Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Family Reunion is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. It takes place in Balmora in the region of Vvardenfell. It is the final main quest for Balmora. You must find out what exactly happened to Ulran Releth, and eventually stop Veya from making rash decisions.


  1. Meet Veya near the Hlormaren Stronghold
  2. Search for Redoran Orders
  3. Talk to Vatola Telem
  4. Find the Cell Key
  5. Talk to Vatola Telem
  6. Find Veya in Balmora
  7. Investigate the Redoran Kinhouse
  8. Talk to Naryu Virian
  9. Meet Naryu at the Redoran Garrison
  10. Enter the Redoran Garrison
  11. Find Captain Brivan
  12. Talk to Naryu Virian
  13. Stop Veya
  14. Talk to High Councilor Meriath
  15. Talk to Naryu Virian
  16. Return to the Morag Tong Safe-House


Nycotic Impalings

Corporal Darvel.

Veya wants to find out what soldiers were at Ulran's trial. You tell her Vatola Telem's team were there, at Hlormaren Stronghold. Once you meet Veya by the Stronghold, look around for clues as to where the soldiers may be. You'll find Corporal Darvel impaled behind a building. When you enter, you find Vatola Telem, who is trapped in a cage. Veya has a chat with him whilst you go look for the key to the cage, but when you return, Veya is gone.

Family Reunion City on Lockdown

City patrols.

Vatola tells you that he told Veya the truth about Ulran's trial, and she ran off to Balmora. Go there, and ask Naryu what the uproar in town is. Once you talk to her, you find out that Veya is after Captain Brivan, and killed every Redoran Soldier in her way, leaving the innocents unharmed. Investigate the Redoran Kinhouse, in which Brivan was absent, but a Small Note was. Go outside and speak to Naryu, after you've spoken to Brivan's wife.

You must now find your way inside the Redoran Garrison, and fight your way through Warclaw Mercenaries, killing Warclaw Ferhara at the end. Captain Brivan will appear, demanding an explanation. Once you speak to him, you find out that Veya's Father had the lead roll in Ulran's death, which leads to Veya assassinating Brivan, and chasing after her own father to kill him in a moment of madness. After reaching Veya, she'll have already killed her father, and now you must defeat her. Once you defeat Veya, High Cancellor Meriath will enter, and allow you and Naryu to escape the scene, creating an alibi for all the deaths.

Family Reunion Veya Spared

Hideout with spared Veya.

Veya, defeated, looked dead to the Chancellor, but was still breathing. It's now your choice to let Naryu kill her swiftly, or take her to the Abandoned Cellar and send her far away after she's healed. Go to the Abandoned Cellar, and speak to Naryu. This will let you finish the quest.


  • 1 Skill Point
  • Morag Tong Head Tattoo
  • Morag Tong Body Tattoo
  • 73–302 Gold