn't so useful, as the radars already showed everything (+sensors array...), and spending a lot of resources for a hidden attack of not so fast fighter... Well, doesn't look interesting. Better to build 20 Scouts: speed burst, destroy resource base, and dock.

In HWC, due to fuel removal (HW2 has taken this feature also), Kushan Cloaked Fighter (Beast version) appeared with slooooowly going down cloaking bar. And as the radars have become less "seeing" - we've seen only our ships sensors ranges (HW2 has taken this feature also...) - the Kushan Cloaked Fighter became usable. Until Somtaaw developed some Advanced Sensors...

Now Kushan Cloaked Fighter is slow (bomber-like), low-damage (scout-like), and expensive. What are the advantages? Well, a short time of cloak! So, it won't be like you send them to the operation and enable stealth-mode - no, you have to enable it directly before enemy. WTF?! So, reconnaissance and resource war role is not for Kushan Cloaked Fighter anymore. What's left? Is it a good fighter? Low damage shows that it's not. Well, maybe it's likely to live more with stealth enabled - it shows up in attack, then disappear, enemy fighter don't aim, and when they do it's too late already...

I really don't know what could be done with it. It should be speeded up, or stealth ability raised, or damage raised (like F117) or else. Well, if it would be fighter similar to interceptor but with permanent invisibility on secondary sensors (and shown on primary sensors - "eye contact"), then it would already become nice covert ops unit. Or else. Maybe HW3 style - a Bomber with Stealth. Maybe exactly here we would need an anti-modular research, to make a sabotage.

  • Price: 550/5
  • Role: covert-fighter, resource war fighter

Strike Craft: Corvettes

Light Corvette

HW1: 135; HWRM: 225;

Kushan Light CorvetteTaiidan Light Corvette

I believe that this corvette should become fighter killer. Like the Light Interceptor, it's the first machine made with Corvette Drive, so it has to have lower armor, lower damage than average corvette, but fast enough to have no mercy for Bombers running away. It will be good enough to fight Interceptors as well.

Main role of this craft is to counter Fighter class. Also, same as Taiidan Light Interceptor, they should be successful in sabotaging enemy resource base.

To compensate weak armor, there will be 4 units in squad.

  • Price: 625/4
  • Role: resource war fighter, counter-fighter, bomber humiliator

Heavy Corvette

HW1: 240; HWRM: 285;

Kushan Heavy CorvetteTaiidan Heavy Corvette

Taiidan Heavy Corvettes must be good against Corvettes and Frigates, something like Hiigaran Pulsar Corvettes and Vaygr Laser Corvettes.

To follow idea of a "fat bastard" it should be a little slower and tougher then a usual corvette, but it's a right choice for big fish hunters.

  • Price: 650/3
  • Role: anti-corvette, anti-capital (anti-frigate)

Multigun Corvette

HW1: 225; HWRM: 300;

Taiidan Multigun CorvetteKushan Multigun Corvette

Clearly this is an anti-fighter thing, the Grammaton Cleric of the Corvette class. This is a little bit more anti-fighter corvette, so price is a little bit higher.

  • Price: 650/3
  • Role: Fighter class humiliator


HW1: 275; HWRM: 275;

Taiidan Minelayer CorvetteKushan Minelayer Corvette

Well, a classic Minelayer Corvette. In HW2 the price is 800 RU/unit, so I see not reason why it should be 340RU/unit for Taiidans (though, it's a bit high anyway). If it was weakened then it must be strengthened back to regular stats. It's a pity that this minelayer unlike H&V versions can't shoot down mines, so I believe a Taiidan Defence Fighter should gain this ability... Or add such possibility to Taiidan Minelayer Corvette - like there's some hacking device onboard or some microwave gun hidden in the nose or else - whelp, according to the lore, this hull initially was meant for the Taiidan Electronic Warfare Corvette...

  • Price: 800/1
  • Role: anti-capital

Capital Ships


If we check the original stats of HW2 we'd see this kind of picture:


  • Frigates: 700
  • Defense Field Frigate: 1250
  • Destroyers: 2000
  • Battlecruiser: 4000
  • Carriers: 2800
  • Shipyards: 3500


  • Assault Frigates: 650
  • Heavy Missile Frigate: 700
  • Infiltrator Frigate: 800
  • Battlecruiser: 4000
  • Destroyers: 2000
  • Carriers: 1700
  • Shipyards: 4000

So, we can see, that HW2 game designer(s) were aiming for the following prices:

  • Frigates: ~700
  • Special Frigates: 1250
  • Destroyers: 2000
  • Carriers: depends, 1700+
  • Shipyards: ~4000
  • Battlecruisers: 4000

Hit Points & Destroyers

If we compare HW1 & HW2 stats, we can see that capital class ships hit points for frigates are on the same level. Problem appears when we compare destroyers and cruisers: in HW1 scheme HW2 destroyer would be counted as a cruiser, and vice versa - only, HW1 destroyer would be counted as something of a light destroyer.

  • Frigate HP: ~15k
  • Carrier HP: ~80k
  • HW1 Destroyer HP: ~40k
  • HW2 Destroyer HP: 85k
  • HW1 Heavy Cruiser HP: 90k
  • HW2 Battlecruiser HP: 240k

So, I wonder if it is possible to make new HW2 Hiigaran Heavy Destroyer?..

Kushan Heavy CruiserHiigaran Destroyer by David Cheong

Destroyer engines, one ion cannon on the nose, second on a belly, and massive build up on sides - for the 2x3 heavy guns… Maybe not so powerful for balance, maybe not so fast as Destroyer, but it would be the ancestor of the Kushan Heavy Cruiser

Destroyer concept by Talros

Capital Ships: Frigates

Assault Frigate

HW1: 575; HWRM: 800;

Taiidan Assault FrigateKushan Assault Frigate

Standard frigate stats, has not so clearly defined role: it has large mass drivers and the plasma bomb launchers. It more like frigate to kill everything in his sight: from corvettes till capital ships, where it's taken over by an Ion Frigate.

  • Price: 700
  • Role: anti-corvette, anti-frigate

Ion Frigate

HW1: 650; HWRM: 900;

Taiidan Ion FrigateKushan Ion Frigate

The same as the the Hiigaran Ion Frigate. Just the hit points are lower - as it was in HW1: 15k instead of usual frigate 16k.

Also, I didn't want to make ion cannon research, as it would need to make cross class research - from frigates to capital ship, as the destroyers are using ion cannons. Well, Hiigarans don't have any research for ion cannons, they just own this tech. The same with the Taiidans: so, the Frigate Chassis Research opens two ship at once. These should be regular ships for the Taiidan Fleet!

  • Price: 700
  • Role: anti-capital

Support Frigate

HW1: 425; HWRM: 800;

Taiidan Support FrigateKushan Support Frigate

Well, this ship is functional in HWRM, so no extra functionality required to be imagined: heal and support.

  • Price: 650
  • Role: support, heal

Defense Field Frigate

HW1: 800; HWRM: 900;

Taiidan Defense Field Frigate SchemeTaiidan Defense Field Frigate

I'd say this is very specialized frigate, so I'd set for it the same price Hiigaran Defense Field Frigate has.

  • Price: 1250
  • Role: support

Kushan Drone Frigate

HW1: 800; HWRM: 900;

Kushan Drone Frigate SchemeKushan Drone Frigate

I'd say this is very specialized frigate, so I'd set for it the same price Hiigaran Defense Field Frigate has.

  • Price: 1250
  • Role: anti-fighter?

Capital Ships: Super-Capitals


HW1: 2000; HWRM: 3000;

Taiidan CarrierKushan Carrier

Her hit-points should be 72k instead of Hiigaran 80k, as these are HW1 stats; also its cost is 3000 RU, as there's no need for Taiidan to build modules, which is good and bad same time.

Carriers should be available for construction immediately after the Capital Drive Research as the other race get carrier already after capital ship facility is built up.

  • Price: 3000
  • Role: production

Light Destroyer

HW1: 1350; HWRM: 2500;

Taiidan Light DestroyerKushan Light Destroyer

By HW1 classification it's a regular Destroyer. But comparing with the Hiigaran and Vaygr Destroyers, they are dwarfs. So I'd make a new capital ship class - Light Destroyers, with original HW1 hit points, but the Frigate armor (Medium), to make them easier to kill. Max number of them is 10 (as far I remember it's the maximum number of them you could have in HW1 - both native and captured).

To build a Light Destroyer you'd need to research an additional Light Destroyer Chassis - hull, actually. It was needed as the Light Destroyer would be to easy to get to: only after Capital Ship Drive, and it is unacceptably fast.

  • Price: 1500
  • Role: anti-capital

Light Missile Destroyer

HW1: 1500; HWRM: 2000;

Taiidan Missile Light DestroyerKushan Missile Light Destroyer

Basically, the same thing as the Light Destroyer, but with missiles. I'd even make it available for construction in the same manner as the Assault/Ion Frigates: you research a Light Destroyer Chassis, and you'd get both the same time, same price as TLD and TLMD have different targets.

  • Price: 1500
  • Role: anti-strikecraft

Heavy Destroyer

HW1: 3700; HWRM: 4500;

Taiidan Heavy DestroyerKushan Heavy Destroyer

Ex-Heavy Cruiser. But now both Destroyers and Cruisers have grown up, and comparing HW1 sizes with the HW2, Heavy Cruiser is to be moved to the Destroyers league, with 90k of hit points (original HW1 stats, compare with HW2 destro's - 85k).

I've decided to rename original Heavy Guns Research as Heavy Destroyer Chassis to make it in line with the other researches, and to have possibilities for further upgrades, for example, there could be Heavy Plasma Guns Research to get HWC version of a ship. Or missile version. Even more, if we develop this idea we can create such Frankenstein's monsters as Taiidan Light Plasma Destroyers and so on… But that's a question for modders, how far want they to go.

So, THD will have damageable turrets and it will be a little bit slower than usual destroyer.

The price - about 3000: costs more than a usual destroyer, but not enough to be compared with BC price.

  • Price: 3000
  • Role: anti-capital

Platforms: Defenders

These ones are the progenitors for the platforms class. So, without doubts I place it there.

Luckily, there was a light version of a Defender with only two guns. Thus we'd have a Light Defender and a Heavy Defender, which goes in line with all the Taiidan research tree.

If we look at the research tree, we realize that the Defenders tech can be placed on any engine, it has no chassis, the main tech is the Defender Sub-Systems. But, to save the link with HW1, I decided to make them movable – to save the defenders role and tactics as the bodyguards of some capital ship like a carrier.

As an option, they might be located in the same Fighter class tier, but they should have a separate counter.

As well, no one forbids us to have Plasma Guns research to have anti-capital version of the Defender.

Light Defender

HW1: X; HWR: X;

Taiidan Light DefenderKushan Light Defender

  • Price: 400/4
  • Role: anti-fighter

Heavy Defender

HW1: 65; HWRM: 120;

Kushan Heavy DefenderTaiidan Heavy Defender

  • Price: 500/4
  • Role: anti-strikecraft

Platforms: Generators

Cloak & Gravity Well generators are modules in HW2, actually, so I was thinking for a long time, what to do with them, in what class to put. Finally, I’ve noticed, that vaygr have HS Gate Generator, and I’ve put all the generators to the platform class.

Like defenders they can move all the time, but their health is reduced. Both generator number is reduced to 4, and it’s the new class (4 of one, 4 of second), actually, like HSG generator, available in count of 4. No 2nd upgrades available.

Cloak Generator

HW1: 500; HWR: X;

So, HW2TP price is: X, role: support;

GravWell Generator

HW1: 800; HWR: X;

So, HW2TP price is: X, role: support;

Utility Ships: Research

Research ship

HW1: 700; HWR: X;

Ship needed for the researches;

So, HW2TP price is: 700, role: support;

Utility Ships: Resources

Resource Collector

HW1: 650; HWR: X;

So, HW2TP price is: 650, role: support;

One purpose ship: resource collection. Limited to 10 ships. Quite hard to kill because of good hit-points. Quite a good pair with weaponless controller.

Resource Controller

HW1: 680; HWR: X;

Usual RC, mb, it should have little bit more health, as it has no weaponry.

So, HW2TP price is: 680, role: support;

Utility Ships: Support Corvettes

As these should be built one-by-one, thus occupying corvette squads slots, they should be moved to "utility" class: for example, marine frigate could be 4 of 21 to be successful; 1 to capture frigate (1/21); in case of salvette/repaircorv, it is 2 (1/7), not so fair, especially if we allow to have the same number of salvettes/repaircorvs (14) thus occupying all corvette slots.

Of course, it can be found in the same fighter class tier, but they should have a separate counter.

Salvage Corvette

HW1: 220; HWR: 250;

So, HW2TP price is: 250/1, role: texas-hold-em;

Repair Corvette

HW1: 150; HWR: 250;

Included in “support ship” group (max=20); both corvette are reassigned into utility as, first, they wasn’t actually combat ships; second, both ship abilities now owns H&V resource collector.

So, HW2TP price is: 250/1, role: repairer;

Utility Ships: Reconnaissance


HW1: 30; HWR: X;

Usual probe; max = 10;

So, HW2TP price is: X, role: recon;

Proximity Sensor

HW1: 50; HWR: X;

Usual proximity sensor. max = 10.

So, HW2TP price is: X, role: recon;

Sensor array

HW1: 800; HWR: X;

Ship that have all kind of sensors inside (HS, cloak, advanced - just with different range), replaces all sensors modules. With research ship are counted as “science ships” and maximum number of it is 10.

So, HW2TP price is: X, role: recon;


And what about the research?

Well, I've been thinking of taking HW1 research tree and mix it with HW2, making Taiidans something between Hiigarians and Vaygr. Main idea was to have no modules, but through research to compensate time that is required for other races to build same type vessel, to balance it well. Taiidans would have only one gate to a vessel - research, which can be both advantage and bottleneck. Hiigarians are more about modules - factories and advanced research modules to created, which requires more construction, but also can be done in parallel. And Vaygr are more about research but still about modules and factories. So, theoretically we can have another race that would rely only on building modules - Beast, Somtaaw, no?..

Well, concepts below included Defense Fighter as a Recon replacement, added Electronic Warfare Corvette - Anticommand Corvette (low down enemy precision, add sensors distortion), Salvage Frigate and Fire Control Frigate, and Nova Research Station to call for Nomad Moon and open 2nd tier per-ship armor and speed upgrades. Also, there was an idea of making 1st tier common upgrade like Vaygr have, and 2nd tier - per ship, like Hiigarians. And of course, no 2nd tier engines for Taiidans, but upgraded armor a.k.a. advanced chassis - yes, like in Cataclysm. And Sensor Array to be really every sensor type combo.

So, I've fixed a little bit old diagrams (you can find some old data sheets in HW2TP download files), to remove extra stuff - anyway, currently these can only serve as starting point for modifying existing Taiidans implementation, if anyone cares.

HW2TP Fighters Research

HW2TP Corvettes Research

HW2TP Frigates Research

HW2TP Utility Research

HW2TP Platforms

HW2TP Capital Research

As well, there was an idea to assign Heavy Destroyer (a.k.a. Qwaar Jet) to Advanced Capital Ship Chassis research, but everything has to be tested and counted - how much time and money ideally it would take to get to the technology, and so on.

And yes, as well, history has saved also the picture below. Why there is difference in numbers - I don't know already, need to dig in.

HW2 Taiidani Capital Ships Researches

Emergency Pilots

What if we think about the Cataclysmic integration...

Well, pilot management gives us another dimension of planning to play with, but it can modify some existing balance - well, Support Units are the same Resource Units, but in different currency! For example, Vaygr high number of units in squads would mean higher number of SU's required. This can be solved by defining some average SU cost per squad, and then dividing it by ship number. Like, if we set that Hiigarian Interceptor Squad costs 15 SU, then per unit it would cost 3 SU; in case of Vaygr it would cost 15/7, ~2 SU per unit. Anyway this should be decided upon the testing results.

In the table below I've tried to think over the SU costs, based on Homeworld: Cataclysm stats. As well, I've tried to add some squad SU calculations, assuming certain numbers of ships in squads. Of course, everything is discussable, and this table might be a good point to start the discussion.

HW2TP SU Distribution Concept


That kind of ideas had been circulating in my head quite long time ago (writing this in 2021). And currently I'm not planning to return back to HW2 modding, so if you had an interest in the upmentioned ideas, then you're free to use it - even more, I'd appreciate if these are not lost in vain. But anyway it's not really that important for me anymore, so if you had some fun or nostalgia reading this article, then it's great already :)


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